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Cell Phone Security Concerns for Practitioners Outside of China

Oct. 7, 2024 |   By a Falun Dafa practitioner in Canada

(Minghui.org) After reading a Minghui article on cell phone security, I gave it a lot of thought and would like to share my insights on the issue.

I know that there are still quite a few practitioners who keep the WeChat app in their cell phones. Here are two likely reasons.

1) Some older practitioners who came from China still use WeChat to stay in touch with their children and relatives who are still there. They overlooked Minghui’s reminders to uninstall WeChat. Many have experienced prolonged illness or other tribulations. I believe this is likely related to not taking their cultivation practice seriously.

2) Some practitioners involved in sales for practitioner-run media have to use social media such as WeChat, Little Red Book, and TikTok to connect with their clients. For them, I recommend installing those apps on a separate phone and not bringing that phone to the office where other practitioners also work. They should especially ensure that is never connected to our own Wi-Fi. I once saw a practitioner who was involved with Shen Yun production using a phone with WeChat installed and linked to iCloud. If the phone isn’t properly configured, all the contact information, messages, and photos on that phone could be backed up to a data center in China.

A senior practitioner recently passed away after being bedridden for some time. Before that, he’s asked me to help put Master’s lectures on his cell phone. As I was doing so, I discovered he was using WeChat to communicate with his children in China. When I asked if I should uninstall it, he told me not to.

After his passing, his children took possession of his phone. I’d noticed it had contact information for many practitioners, with each entry labeled by project name. The phone was also linked to iCloud. I advised his son to do a factory reset three times before he took the phone back to China. He agreed, but I wasn’t able to confirm if he really did.

Master has reminded us many times to pay attention to safety issues. How we handle them reflects our xinxing level. I hope every practitioner outside of China reads the Minghui notice “What All Dafa Disciples Must Know” published on June 30, 2018.

For senior practitioners who may not fully understand the technical issues, please ask other practitioners for assistance.