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Taiwanese Readers Share Thoughts After Reading May 13 Articles

June 5, 2024 |   By Ye Ru-yin, a Minghui correspondent in Taiwan

(Minghui.org) May 13th every year is “World Falun Dafa Day.” On this day, Falun Gong practitioners around the world hold various activities to celebrate and share this special occasion. Since April 2024 Minghui.org has published more than 100 articles that were submitted for the “Call for Submissions to Commemorate World Falun Dafa Day 2024.” After reading some of these articles online, two Taiwanese readers were amazed that the power of faith has had such huge impact on the authors of these articles.

English Teacher: “I want to understand the meaning of cultivation in depth”

Jian Yan-feng, an English teacher, said that she only had some superficial understanding of Falun Gong before. After reading some of the selected submissions, she learned more about how Falun Gong practitioners’ moral character and health have improved, and how everything has become smoother for them. She wanted to have a deeper understanding of the connotations of cultivation and gain enlightenment from it.

She mentioned one article “Practicing Falun Dafa Restores My Pure Nature” in which the author is from Generation Z [born post-2000] and grew up in China. The author was seriously polluted by atheism and modern concepts in communist society. She had believed that human nature was evil, that a wrong repeated becomes right, and that people should indulge themselves in pleasure. The atmosphere at the campus where she attended a university was very dirty. She felt that she was becoming increasingly worse and she was extremely depressed and desperate.

The author tried Falun Dafa and felt that her whole person was reborn. She changed from being sarcastic and violent to being peaceful and optimistic with pure thoughts. When her mind was healthy, her body naturally became better.

Jian Yan-feng mentioned another article that left an impression on her, “Hospital Gives up Treating Me, Falun Dafa Saves My Life,” and said that the author was so pitiful. The author, who is now a middle-aged woman, grew up in a poor family and became even more miserable after her loving father passed away. She was in three car accidents and developed cancer. All kinds of sufferings befell her, and her health deteriorated. All these experiences made the author feel pessimistic, and she wanted to give up on herself. Fortunately, an older female relative helped her and introduced Falun Gong to her. She gradually gained confidence in herself and her health improved.

Jian Yan-feng said that there are many pitiful and miserable people in China, but fortunately, some of them practice Falun Gong, which is like a clear stream that has cleansed their hearts. Their destinies were changed and their sufferings were rewarded. No wonder so many people were practicing Falun Gong in China before the persecution in the 1990s.

The Chinese Communist Party Is Evil

Jian Yan-feng said, “The Chinese Communist Party (CCP) is evil.” She saw several articles that mentioned that some practitioners were arrested and detained because they refused to give up their faith in Falun Dafa. After being released from prison, they still persevered in telling the truth to the Chinese people and persuading them to withdraw from the Communist Party, so that they would not be eliminated when the CCP falls in the future. “Falun Gong practitioners risk their lives to tell the truth and save people. It’s really amazing!” she remarked.

She also read the facts about the staged “Tiananmen Self-immolation Incident” in an article. She knew that in order to spread rumors and slander Falun Gong, the CCP directed and staged a self-immolation incident. It is really evil.

Cultivation can improve one’s morality. An article mentioned a young man who was sent to training by his company. After returning from the training, he started a new company instead of returning to his original one. He lost a lot of money because of this and owed a large debt.

When his mother (a Falun Gong practitioner) found out, she talked to him about the principles of being a human being and said, “People should not forget their roots. The company spent money to train you, and after you completed your training, you should have served the company. How could you start a new company?” The son listened and went back to work for the original company. He was still valued by the company, and he performed well. Finally, he paid off all his debts.

Jian Yan-feng said that it is not easy to face a lot of competitive pressure in the workforce, but people should not forget their roots. She likes such stories and said she gains inspiration from them.

Kindness Is Precious in a Turbid World

Huang Cai-qing, a draftsman at a construction company, read two articles, “Discovering Kindness” and “Falun Dafa Freed Me from Resentment.” She said that society is too chaotic now and the relationships between people have become very bad. Some people are willing to hurt kind and innocent people in order to protect themselves. She feels there are fewer and fewer kind people, so the titles of these two articles attracted her.

The author of the article “Discovering Kindness” was a girl from Shandong Province who tells her own story about having low self-esteem, being sentimental, and weak since childhood. She did not like to interact with others and was afraid of being hurt.

After she got married, her husband and his whole family practiced Falun Gong. They took good care of her. For example, they would serve her food five minutes before she got home from work, so that the temperature would be just right when she got home. After dinner, they would let her take a nap while the family would help take care of the children. Knowing that she loved to eat fruit, they would often buy her favorite fruits. Sometimes she would finish half an apple and leave, and her mother-in-law would eat the remaining half. She felt embarrassed when she learned that... All these little things in her life touched her.

Under the blessing of the kindness from her husband’s family, she began to practice Falun Dafa and got rid of her sentimental personality. She learned to think about others.

Huang commented that it was very enviable that the author could marry into a Falun Gong practitioner family. Nowadays, society is full of mutual deception and competition, and the environment is very dirty. It is great to live with a group of kind people at home.

Practicing Falun Dafa to Find Direction

In “Falun Dafa Freed Me from Resentment,” the author describes how he changed from an extremely violent person to a rational and gentle one, which was a very profound spiritual cultivation process. Huang Cai-qing commented that the author had lost control of his ability to manage his anger before cultivation, and it had led to extreme behavior. As the saying goes, “One thought can make you a Buddha, and one thought can make you a demon.” It is great that practicing Falun Dafa helped the author find direction in his heart.

Huang Cai-qing has already bought a copy of Zhuan Falun but had only read about one-third of it. She had felt like it was a philosophical book, very profound, and difficult to understand. She said she now wants to find time to read it carefully and hopes she will gain a deeper understanding.