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Grand Parade in US Capital to Protest the 25-year-long Persecution of Falun Gong

July 13, 2024 |   By Li Jingfei, a Minghui correspondent in Washington, DC

(Minghui.org) July 20, 2024, marks 25 years since the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) officially began the persecution of Falun Gong (also known as Falun Dafa). Practitioners from all over the US held a grand parade in Washington, DC on July 11, 2024, calling for an end to the CCP’s 25-year persecution.

Thousands of practitioners took part in the long procession. They started off at the northwest lawn of the Capitol and marched down Pennsylvania Avenue past FBI Headquarters, the Department of Justice, the National Archives Building, the Old Post Office Pavilion, and the Canadian Embassy. The parade ended at Freedom Plaza near the White House.

The parade was divided into three distinct sections. The first section, “Falun Dafa Is Good,” was led by the Tian Guo Marching Band, followed by the Flag Team and practitioners holding a “Falun Dafa Is Good” banner. The second section was a call to help end the 25-year-long persecution. Practitioners held photos of those practitioners who died as a result of the persecution. The third section expressed support for the Chinese people who have quit the CCP and its affiliated organizations. To date, over 430 million Chinese have withdrawn from the CCP and its affiliated organizations to distance themselves from the regime’s crimes against humanity.

Falun Dafa practitioners’ parade in Washington, DC on July 11

People Saddened by Practitioners’ Deaths

Hundreds of colorful banners announced, “The World Needs Truthfulness, Compassion, Forbearance” and called for help to “End the Persecution of Falun Gong,” and “Dissolve the CCP and End the Persecution.” Many people who watched the parade took out their phones and videotaped it. Some said this was the first time they’d ever seen a Falun Dafa parade.

Practitioners told people about Falun Dafa and that it is being persecuted in China.

When Pam from Pennsylvania saw the photos of practitioners who died in the persecution, tears streamed down her face. “I looked at every photo and felt so emotional. I don’t care where they come from—everyone should enjoy freedom and not be persecuted [for their faith],” she said.

Pam (middle) from Pennsylvania saw the parade with her friends.

Greg said that, because he’d seen a Shen Yun performance in Colorado, he knew about the persecution of Falun Dafa that started in July 1999. Seeing the many practitioners in the parade, he said, “I believe that it’s very important for a person to be able to practice his faith. It’s good to see so many practitioners here. Bless them.”

Erin, who works in DC, said that she’s seen the practitioners’ parade six times over the past ten years. “The parades were very impressive and majestic,” she said. She knew about the persecution and believes that no matter where people are, they should enjoy basic human rights. “The CCP’s persecution of Falun Gong is horrible, especially the violation of humanity and the organ harvesting from living practitioners,” she said.

Erin, who works in DC, watched the parade.

Make Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance One’s Life Goals

Omar from England said the parade was peaceful and calm. “No one yelled or was aggressive. It’s beautiful,” he said. When he read the banner that said, “Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance,” he said, “I believe everyone should make [these principles] their life goals.”

Omar said he often drove by the Chinese Embassy in London and noticed practitioners quietly protesting and meditating across the street from it. “Meditation is very peaceful, and there’s no reason to oppose it,” he said.

Omar from England saw Falun Dafa parade in Washington, DC.

Andrea, who recently moved to DC from San Diego, said this was the first time she and her children had ever seen a Falun Dafa parade. “The parade is beautiful, and very peaceful,” she said.

Andrea and her daughters watched the practitioners’ parade in Washington, DC.

Terry, who works in the Canadian Embassy in DC, said that Falun Dafa and its principles of Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance are beneficial to people’s physical and mental health. He said the CCP’s persecution of Falun Dafa was irrational: “People have the right to choose what they want to believe and to express their ideas in a peaceful and mutually respectful way.”

Terry works at the Canadian Embassy.

Sam and his father, tourists from Yemen, said they were impressed by the number of people in the parade. Sam said that his father ran toward the parade as soon as they exited the subway. After reading the banners, Sam said that the world does need Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance and that it was a very good message. He said he was interested in learning more about Falun Dafa and would look into it when he returned home.

Sam and his father from Yemen were impressed by the parade.