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My Experience of Practicing Falun Dafa

Oct. 9, 2024 |   By a Falun Dafa practitioner in Hong Kong

(Minghui.org) I had been in poor health since childhood. Besides being anemic when I was 19, I contracted hepatitis B and, three years later, it progressed into liver enlargement and cirrhosis. My condition became so serious that I could have died at any time. 

Unexpectedly, a person who practiced Falun Dafa gave me a copy of Zhuan Falun. She said, “Please read this book from beginning to end. I hope it can help you.” 

After I finished reading Zhuan Falun once, I came to understand that one needs to be a good person. Miraculously, all my health problems disappeared. Afterward, I met my soon-to-be husband in Guangzhou. We got married, and I gave birth to my children, ran our business, and forgot about reading any Falun Dafa books. 

Although I forgot about Dafa, Master Li Hongzhi did not forget about me.

After I gave birth to my second child, I couldn’t walk upright and stayed hunched over. Because my mother became upset upon seeing my condition, I decided to see a doctor at a hospital. While I was waiting for the doctor in the hallway, I saw three objects suddenly flying towards me from a distance. As they got closer, I saw that they were the three Chinese characters for: “Truthfulness, Compassion, and Forbearance.” They then flew into my forehead. 

I was immediately able to straighten my back, and my anemia was cured as well. 

At that time, the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) overwhelmingly slandered Dafa in the state-run media. But because I lived in Hong Kong, I hadn’t come across any propaganda. In 2004, a practitioner came to see me, and I asked for her help to find practitioners in my area to learn the exercises. She told me that I could find them in the parks. I found practitioners in Hong Kong and began to study the Fa and do the exercises. My children also began learning Dafa.

Clarifying the Facts and Helping People Quit the CCP

A practitioner helped me quit the CCP and its affiliates in 2006. Hong Kong practitioners then asked me to help my relatives and friends quit the CCP. So I spoke to them the same way that this practitioner did when she helped me quit the CCP. 

I traveled between Guangzhou and Hong Kong from 2005 to 2008. I sometimes brought Dafa books, the Epoch Times newspaper, and Minghui Weekly journals to Guangzhou. I put the newspaper in my store for my clients. Some clients asked me, “You brought these newspapers over here, aren’t you scared?” 

“No, I’m not. All of this is truthful information,” I replied. 

By 2008, I finally understood what a Dafa disciple’s responsibility was. But to be able to do the three things well, I realized how important the process of spreading the Fa and telling people how Dafa is being persecuted is at this time in history.

The depths of my being were truly awakened, and I seemed to be cleansed anew. I thanked Master for not leaving me behind and decided to truly cultivate and follow His requirements to do the three things well. The Fa-rectification is not over yet, I still have a chance to cultivate. On that night, I finished reading the Nine Commentaries on the Communist Party.

The next morning, I began to clarify the facts to people in my store and help them quit the CCP. As I knew a lot of people, I wanted to save all of them. Besides telling them the truth about Dafa, I began to write truth-clarification letters, download applications for breaking through the Internet blockade, distribute Shen Yun DVDs, and print truth-clarification notes on paper currency. I used every possible way that I could think of to help save people. 

I handed out different informational materials to different customers. I was racing against time and often didn’t have lunch until evening. as my employees heated up my food over and over again.

Being a Good Merchant 

My husband is from Hong Kong, and the news that he ran a business spread quickly. Many people came to me to borrow money, and my family also kept asking for money. Sometimes, if my husband didn’t want to lend money to others, I would be unhappy. Neither of us knew how to do business, and we always lost money. We felt that we couldn’t continue. My husband kept bringing money from Hong Kong to help cover the expenses. The situation was like this until 2005.

I returned to Hong Kong in 2005. I had to stay there for a full month before I could get a Hong Kong ID card. I noticed that the attitude of my relatives in Hong Kong was not so good. I once heard my husband’s sister say, while on the phone, that her brother (my husband) would soon go bankrupt. Even though I didn’t quite get what cultivation was all about, my wish for safeguarding the Fa was very strong. I then asked Master, “Master, how do I do business?”

Immediately, I heard Master reply, “Use Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance to do business.” I was so touched. 

After returning to Guangzhou, I suddenly became enlightened and learned how to do business. The sales volume soared after a year and reached its peak in 2008. At the same time, I changed my mindset of being a “swindler” and strictly required myself to do good business.

Cultivation Is Very Serious 

At that time, I was able to survive that repressive environment in China with righteous thoughts and a pure heart. I talked to people during the daytime to help them quit the CCP. At night, I made informational materials in my store. I felt I must get everything done before 9 o’clock when the market closed down. 

I often had a few machines working at the same time to make materials. It’s critical to have strong righteous thoughts and a clear mind to keep everything running smoothly. I couldn’t afford to miss a step. For every DVD I made, I needed to check each one before packing it. 

I also had to finish making the informational material before the power shut down in the whole complex. My store was right across from the Market Management. So if security found out we were still working after the power was shut off, they’d knock on the door to check. 

When I was making the materials, I sent forth righteous thoughts while communicating with the machines. If my mind was a little bit off, those machines would stop working. As soon as that happened, I’d ask for Master’s help. Meanwhile, I began to look within for where I fell short. When I found my loopholes, the machines went back to normal. So looking inward in a timely manner became a mechanism of taking the initiative to cultivate. 

