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Thank You, Master!

Oct. 7, 2024 |   By Xiaofali, a Falun Dafa practitioner in China

(Minghui.org) I was born in the 1980s and started to practice Falun Dafa 17 years ago. I was inspired after reading touching stories from other practitioners. When it came to submitting my own experience sharing article, I felt my cultivation experience was average and there would be nothing worth writing about.

However, during the past two days of revising and submitting papers for fellow practitioners, I realized that I should participate in the online conference and submit my own paper. Even if my sharing is short or plain, it would still be my testimony as a Dafa practitioner, as Master’s disciple, during the Fa-rectification period.

Predestined Relationship with Fa

I have believed in gods and goddesses since childhood. Every time I looked at the starry sky, I thought how great it would be if I were also living in heaven. I thought, the human world is not a place for me because sooner or later people die. But where will they go after death? These feelings and questions drew me closer to reading fairy tales, and I imagined that I could be like a goddess and return to my heavenly home one day.

Before I began to practice Falun Dafa, a local Dafa practitioner told me about the widespread, brutal persecution of practitioners and asked me to quit the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) and its affiliated organizations. I was somewhat confused by this information because I had not heard anything like this before, and did not reply to this practitioner.

In my dream that night, I lost my way in a thick fog. Tired and scared, I walked slowly without knowing how much time had passed. Finally, I saw a bright light from a house, so I quickened my pace. When I got to the house, the practitioner who had told me about Falun Dafa opened the door. I was surprised and happy in the dream, feeling that I had found my true home.

After waking up, I made up my mind to practice Falun Dafa. With that practitioner’s help I began learning the Dafa exercises and studied Zhuan Falun (the main text of the practice). I was able to exercise continuously, except that I could only do the single folded leg position (and not the double-lotus position) during meditation. I felt refreshed after doing the exercises, as if my brain had a switch that was turned on for the first time after so many years.

In the months that followed, my studies improved and my memory became better. I passed the college entrance examination and received admission to a university.

Although I never witnessed the sacred feats of Dafa spreading before 1999 or experienced the evil persecution that began in 1999, I knew that Master Li is the most righteous and Dafa is the great Law of the universe. I believe I made the most correct choice in my life, to become Master’s disciple. Every time I read practitioners’ experience sharing articles where they were remembering Master’s grace, I felt the same, as if I was personally there, crying with joy, as well as encouraging and helping each other. It is an extremely rare opportunity to obtain a righteous Fa.

What an honor it is for me to become a Falun Dafa practitioner!

Master’s Compassionate Protection

After I returned home from college, during a holiday, my sister and I went out to pick wild tomatoes. The road was full of gravel and sand. I was riding a bicycle down a slope with my sister on the back. The bicycle skidded and headed toward a big hole, filled with rocks. I had to brake suddenly, and hit the ground hard. My face was scratched by sand and gravel, and my chest hit the bike’s handle bars. My sister was scared when she saw blood all over my face, so she called my parents. While comforting my sister to let her know that I was fine, I recited “Falun Dafa is good, Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance is good” and asked my sister to recite the words with me.

I didn’t feel any pain or fear. I calmly walked to a pool of water to wash away the blood on my face. My parents rushed over and took me to the hospital. The doctor said I needed stitches for the wound on my forehead, but there was no anesthetic left.

I told the doctor, “It’s okay, I can bear it.” So the doctor sewed up the wound, and even though I could clearly feel the needle passing through my flesh, I didn’t feel any pain.

The doctors were surprised and commended me for tolerating the pain. They also mentioned how lucky I was for not hurting my eyes. They said that the wounds on my face could only be disinfected and allowed to heal slowly after I returned home. I never saw how badly my face was injured, but I heard the doctors say that the injury would leave many scars on my face.

However, to everyone’s surprise, my face returned to normal after a week, leaving only a little mark from the stitches. The pain in my chest also disappeared.

