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Falun Dafa Disciples Should Never Use AI to Write An Experience Sharing Article

Oct. 7, 2024 |   By a Falun Dafa practitioner in China

(Minghui.org) With the development of human science and technology, I believe that generative artificial intelligence (AI) is one of the alien technologies that has been developed to replace human professions. As a result of adopting these technologies, human beings are gradually losing parts of themselves, including creative abilities such as writing and painting.

Many professions now use AI for assistance, because it can simulate the way people think and use existing human resources to perform programmatic creations, which can replace many manual operations. For example: writers can write long essays by telling the AI system some descriptions of the articles. However, little do they know that their human instincts are being replaced gradually and they are becoming controlled by such technologies.

I heard that some fellow practitioners want to use AI to write and submit papers for the upcoming China Fahui. If we do this, I believe it would be blasphemy against Dafa, an insult to the title of Dafa disciple, and an act of deceiving Master. For such a serious Fahui, shouldn't we rely on our own cultivation practice to write with our hearts, instead of using tools that I believe are provided by extraterrestrial life to “create” articles. Papers written in this way will never be recognized by Master and the gods. Fellow practitioners, please think about it rationally. If one uses AI during exams for everyday people, that is cheating. If one uses AI to write papers for a Fahui, isn’t this cheating Master? This would be a serious problem!

With the care of Master’s compassion and hard work, we have walked step by step to to where we are today on our cultivation journey, through studying the Fa, practicing, and clarifying the truth. Paper submission to the Fa Conference is an answer sheet we submit to Master. It summarizes our cultivation process and our reflection on our own shortcomings. This is the highest honor.

Work among everyday people is just that, work. The companies can stipulate what tools to use. However, for the Fa conference in which Dafa disciples participate, we should absolutely not use AI to write articles. When one’s thoughts are not based on the Fa, one will be taken advantage of by the evil.

Nowadays, it is difficult for human beings to extricate themselves from being controlled by modern technology. We as Dafa disciples must be rational and not be disturbed by other beings. We must take the Fa as our teacher, constantly cultivate to get rid of the mutated thoughts and substances, purify ourselves, and achieve the standard that Master wants.