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Cultivating My Heart in Falun Dafa and Saving People

Oct. 6, 2024 |   By Xinlian, a Falun Dafa practitioner in Hebei Province, China

(Minghui.norg) I am a veteran practitioner who began Falun Dafa cultivation practice in 1996. I suffered from tracheitis, asthma, and rhinitis for about 15 years before I stepped into Dafa cultivation. I went to several well-known doctors and tried many folk remedies, but none of them restored my health. After practicing Falun Gong (also called Falun Dafa), all the symptoms disappeared within a month. I became agile when walking, and while riding a bicycle it felt as if someone was pushing me. Master opened my third eye, and I could see scenes in other dimensions, such as the rotation of the Falun, the ladder to heaven, and colorful graphics. The sun also looked like a big round blue disk.

Miracles Experienced When I First Started Practicing Dafa

Falun Dafa has the miraculous effects of curing disease and keeping fit. When I watched the video of Master’s third lecture, a lump as big as an egg yolk appeared on my left leg. By the time I had watched the eighth lecture, it was gone. Master had eliminated a piece of karma for me.

Another time, I fell when riding a bicycle, resulting in an inch-long gash in my palm. I didn’t think about it at all, and it was healed by the next day.

I also had physical discomforts, such as a runny nose and a fever that reached 104 degrees. I knew that these were illness karma, and I was eliminating this karma. I elevated quickly in my cultivation and reached an illness-free state.

I saw Master in my dream. Master said, “Come to class at eight o’clock tomorrow.” Master’s words still encourage me. I also had a dream in which Master was meditating. He tested me to see which course I would choose. I chose Master’s course.

This was how I embarked on the path of Dafa cultivation early on. Master removed a possession from me. Fellow practitioners and I studied the Fa and did the exercises together. I told my relatives and friends about the beauty of Dafa and its miraculous effects of curing disease and keeping fit.

Validating Dafa and Saving People

Jiang Zemin and the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) began to persecute Falun Dafa on July 20, 1999. Programs were broadcast on television that slandered Falun Gong. When I went to Beijing to appeal for Falun Gong I was stopped along the way, so I went to the provincial government instead. Fourteen trucks arrived there at noon. The police kicked and pushed us into the trucks.

When CCTV broadcast the “Tiananmen self-immolation,” I knew it was fake as soon as I heard it. So I said to people, “We are good people and we care about being healthy. Why would we ‘self-immolate’? Zhuan Falun, the main book of Falun Dafa, teaches us to be good. The ‘Tiananmen Self-Immolation’ is fake.”

Some people didn’t believe that the CCP would lie. I said, “They fabricated the self-immolation case to confuse people and make people hate Falun Gong. Think about it. Is there anything wrong with Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance?” They said no.

The Epoch Times published the Nine Commentaries on the Communist Party in 2004. I began to distribute it and urged people to quit the CCP, Youth League, and Young Pioneers. I told them to remember, “Falun Dafa is good, Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance is good.” I distributed truth-clarification materials to every house. I typically got 20 to 30 people to quit the CCP and its organizations every day. Now most people know that Dafa is good.

Experiencing the Goodness of Dafa

A person’s grandson was not breathing on the third day after birth, and the hospital wanted the mother and the baby discharged. I walked over to them and told them to recite, “Falun Dafa is good, Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance is good.” The baby’s grandmother and family members began to recite, and so did I. The child exhaled a breath, and the grandmother was very happy. I hurriedly put a Dafa truth-clarification amulet on the baby. They went to the provincial hospital afterwards, and the child recovered and is now in high school.

A middle-aged woman was sitting on the ground on the side of the road. I asked her what was wrong. She said she could not lift her arms. I asked her to recite, “Falun Dafa is good, Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance is good,” and I recited it with her. I asked Master to save her. A while later, I asked her if she could raise her arms. She managed to do it slowly. I then clarified the truth to her about Falun Dafa.

Sometimes when I distributed truth-clarifying materials, people took the initiative to get more, and helped me distribute them to the people around them. Some said, “The Communist Party is finished,” when they took the materials.

Experiencing Tribulations

One day I fell off my husband’s motorcycle and fractured my right leg. The bones were exposed, and my husband took me to the hospital. The doctor said I needed surgery, which would cost about 5,000 yuan. I said to my husband, “Let’s go home. I trust Dafa and Master.” After returning home, I persisted in studying the Fa and doing the exercises, and my leg soon recovered.

Once while cooking for my son, I experienced gas poisoning. I passed out as I walked out the door. My daughter heard the sound of my fall and rushed over. She found me lying unconscious on the ground. I stayed on the balcony overnight for fresh air and was fine the next day. Master protected me!

My period suddenly became abundant one autumn. I reacted with human notions, thinking it was time for menopause. The evil took advantage of it. I had no appetite and was emaciated in two weeks. Then, one day after I returned from picking up the child, my stomach started to hurt when I got upstairs. It was so painful that I started sweating profusely. I couldn’t sit still or lie down. I kept sending forth righteous thoughts to dismantle the evil spirits. I believed these symptoms were not real. Half an hour later, my stomach no longer hurt.

On my son’s insistence I went to the hospital. I was told I had a uterine tumor. A second hospital found that the tumor was cancerous. My family took me to an authoritative hospital in Beijing. They found that the cancer cells had not spread, and the tumor could be surgically removed. I had the surgery. On the operating table, I kept reciting, “Falun Dafa is good, Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance is good.” I didn’t feel any pain in the ward. I was discharged from the hospital within ten days.

Afterwards, I went to the Falun Dafa practice site to study the Fa and did not regard it as an illness. At that time, I didn’t know about looking inward to find my attachment. All I knew was to study the Fa more, but I rarely did the exercises.

I now know how to look inward and compare myself to the standards of the Fa when encountering problems. When Master saw that I knew how to cultivate, he displayed a big “Happy” and “Falun Dafa is good” to encourage me.

Improving Xinxing in Interactions with Others

The word “awakening” once appeared in front of me when I was sending forth righteous thoughts.

I opened the book Essentials for Further Advancement and carefully read Master’s piece titled “Awakening” twice. I realized that we practitioners are one body and we have all overcome great difficulties. I also enlightened that the deities in the universe respect each other. There is no such thing as I will look down on you if you are lower, or I will be jealous of or compliment you if you are higher.

After realizing this, I was able to improve my xinxing and treat the fellow practitioners around me correctly. I eliminated incorrect notions of hierarchy and authority. Rather than using my own mirror to reflect the shortcomings of others, I took fellow practitioners around me as mirrors that reflected my shortcomings.

When we consider things from the group or one-body point of view, all kinds of human notions no longer exist. Things such as jealousy, fighting, zealotry, showing off, not accepting criticism, the attachment to flattery, and all other human attachments will self-destruct.

My attachments arose when conflicts occurred, especially those with my husband. I angrily fought with him and repeatedly nagged him about his shortcomings. I didn’t treat him as a sentient being, and didn’t show him compassion and tolerance. I just kept bringing forward my own feelings and insisting that I was right. I forced my understandings on others. I felt hurt when my attachments took control. I was being domineering.

To be domineering implies a fighting spirit. It is not kindness or tolerance. I had to eliminate it, disintegrate it, and use righteous thoughts to eliminate both it and all the toxins of the CCP. Master helped me get rid of my attachment to being domineering when he saw that I wanted to do so. When I was sending forth righteous thoughts, I felt this substance coming down from the top of my head. From then on, I no longer had such an attachment.

Now that the Fa-rectification is coming to an end, I want to fulfill the vows I made and go home with Master.