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66-Year-Old Liaoning Woman Faces Indictment for Her Faith While Being Force-fed In Hospital Every Day

July 14, 2024 |   By a Minghui correspondent in Liaoning Province, China

(Minghui.org) A 66-year-old resident of Jinzhou City, Liaoning Province is facing indictment while being held in a hospital for her faith in Falun Gong, a mind-body practice that has been persecuted by the Chinese Communist Party since July 1999.

Ms. Xu Qingyan was arrested on April 13, 2024, by officers from the Jinzhou City Police Department and the Taihe Police Branch. They took her to the Jinzhou City Women’s Detention Center. After the guards learned of her pre-existing, abdominal tumors condition, they transferred her to the Jinzhou Medical School Affiliated Third Hospital on April 30. She has since been held there.

Ms. Xu went on a hunger strike in protest of the detention (exact start date unknown) and was subjected to daily force-feeding at the hospital. She is now emaciated, incontinent, and paralyzed. The head nurse in charge of her warned that she did not have many days to live.

Instead of releasing her, the police attempted to have her operated on so that they could detain her much longer. Her family refused to sign the consent form for surgery. The police then hired an aide to care for her in the hospital. In the meantime, they submitted her case to the Linghai City Procuratorate. Linghai is under the administration of Jinzhou.

Ms. Xu before the persecution began in 1999

Previously Given 3.5-Year Jail Term and 3-Years of Forced Labor

Ms. Xu suffered vertigo, lumbar muscle strain, severe menstrual cramps, and thyroid tumors in her younger years, but all of her symptoms disappeared after she took up Falun Gong on February 12, 1997. After the persecution began two years later, she was repeatedly arrested for upholding her faith, resulting in a 3.5-year prison sentence and a three-year forced labor term.

After her arrest in October 1999, Ms. Xu was sentenced to three and a half years in prison, and finished serving time in May 2003. She was arrested again on February 4, 2004 and given three years of forced labor two weeks later.

The guards at the now-defunct Masanjia Labor Camp subjected Ms. Xu to various forms of torture. Her health quickly declined as a result. During a checkup on April 20, 2005, she was found to have five large tumors in her uterus, two measuring 12 cm (4.7 in.) in diameter and three at 6 cm (2 in.). She was diagnosed with terminal uterine cancer, as well as myocardium anemia. Four days later, she began to exhibit other symptoms, including shortness of breath, a protruding tongue, and the inability to move her head. She was then released on April 26, 2005.

Ms. Xu was later arrested again on February 24, 2009. Afterwards, she was examined in the police hospital, and two large tumors measuring 19.9 cm (7.8 in.) in diameter, were found in her abdomen. Her intestine had changed shape and her bladder was pushed aside due to pressure from the tumors.

The local detention center initially declined to admit her but relented upon being pressured by the police. Two weeks later, Ms. Xu complained to a cellmate that her heart had been pushed to the limit. She was then carried to an office, where she soon fainted.

The guards rushed her to a hospital. That afternoon, she stopped breathing three times. She looked completely disfigured. Her sister was then notified to pick her up.

Not long after she returned home, Ms. Xu decided to go into hiding to avoid being taken back into custody.

Related Reports:

Ms. Xu Qingyan Tortured Repeatedly and Forced to Become Homeless

The Story of Ms. Xu Qingyan, a Falun Dafa Practitioner from Jinzhou City, Liaoning Province