My material production site ran very smoothly. I also treasured those materials, as most of them were being handed out to people face-to-face. I once thought: How could I save other vendors, should I stick those materials under their doors? I wanted to give it a try. After I came home, I felt I didn’t do that in an upright manner. So I went back to the market and pulled the brochures out from the bottom of their doors. 

Trials and Tests 

What I found to be the most difficult in my cultivation was eliminating “impatience” and the mentality that I had to have the final say. When I tried to do so, there would be quite some xinxing tests appearing. A few staff would sometimes make complaints about me. And if I couldn’t pass these tests, police officers showed up at my shop. Upon encountering that, I immediately admitted my mistake to Master, “Master, I’m so sorry. I did wrong. Please help me!” I then corrected myself and stepped out to greet the police officers, asking them, “What’s the matter?” They usually just left. 

Two security guards once came to my store, asking me to go with them to the management office, as there were police officers waiting for me there. I said, “Sure!” I then suddenly felt I lacked the strength to walk. 

One of the guards said, “Don’t be afraid.” I knew it was Master using him to give me a hint. Miraculously, my fear was removed just like that. 

This made me think of another time when the police were looking for me. I went to the warehouse upstairs to send forth righteous thoughts. I saw my fear was as big as a soccer ball, and it jumped out in front of me. 

Such a big fear was eliminated by Master just like that. So I walked to the Management Office and came back after clarifying the truth about Dafa to them. 

Another time, personnel from the Management Office came to find me. They said that if I were to talk to people about Dafa, the market would have to be closed, impacting more than 200 merchants. I said, “What kind of logic is this? Only the CCP can say such a thing. The CCP will soon collapse!” I then talked about the “Hidden Character Stone.” They changed their minds hearing that and saw me off. 

Returning to Hong Kong 

After I gave two DVDs with the application for breaking through the Internet blockade to the Chief of the Police Station in early 2020, a few police vehicles arrived at my home and officers took me to the police station, where I was illegally held for 10 days and told I would be sent back to Hong Kong. 

I helped about a dozen inmates quit the CCP on the third day in the detention center. I felt it was no longer worthy of my staying there, so I shouted out, “I want to get out of here! I don’t want to stay here!” They then sent a dozen police officers to talk to me. I told them not to be buried along with the former CCP leader, Jiang Zemin, for persecuting Dafa. 

With the current inmates being transferred to the next cell, new people came. As soon as I helped them to quit the CCP, they got transferred to another cell again. Whenever there were new inmates coming in, I’d talk to them and help them to quit the CCP. They listened to me to talk about the staged self-immolation incident and the truth about Dafa . 

When I came out of the detention center, I saw a number of police vehicles waiting for me at the entrance. I smiled at them and said, “Wow, so many of you!” They smiled back, saying they would take me back to Hong Kong. 

Before taking me to the train station, they took me back to my store to get some money for the trip. Both my family and staff came over to see me and said, “You are fine. You now look a bit chubbier!” 

On the way to the train station, I clarified the truth about Dafa and invited the officers to visit Hong Kong. I told them that everyone who practiced Dafa is a good person. After I boarded the train, I tried to give them back the money for the train fare, but they tossed it back to me, saying they all agreed to buy the ticket for me. We then waved goodbye to each other. 

Upon entering the empty train, I wanted to cry out loud. I thought my being sent back was probably because I didn’t do well. I didn’t study a lot of Fa, nor do the exercises often enough, but only paid attention to sending forth righteous thoughts and saving people. 

I didn’t want to go back to Hong Kong, as all my acquaintances were in China. A voice then asked me, “Are you not feeling well?” It was someone sitting beside me. I then began to talk to him and helped him quit the CCP. He was a Party member and had gone back and forth between Hong Kong and China to do business. 

After I came out of the railway station, yellow Dafa banners appeared right in front of me. They were glittering as if greeting me. I was so touched that I became teary. I walked up to a practitioner, telling him that I was also a practitioner. I went to the Wong Tai Sin tourist site to see how practitioners handled clarifying the facts to people. I then learned how to talk to people about Dafa in Hong Kong. Afterward, I went to the Mong Kok tourist site. 

The Hong Kong Youth Care Association started to hang banners slandering Dafa in many places in Hong Kong in July 2012. We were deeply distressed. It felt like a battle between good and evil. As Dafa practitioners in the Fa-rectification period, how to rectify the Fa became a severe test for each of us. More than a dozen practitioners took the path of suing the Youth Care Association for defaming Dafa.

We clarified the facts to mainstream society by writing different letters to different departments via mail or email. We also booked appointments with various agencies. The existence of the Hong Kong Youth Care Association made me see evil in broad daylight. But we couldn’t dismantle this evil in a timely manner, which pained me. 

The other practitioners at the truth-clarification site were compassionate and very firm. They persisted in sending righteous thoughts until the evil was eliminated. Even though the lawsuit couldn’t be filed in Hong Kong, we didn’t give up. 

When bringing the former CCP head, Jiang Zemin, to justice, a few dozen practitioners also sued the leader of the Hong Kong Youth Care Association. 

I came to enlighten that for a practitioner to become divine was truly serious. I had to start from being a good person. Only then can I truly cultivate myself!