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My Experience of “Clarifying the Truth is the Master Key”

Oct. 6, 2024 |   By a Falun Dafa practitioner in China

(Minghui.org) Facing the Chinese Communist Party’s (CCP) persecution, I send righteous thoughts and clarify the truth about the persecution. With Master’s protection, I have escaped persecution multiple times and told many police officers the benefits of practicing Dafa. Through these experiences I saw what Master said:

“Clarifying the truth is the master key.” (“Fa Teaching Given at the 2003 Atlanta Fa Conference” in Collected Teachings Given Around the World Volume IV)

Police Officer Told Me to Be Careful

I took a train home from Shanghai in early 2019. As soon as I got on the train, two police officers came up to me. They knew my identity as soon as I bought the train ticket. They began searching my belongings, and soon found the electronic version of Dafa books in my tablet computer. When they took me off the train I asked them, “Do you know the regulations for police officers who make mistakes?” One of them asked why. I replied that the regulations state that if a police officer clearly executes an illegal order, he will be held accountable for life regardless of transfer, relocation, or retirement.

The officer who was closest to me said, “Is this from your Falun Gong?” I replied, “As a police officer, how can you enforce the law if you don’t even know the regulations on accountability for mistakes in law enforcement? That was formulated by [Chinese President] Xi Jinping for you.” He looked surprised.

When we arrived at the railway police duty room, someone connected my tablet to a computer to check it. I sat on the sofa with someone who looked like their leader, and I took the opportunity to clarify the truth to him. I said, “This government is really doing something incorrect. It ignores so many illegal and criminal matters, and only punishes those who are good people and follow Truthfulness, Compassion, and Forbearance. Isn’t it a good thing to have more good people? Why is the government afraid of good people?”

The head officer asked me, “What’s the matter with Falun Gong?” It seemed that he really didn’t understand the issue, so I told him, “Falun Gong requires practitioners to be good people according to the principles of Truthfulness, Compassion, and Forbearance.” He asked again what the principles were about. I told him, “Simply put, truthfulness means telling the truth, doing real things, cultivating one’s true nature, and not telling lies. Compassion means being kind to others, treating others well, and not doing evil things. Forbearance means being tolerant and forgiving when encountering conflicts. Don’t you think these are good things?” He said yes.

I continued, “Look at such a good and kind group, but the government wants to suppress and persecute them. Don’t you think this is sick?” He said yes. We chatted for a while, and he walked to the computer desk, asked the officer who was looking at the computer about the situation, and then said, “Find so-and-so and buy him a train ticket home.” When the man came, the head officer said, “Give him the ticket.”

Before I left, the head police officer told me, “Be careful when you leave. Come back if you have any problems.” I thanked him and told them that they must treat practitioners well in the future, and they would be blessed. In this way, by clarifying the truth, I disintegrated the persecution arranged by the old forces.

The Police Let Me Leave

My wife was arrested and sentenced for telling people about the persecution. I went to the provincial women’s prison to visit her, and I planned to take the train home. When I was about to board the train at the station, I was stopped by two plainclothes police officers who asked, “Is your last name Liu?” I said yes. They told me to go with them. I asked why. They just said to go with them. They took me to the railway staff’s duty room, a small room with a table. We sat across from each other at the table. They searched my luggage and found a small audio player I used to listen to Master’s teachings. A plainclothes officer said, “Do you know the government doesn’t allow people to practice Falun Gong?”

I said, “I know, but the CCP’s ban doesn’t mean that Falun Gong is illegal. Those who practice Falun Gong are all good people who follow Truthfulness, Compassion, and Forbearance. They are a group of people who are truly kind. It’s the CCP’s suppression of Falun Gong that is problematic.”

Another plainclothes officer asked me, “Do you believe in the Communist Party or Falun Gong?” “Of course I believe in Falun Gong,” I said firmly. He said I had to believe in the Communist Party. I continued, “The CCP’s persecution of Falun Gong is a mistake. It has done evil, and you still want me to believe in it. Is that possible?”

The two men saw that they couldn’t convince me. After discussing it, they stood up and told me to go with them. I asked where we were going. They said to the police station. I realized that they planned to take me away, so I quickly said, “I can’t go with you. I haven’t violated the law or committed any crime. Why should I go with you?”

The two plainclothes officers seemed surprised, looked at each other, and then tried to pull me. Seeing that they were being forceful, I had an idea—I would go to the police station to clarify the truth. I walked with them for about ten steps when I heard one of them saying, “Get on the train!” I was stunned for a moment and looked around. There was no other train except the one that was about to close its doors and leave. The plainclothes officer said again, “Hurry up and get on the train, the train is about to leave.” Only then did I realize that they wanted me to get on the train and go home.

“I Admire Your Belief”

I visited my wife, who was illegally imprisoned, in May 2018. I was seized by the train station police in the waiting room. They took my key, went to my house, took all the Dafa-related items, and took me to county’s detention center. I practiced the exercises when I got up in the morning, but the head inmate stopped me and swore at me. I sternly said, “I’m not committing a crime. You have no right to interfere with anything I do.”

