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Pre-Order Notice for New Minghui Book

May 18, 2024

(Minghui.org) Former Canadian senator Consiglio Di Nino has said that Falun Gong has benefited people across the world, directly and indirectly. He said that Falun Gong practitioners uphold fundamental principles of humanity and that these principles benefit not just practitioners but the entire community and everyone. He noted that Falun Gong has the ability to “make humanity good” and that it is why Falun Gong has spread throughout the world.

Former Canadian Member of Parliament Wladyslaw Lizon said at a rally celebrating the 25th World Falun Dafa Day that he was “born, raised, educated in Poland under [the] communist system.” He said, “I will never forget my late father. He remembered, of course, Poland before communism was imposed on it. He used to say, ‘This cannot last. This is not normal, this cannot last.’ And he was right.” Indeed, Poland would never again be ruled by a communist regime.

Sheng Xue, Global Vice President of the Democratic Front, said that spreading hope in dark times is the whole world’s responsibility: “Falun Gong practitioners have endured 25 years of persecution so far. The persecution experienced by Falun Gong practitioners is unlike anything anyone in history has endured, because the tyranny of the Chinese Communist Party is more evil, more cunning, and has no human bottom line than any other regime or evil forces in history. Therefore, Falun Gong practitioners have actually become the most powerful force in our entire human history. To this day, they are the strongest, most confident, and most capable of adhering to their beliefs and making the greatest sacrifice.”

She added, “The darkness will definitely pass, just like all the evil forces in history, they have passed. The same is true for the tyranny of the Chinese Communist Party. There is no doubt that it will be ended and will become a thing of the past.”

Pre-Order Notice for New Minghui Book

Greetings, fellow practitioners.

Minghui.org is now collecting pre-orders for a new human rights report, Minghui Report: The 25-Year Persecution of Falun Gong (in English).

The upcoming July 20 will mark the 25th year since the persecution began. Minghui.org has systematically collected persecution cases over this quarter century and expanded upon the award-winning Minghui Report: The 20-Year Persecution of Falun Gong in China with even more firsthand accounts.

This heavyweight, evergreen book is a powerful tool for clarifying the truth to government officials, human rights organizations, business leaders, influential people in society, researchers, teachers, and students about Falun Gong, as well as the CCP’s infiltration of and threat to international society.

The book explains how the persecution began, the darkest days after July 20, 1999, and how the CCP continues to persecute Falun Gong practitioners into the pandemic period and in the present day. It also includes new cases of the CCP extending the persecution outside China, as well as recent efforts to hold perpetrators accountable and new legislation aimed at curbing forced organ harvesting. While concise, the book shows the depth, breadth, and brutality of the persecution and highlights the tireless efforts practitioners have put in to counter the persecution, uphold their faith, and elevate health and morality while enduring a quarter century of persecution. The report also shows how communities around the world have aligned with and supported practitioners’ efforts. Through the persecution, readers can contrast the darkness of the persecution with the light of hope.

Whether read page by page or skimmed, this milestone publication can help readers more deeply understand what Falun Gong is. For anyone who wants to read it and learn more about the facts, the book can clear out the lies and poison spread by the CCP.


Pre-order deadline: May 31 , 2024 (the number of pre-orders will impact the final printing cost and pricing)

Shipping date: early July 2024

Preliminary pricing: $40 each for 1-4 copies, $35 each for 5+ copies. (Subsidized pricing is available for VIP truth-clarification projects validated by the Dafa Association or veteran practitioners. Details can be discussed case by case.)


Book details: Hardcover, letter size (8.5 x 11 inches), 450-500 pages. The large size makes it easy for all to read, including those with limited vision.


Click here to pre-order: https://www.tiantibooks.org/products/mh25yr

For questions, please contact orders@mhpublishing.org

When your area’s libraries, universities, and government offices at all levels have access to this book, more people in your region will be saved and blessed.

Minghui books and periodicals are produced by volunteers. All are invited to distribute our works; such is an act of great virtue. Let’s work together to spread the truth widely and inspire more people to support and cherish Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance.


Minghui Publishing CenterMay 10, 2024