(Minghui.org) Two forums on the Chinese Communist Party’s (CCP) forced organ harvesting were held in Japan, one in Iwakuni City on November 28 and another in Fukuoka City on November 29. Canadian international human rights lawyer David Matas gave a speech and answered questions, and the documentary State Organs was screened. The elected officials, experts and scholars at the forums called for an end to the CCP’s crimes, and people in the audience signed a petition to end the forced organ harvesting.
Forum in Iwakuni City
Forum in Fukuoka City
Attorney Matas first focused public attention on organ harvesting in China in 2006. Since then, as the issue has increasingly been paid attention to internationally, legislation has been passed in the United States, Europe, Taiwan, and other countries. In Japan, however, people know little about this issue, and they still travel to China for organ transplants.
Many attendees were appalled by the ongoing state-sanctioned organ harvesting in China and expressed deep concern. They realized that the CCP’s organ harvesting is not only a violation of human rights but also a crime against humanity, and should be stopped immediately. They signed the petition that will be sent to the G7+7 countries.
The venue for the Iwakuni forum was full and additional seats had to be brought in. Many in the audience said they were astonished and asked questions. When they learned that the crime of live organ harvesting, mainly from Falun Gong practitioners, was still going on, they were stunned. Almost everyone signed the petition to stop the live organ harvesting.
Mr. Matas addressed the forum and said he was deeply concerned about the persecution faced by Falun Gong practitioners in China. In his question and answer session, he explained that practitioners do not smoke or drink, have healthy bodies, and are considered suitable donors. He also emphasized that the persecution suffered by Falun Gong is a human rights violation and called on the international community to actively intervene.
Mr. Matas addressed the forum in Iwakuni City.
Mr. Matas pointed out that it is a real problem if Japanese go to China for organ transplants. Because the CCP’s persecution of Falun Gong practitioners is so serious, he recommended that Japan update its refugee recognition system.
Mr. Ishimoto, a member of the Iwakuni City Council, said, “First of all, I think we should strengthen the connections between local councilors so that our demands to members of the National Diet [Japan's legislative body] will be heard. But before that, we need to establish close cooperation between local councilors. As local councilors and local representatives, we should actively face and solve these problems. I firmly believe that, if more people get involved, we will definitely become a powerful force.”
Mr. Ishimoto, a member of the Iwakuni City Council, signed the petition to the G7+7 countries.
“If there is a devil in this world, it must be the Chinese Communist Party,” he said. “From the perspective of human rights, I am willing to fight for Falun Gong practitioners. Let’s work hard together.” He also said that the values of Truthfulness, Compassion, and Forbearance are particularly important to Japan today.
Mr. Miyamoto said, “I think that the average person in Japan doesn’t know about the CCP’s persecution of Falun Gong practitioners. First of all, knowing is crucial, and I hope to share what I learned today with more people.”
Mr. Miyamoto and his son signed the petition to the G7+7 countries.
Ms. Fujimoto, the head of a political party branch, said, “It is very important to stick to your beliefs. We should treat the problems faced by Falun Gong practitioners as our own and think about how to make the world a happier place. Please keep up your efforts!”
Ms. Fujimoto signed the petition to the G7+7 countries.
Ms. Edward Hiromi said, “I think what we can do is to spread the word so that Japanese people don’t go to China to seek organs. Because Falun Gong practitioners are being persecuted, we must start a campaign to stop organ transplants in China. Please do your best.”
Ms. Ogawa said, “Those practitioners in China who risk their lives to tell the truth are really noble. We should cherish this attitude of sticking to one’s belief. If I were in the same situation as the Chinese practitioners, I believe I would make the same choice.”
Ms. Yamazaki, the host of the forum, appealed to everyone during the event, “Please tell as many people around you as possible about what you have seen today, so that more people will know this.”
Ms. Yamazaki signed the petition to the G7+7 countries.
She also said, “I believe that everyone here has a conscience and that it is in line with everyone’s conscience that we can stop this. I also hope that if everyone does their part, we can work together to solve this problem. It is a great thing to have your own belief. [Falun Gong practitioners] stick to their belief no matter what kind of persecution they encounter. This strength has given me courage today. I pray that the human rights and the beliefs of Falun Gong practitioners will be protected in the future.”
The response at the Fukuoka venue was enthusiastic. Several media conducted interviews and gave opening remarks. Someone wrote in the questionnaire: “I feel very sad about the fact that innocent people have their organs harvested while they are still alive.” Some people learned about the real situation of the persecution of Falun Gong for the first time and expressed their desire to know more. The attendees generally emphasized the necessity of disseminating the facts about the persecution of Falun Gong widely and expressed their willingness to share that information.
“The persecution of Falun Gong is a humanitarian issue and an issue that concerns human dignity,” Mr. Kawai said. “Falun Gong practitioners have not committed any crimes and have not participated in politics. They just want to be healthy and hope that society can become better, but they are being persecuted. This is not widely known in Japan.”
Mr. Kawai signed the petition to the G7+7 countries.
Mr. Kawai, who is visually impaired, also said, “The doctor told me that I could regain my sight if I had a cornea transplant, but I couldn’t find a donor. Even so, I will never go to China for a transplant. Because if a cornea is taken from an unwilling donor or from someone whose life has been taken for their organs, then I would carry a heavy burden for the rest of my life. I would have only myself to blame, so I would rather not have a transplant. Taking organs like this is despiciable behavior, and a life that may be prolonged after such a transplant is not worthy of the dignity that human life deserves.”
Ms. Komori said, “People all over the world should stand up and speak out against the persecution of Falun Gong.”
“I hope Falun Gong practitioners can continue to live,” Ms. Nakamura said. “I pray that they can be free one day. I hope they can do their best. I will always support them.”
“The persecution of Falun Gong is the devil’s work,” Doctor Yoshida said.
Doctor Yoshida signed the petition.
Mr. Soma said, “I hope you won’t give up. Please keep trying.”