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Letting Go of Human Notions

July 11, 2024 |   By a Dafa practitioner in China


Insights on Letting Go of Zealotry and Showing Off

Practitioner Feng did something great to validate the Fa, and other practitioners around her felt that she did so well, and that they couldn’t achieve similar results themselves.

Feng said, “Master has arranged for me to cultivate and save sentient beings. Having such a good job and cultivation environment I can save many people. I know I am far from meeting Master’s expectations.”

I was inspired by what she said. Feng hadn’t developed the attachment of zealotry or the mentality of showing off. She knew that all of her achievements were arranged by Master. She thought that she should do more and better to live up to Master’s expectations. In fact, from the Fa, I know that Master has given us so much throughout our lifetimes, providing us with various resources to help us save many people in this lifetime.

Master said:

“Did you know that Fa-rectification disciples who fail to come through the Fa-rectification period will not have another chance to cultivate, because throughout history you have already been given all that is best? Today you have barely had any hardship in your personal cultivation, and you haven’t been asked to bear the enormous sins that you committed over your many lifetimes. Meanwhile, I have enabled you to raise your levels in the fastest ways; kept everything good from your past; replenished things for you with what is better at every level; always given you in cultivation all the most magnificent things of every realm; and have made it possible for you to return after Consummation to your highest realm’s position. These are the things that can be made known to you. There is more, which you cannot know about at this time.” (“Fa-Rectification Period Dafa Disciples” The Essentials of Diligent Progress II)

If we can truly understand this paragraph, we would know that no matter how much we do in truth-clarification}, it would still fall short of what Master has given us and Master expects from us. We would feel ashamed that we hadn’t done enough yet, so where would there be room for zealotry or showing off?

Two days ago, I memorized the paragraph of “The Buddha-light illuminates everywhere and harmonizes everything.” (Lecture Three, Zhuan Falun) At the beginning of this paragraph, Master said, “We teach salvation of both ourselves and others.” I realized that we could save others after perfecting ourselves.

Some practitioners in our group recently encountered several similar situations: When noticing the incorrect state of other practitioners in the family, instead of criticizing or worrying about them as we used to, they would calm down and work on their own cultivation. As a result, the other practitioners in the family showed significant improvement. This approach even led other practitioners in the family to accept the idea of “seeing others’ problems as an opportunity to cultivate oneself.”

Furthermore, I understand from the Fa that I should see others as mirrors to find my own shortcomings. If other practitioners around me create tribulations for me, or if ordinary people around make trouble for me, I should use those situations as an opportunity to look inward to find out what is wrong on my part.

In the past, however, it was often challenging to find my own issues. While it seemed that the other practitioner in the family was just adding a lot of chaos to my life, the feeling of resentment often arose.

After memorizing that paragraph of the Fa, I changed my perspective. I thought if my cultivation was truly good, the righteous field around me should be able to rectify the unrighteous factors around me. The other practitioner’s behavior would certainly not be the way it is now. Therefore, if his or her behavior wasn’t good enough, it must be because my cultivation wasn’t good enough. Rather than blaming others, it’s better to acknowledge that I haven’t cultivated well enough. This way, there would be no complaint or resentment.