When he saw that I refused to listen, he said ferociously, “Oh, you’re pretty tough. You aren’t a prisoner. Why are you here?” I said, “I was brought here because I’m a good person. I practice Falun Gong and we are being persecuted. I haven’t done anything illegal and I shouldn’t be here.”

He glared at me and said, “It’s useless to say anything else. I won’t let you practice the exercises today.” I told him he couldn’t control me. He was glared at me as if he was about to do something. I warned him not to touch me. Because I wasn’t afraid of him, he kept cursing but didn’t do anything. I continued to practice the exercises.

The police patrolled the cells each morning. The director stood at the door and called me over. He said, “The government doesn’t allow Falun Gong to be practiced. You can’t go against the government. You have to obey.” I said, “It’s not that the government doesn’t allow Falun Gong to be practiced. It’s Jiang Zemin who abused his power and used all the state’s machinery to persecute Falun Gong.”

He said, “You can’t oppose the Communist Party.” I said, “The Constitution is the fundamental law of the country. The Constitution clearly stipulates that no organization or individual in the People’s Republic of China has privileges beyond the Constitution. The CCP is an organization and Jiang Zemin is an individual. They violated the Constitution. Persecuting good people is the real crime. We aren’t against anyone, nor are we against the Party. We are just telling people about the persecution, so that people won’t follow the Party to do evil, and harm.”

Seeing that I was fluently explaining the situation, the director said with a smile, “You’re really good at talking. I can’t convince you.” The head inmate told the director that I practiced the exercises. The director said, “Don’t worry about Falun Gong.”

On the eighth day of the illegal detention, a supervisor from the Railway Public Security Bureau interrogated me. The female police officer who brought me to the detention center was sitting behind him. He asked my name, age, and occupation. I asked him if he was a law enforcement officer. He said yes.

I said, “Law enforcement officers should act in accordance with the law, right?” He said yes. I asked, “What about your legal documents? What about the legally binding basis? You don’t have any! Over the years, everything you did to persecute Falun Gong has been breaking the law. You arrested, detained, sentenced, and sent countless Falun Gong practitioners to labor camps, and even persecuted them to death. You are the real criminals. The regulations on accountability for police enforcement errors stipulate that if a police officer clearly executes an illegal order, he will be held accountable for life, regardless of transfer, relocation, or retirement. This is the code that Xi Jinping has established for you. Falun Gong is not a cult. It was just something Jiang Zemin made up in response to a French reporter. The major newspapers and magazines across the country repeated it, and law enforcement agencies also framed Falun Gong.

“Enforcing the law while breaking it is unlawful. The Civil Service Code also clearly stipulates that if a civil servant executes an illegal order, he or she shall bear the corresponding legal responsibility. If you continue to persecute Falun Gong, you are going against the law and persecuting kind people. What will you do when Falun Gong is vindicated one day? What will happen to your children? If you don’t think about yourself, you should think about the future of your wife and children. Our acquaintance is fated. If I don’t tell you this I have to be responsible for your life. Think about it carefully. I hope you understand what I just said. I sincerely hope that you will be safe in the future.”

After hearing what I said, the man packed up his files and said, “Whether I believe in your faith or not, whether I support your faith or not, I admire your faith.” He gave a thumbs up.

After he left, the female police officer said excitedly, “How can I help you?” I could see she was sincere, so I said, “If you really want to help me, if you joined the Party or its affiliated organizations, quit them now. When the CCP is disintegrated by the divine, you will be safe—that’s how you can help me.” She said “Thank you!”

“Let Him Go”

When I was working in Shandong in 2018, I went to a neighborhood to distribute truth-clarifying materials. The community property management found me and blocked the entrance of a building. A woman who was cleaning the building came over with a truth-clarifying pamphlet in her hand and handed it to the man. He said, “How dare you promote Falun Gong? Did you do this?” I said yes. The man said, “The government is suppressing Falun Gong. Do you dare fight against the government?!”

I said, “Falun Gong teaches people to be kind. The government’s suppression of good people is against the law of nature and is wrong. Whoever follows and participates in the persecution is committing a crime.” The man asked me why I distributed pamphlets. I said, “I advised the people I know not to make mistakes. There are so many people I don’t know, so I distribute materials they can read and understand the truth about Falun Gong. This is all for your own good.”

He refused to listen and grabbed me. I struggled hard, and when he saw that he couldn’t pull me away, he called another man over. After we got to the office he started making phone calls. I thought, your call won’t go through. The man called two or three times but couldn’t get through. I said, “Don’t bother. We often deal with the police. They don’t care. We’re just trying to let the world know what Falun Gong is. The CCP’s persecution of Falun Gong is wrong. People should not blindly follow it and do bad things. Please read these materials carefully and you’ll understand.” As I talked, the man kept trying to phone people.

