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Toronto, Canada: Chinese Quit the CCP on the 20th Anniversary of the Publication of the Nine Commentaries

Oct. 6, 2024 |   By a Falun Dafa practitioner in Toronto

(Minghui.org) After the Nine Commentaries on the Communist Party (also known as the Nine Commentaries) was published on November 19, 2004, many people saw the true nature of the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) and decided to distance themselves from it and its affiliated organizations. More than 436 million Chinese people renounced their memberships in the CCP and its youth organizations the Youth League and the Young Pioneers.

As the 20th anniversary of the publication of the Nine Commentaries nears, Falun Dafa practitioners continue to encourage Chinese people to quit the CCP organizations at tourist sites or by phone calls.

Stay Away from Danger

When a practitioner called China, a man answered and immediately agreed to sever ties with the CCP because he said he knew the Party wasn’t good. As they continued talking, the man said, “I want to buy guns and lead some people to kill those corrupt officials.”

The practitioner told the man not to do that. She said she knew he suffered a lot but did not want him to risk his life. She explained that if more people quit the Party, the regime would collapse. “Would that work?” the man asked.

“Of course!” the practitioner replied. “The CCP is not a person. It is an organization composed of the Party, Youth League, and Young Pioneers. Just like a brick house, when the bricks are pulled out one by one, the house will eventually collapse.”

The man agreed. The practitioner suggested he tell others to quit the CCP organizations, that they could write a short announcement using their real names or a pseudonym and post it on a bulletin board or an electrical pole. Heaven would see it and the Party would soon collapse.

The practitioner also urged the man to remember, “Falun Dafa is good, Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance is good.” She said that many people were blessed after saying these words. The man agreed and extended his thanks.

A College Student from a Military Family

A college student answered a practitioner's phone call. When the practitioner mentioned quitting the CCP, the girl said this was going against China. The practitioner asked her to listen and decide if what she said was against China or for China.

The practitioner told her that, beginning with the Anti-Rightist Campaign and going on to the Great Leap Forward movement, the Cultural Revolution, the Tiananmen Square Massacre, and the persecution of Falun Dafa, the Party has killed over 80 million Chinese and destroyed China’s traditional values. “Is the CCP good for China?” the practitioner asked. The girl said it was not.

The practitioner explained that is why people want to separate themselves from the CCP to be safe. The girl said she understood and said she’d joined the Youth League and Young Pioneers but was not yet a Party member.

After the girl agreed to the quit the two youth organizations she’d joined, two students next to her said they also wanted to quit. The girl said she was from a military family and her grandparents and parents were military officers. “This is great,” the practitioner said. “It’s important to protect our country—even a girl like Mulan did so in ancient China. Many of your family members may be Party members and you can ask them to quit the CCP organizations.” The girl agreed.

When the practitioner sang the song, “Falun Dafa Is Good,” the girl said she liked it very much and she recorded it. She said she would listen to it often and share it.

Interest in Learning Falun Dafa

The march in Toronto supported those who’d quit the CCP. Before it started, a mother and her son from China saw the banner, “Only by Returning to Tradition and Guarding Kindness Can Mankind Have Hope.” They agreed with the sentiment and took a photo of it.

A practitioner told them about Falun Dafa and that the practice has spread to more than 100 countries around the world but is suppressed only in China. She said the so-called Tiananmen self-immolation was staged by the CCP to defame Falun Dafa. It has been confirmed by experts to be fake. The United Nations has affirmed that the CCP’s persecution of Falun Dafa is an act of state terrorism. By destroying moral values, the CCP caused chaos in China.

The harm is not limited to that, explained the practitioner. When one joins the Young Pioneers in elementary school and the Youth League in secondary school, one is required to raise one’s fist and vow to dedicate his or her life to the Party. This is why it’s important to renounce one’s membership in these organizations. The mother and son agreed to do so using pseudonyms.

The practitioner said she is about 50 and has not needed any medications over the past 30 years because she practices Falun Dafa. The mother and son were interested and asked where they could buy a copy of Zhuan Falun and where the nearest practice site was.

Conversations at a Tourist Site

A practitioner talked to a Chinese couple and their 20-year-old daughter on Toronto’s waterfront pier. After hearing about Falun Dafa and the persecution in China, the father said he knew the CCP was terrible. The practitioner explained why millions of Chinese have withdrawn from the CCP organizations for a safe future. The father and daughter agreed, while another practitioner chatted with the mother, who said she also wanted to quit.

Another man came over and said he’d joined the Youth League and Young Pioneers, but not the Party. He said he was not interested in politics. The practitioner explained that the CCP harms and kills people even if they try to stay out of politics. Therefore, one needs to choose a side during this battle between good and evil. The man nodded and said he wanted to quit the CCP organizations.

When another couple walked by, a practitioner asked if they’d heard about quitting the CCP organizations. The man said some of his relatives practice Falun Dafa. The wife smiled and said, “Yes, we’ve both quit the Party organizations. Thank you.”