When COVID-19 spread, two out of the three colleagues in my office got sick, and were later diagnosed with Influenza A and infected with COVID-19 again. I did not get sick even though I worked with them in the same office all day. Other colleagues in the unit continued to get infected but I remained healthy. I know that Dafa practitioners can overcome one tribulation after another with Master’s compassionate protection.

Keeping Truthfulness, Compassion, and Forbearance in Mind

I enjoyed reading many romance novels in high school and watching Korean and American dramas in college. I was longing for the experiences like those love stories, so I failed the test of lust. I regretted it and wondered why I could not remember Master’s teachings at critical moments. Master did not give up on me, however.

After discussing with fellow practitioners, I reduced the time of browsing the Internet and being on my phone. Instead, I spent more time memorizing the Fa, sending forth righteous thoughts, and listening to Minghui Radio’s special edition on cultivating the mind and giving up desires. Gradually, my head became clearer.

As an unmarried woman, I have had many people introduce men to me, but eventually they began to respect my wishes and stopped trying to set me up with a partner. Nowadays, due to materialistic concepts and influences, fewer people have confined themselves to pure friendship. A colleague once asked me, “Is there a pure friendship between men and women?”

I answered, “Yes! Falun Dafa practitioners are the purest in the world, and Dafa practice sites are the pure land on earth.”

I often thought how horrible it would be to live in this filthy world, always muddle-headed, if Master hadn’t lifted me up and given me the ladder to heaven, by giving practitioners the most sacred book—Zhuan Falun.

As a Dafa practitioner, I am not tempted by personal gain. As a teacher, students' parents often try to give me gifts or money for their children’s studies, but I don’t accept them. I make it clear to the parents that I follow Truthfulness, Compassion and Forbearance.

In the rare cases when I am unable refuse a gift, I buy a gift of the same price and give them to my students on their birthdays or holidays. My supervisor trusts me a lot, and once asked me, instead of her daughter, to hold on to the condolence money from her family’s memorial service for a few days. After I finished work, I gave her the money back.

I always keep the principles of Truthfulness, Compassion, and Forbearance in mind. In the eyes of my colleagues, I am an optimistic person without any worries. They like to tell me about their troubles and often feel calmer and more relaxed after our talks. Working as a middle-level supervisor, I have worked with many people in the unit. With deepening understanding of the Fa, I gradually improved my work attitude, from only being focused on my own assignments, and micro-managing everything, to thinking of my colleagues first.

Now I don’t run away when encountering problems. I consider others’ perspectives, arrange work reasonably, actively solve issues, and try my best to do things well, while sincerely helping others at work. I pay attention to what I say and I am careful when making suggestions. Colleagues feel comfortable with me and are willing to share their thoughts. As a result, my work goes smoothly and there is harmony among different working groups.

Master is always by my side encouraging me. Once, I was walking to take the bus to do some errands. When I saw the bus about to arrive at the stop, it seemed to be impossible to catch it, as I was still so far away. I thought it would be no big deal to be late if I miss it. But I immediately realized the thought was wrong. I should remain true to being on time and keep my promise. So, I started to run toward the bus. The driver was usually in a hurry to meet tight schedules in the morning, but today the bus did not move until I got on.

Another time, I was unable to access the Minghui website, and thought it was a network problem. That meant I could not watch Shen Yun on Chinese New Year’s Day this year either. I have watched Shen Yun every year, so I was very sad that I would miss it this time. Master saw my wish and hinted me to watch Shen Yun from another channel. I was so excited! Master always helps practitioners unconditionally. Regarding the Minghui website connection problem, I began to look inward after reading practitioners’ experience sharing articles on Internet issues. After I identified my problems, I was able to access Minghui.org and finally, I could download Minghui Weekly magazines, broadcasts, and so on. I was so happy!

I am very emotional as I write this sharing. I played an ordinary role in society without any epic feats and dramatic ups and downs. However, from the moment I encountered Falun Dafa, my life was no longer ordinary.

Thank you, Master!