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Resentment Is Extremely Harmful

July 14, 2024 |   By a Falun Dafa practitioner in China

(Minghui.org) A practitioner in our Fa study group recently became ill and passed away. The news greatly shocked local practitioners. In my opinion, the main reason she died was resentment. Over the years she repeatedly told our study group how her late mother-in-law mistreated her. While we read the Fa, she often coughed and needed to drink water when she could not stop coughing. Other practitioners pointed out her issue. Although she acknowledged her problem, she did not try to eliminate her resentment.

Resentment impacts people’s lives and their thoughts. People tend to feel resentful when they don’t get anything in return for their efforts, when things don’t go their way, or when others’ words or actions impact their interests. I’ve observed that resentment caused great harm to some practitioners. Some experienced illnesses or even passed away. The huge negative impact on ordinary people, in addition to the slander spread by the Chinese Communist Party (CCP), creates additional difficulties for practitioners to clarify the truth about Falun Dafa and the persecution.

Resentment and jealousy are rooted in selfishness. Hatred and resentment are the opposite of kindness and tolerance. I realized that a manifestation of jealousy is not allowing others to do better, while the manifestation of resentment is when one becomes resentful when suffering a little loss. Due to resentment, people may argue with others or feel unhappy. Venting their anger causes conflicts and karma. This is why resentment is often accompanied by jealousy, fighting, showing off, zealotry, competitiveness, ambition, an inferiority complex, and so on. However, during our cultivation practitioners’ strive to remove all kinds of human attachments to meet the requirements of the Fa.

Sometimes I can’t calm down or stop thinking about something when I do the exercises. I know I should remove these distracting thoughts, but they keep resurfacing. Just like adding cold water to boiling water—the water temporarily calms down, but then it begins boiling again.

If a practitioner is filled with resentment and can’t let it go, when he or she does the exercises, how can Master transform gong for that practitioner? Can it be refined in other dimensions? This situation may be more serious than practicing an evil way (The Fifth Talk, Zhuan Falun), and the consequences are terrible!