The other read the pamphlet and said, “You know, what they say is reasonable.” At that time, the man in property management’s call went through, and it sounded like their leader. The man said that he seized a Falun Gong practitioner. The leader asked if he took anything. He said that he didn’t take anything. I knew that Master was helping me. The man who was reading the pamphlet told the management staff member, “Let him go.”

I said, “Look, practitioners don’t commit any crimes. It’s the government that’s at fault. That’s why no one wants to get involved in this. If you run into Falun Gong practitioners again in the future, don’t seize them and you’ll have good fortune.”

The Police Release Me

The CCP began forcing Falun Gong practitioners to sign the three statements in 2022. Police led the persecution of practitioners throughout the county. Harassment such as telephone interviews, home visits, and door knocking occurred many times, and the atmosphere was terrifying. One day, Cao Ganji, a police officer at the station in charge of our area, called me and asked me to have a talk. I thought, “A practitioner said the police planned to ransack my home. I have to put away Dafa books and other relevant things and not let the evil take the books away.” It seemed I was thinking about safety. But when I thought about it carefully, I felt something was wrong, so I looked within deeper. I was afraid of the persecution, and I forgot my mission as a Dafa disciple during the Fa-rectification period to assist Master to save sentient beings. My thoughts of safety was due to my human notions.

That afternoon, I called the police station and said I would go there. The director said, “I know you have your belief. It’s not a bad thing. But the supervisors assigned me tasks. Please understand. After you sign the statements, you can go home to study and practice your belief as you wish. No one will care. I’m busy.”

I smiled and said, “If I sign the statements promising not to practice, but continue to practice after returning home, wouldn’t that be a lie that deceives people? Is this what a normal government and law enforcement officer should do? We Falun Gong practitioners are all good people and follow the principles of Truthfulness, Compassion, and Forbearance. How can we lie? The CCP has no legal basis to persecute Falun Gong. Good is rewarded and evil is punished. If I really sign the statements, I won’t be a good person. I would be harming you. It’s a crime to persecute good people, so I can’t sign the statements.” He didn’t ask me to sign the statements again.

A few days later, the police station contacted me again. I was brought to a conference room. The political commissar of the Public Security Bureau, Wang Wenhu from the Domestic Security Brigade, and two other police officers entered and sat down across from me. The political commissar said, “Tell us if you have any difficulties. We will try our best to help you.”

I knew that their concern was fake, and they wanted to deceive me. If I was moved, they would use any means to get me to sign the statements and give up my belief. I said, “My wife was illegally sentenced to prison. Do you think you can solve this problem?” The political commissar immediately said, “We can’t help you with this matter.”

I said, “You’re harassing me. Tell me which law I violated and what crime I committed. For so many years, the CCP has persecuted Falun Gong without any legal documents or legal basis. Isn’t this breaking the law while enforcing it? My wife was persecuted to death, and my family was torn apart.”

The political commissar said softly that there was basis. “Then show it to me,” I said. “You can’t show it because there is none. But I can show you evidence that Falun Gong hasn’t violated any laws.”

I said, “It’s fate that all of you are sitting here today. I have no grudges against you. If it weren’t for the pressure from above, none of you would have bothered me, right? You know that during the Cultural Revolution, Chairman Liu Shaoqi was labeled as a traitor, a labor scab, and a spy. He was overthrown and then tortured to death. That was the CCP’s behavior, right? After he was vindicated, it was said to be a mistake. Whose mistake was it? The CCP’s. But who dared to say it was the government’s mistake at that time? The current persecution of Falun Gong is also the CCP’s doing. There is no legal document or basis for it. If you are participating in the persecution, aren’t you also committing crimes? Those who persecuted officials during the Cultural Revolution suffered retribution later. And those who helped the victims were blessed. I hope that everyone present will stay away from evil, guard your conscience, and receive blessings in the future.”

One of them said, “You are eloquent. You should be a lecturer.” He then took out a piece of paper and a pen and handed them to me and said, “We can’t force you. If you don’t want to sign, just write whatever you think, okay?” I simply wrote about the benefits that practicing Falun Dafa had brought me, my family, and society. The last sentence I wrote was, “I think Falun Dafa is the most righteous practice in the universe.”

I said I had to go to my friend’s wedding, or I would be late. One officer said, “You may not be able to leave.” I said, “Why do you want to keep me here? You don’t have the final say.” The team leader came over, and I immediately said, “I have to go to a wedding now. I hope you remember what I said today. I don’t want you to be among the people who suffer when the truth about the CCP is revealed.” He was stunned for a moment, and then said to the officer who just said I might not be able to leave, “Drive him to the wedding.”

The man who took me to the police station immediately changed his tone, and said, “Go home and pack your things. We will search your house in the next few days, so be careful.” I said, “You’re right. You must treat Dafa disciples well. You are busy, so you don’t have to give me a ride.” I rode my bicycle there. Since then, no one has asked me to sign any statements.