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Montreal, Canada: People Voice Support for Falun Dafa Practitioners’ Activities to Expose the Persecution

July 20, 2024 |   By Falun Dafa practitioners in Canada

(Minghui.org) Prior to the 25th anniversary of the Chinese Communist Party’s (CCP) persecution (July 20, 1999), Falun Dafa practitioners in Montreal hosted a rally, exercise demonstration, and a candlelight vigil at the Place d’Armes, a historic square in Old Montreal on July 13, 2024.

After dusk, practitioners held candles and sat quietly to commemorate those practitioners who were persecuted to death. The peaceful and solemn scene reflected the perseverance and courage of Falun Dafa (also known as Falun Gong) practitioners who do not fear the egregious suppression in China but continue to steadfastly uphold their faith.

According to statistics compiled by Minghui.org, there is indisputable confirmation that 5,088 Falun Dafa practitioners have been persecuted to death. Due to the ongoing persecution and the Chinese Communist Party’s (CCP) censorship, that number is just the tip of the iceberg.

Practitioners held a rally, exercise demonstration, and candlelight vigil at the Place d’Armes on July 13 to commemorate practitioners who were persecuted to death and to call for an end to the persecution.

“We Will Keep Going Until the Persecution Stops”

Falun Dafa practitioner Felix-Antoine Plante and his family at the commemoration activities on the Place d’Armes square

Felix-Antoine Plante, his wife Yareli, and their two children participated in the commemoration activities on July 13.

Yareli said she hopes that people realize how brutal the CCP’s persecution is. “Falun Dafa is a righteous practice and benefits everybody. Practitioners in China are being killed due to their faith. This persecution is unjust and must stop immediately,” she said.

Felix-Antoine said, “Practitioners use various means to expose the CCP and have persisted for many years. This is not getting involved in politics. We only hope to stop the persecution and hope that the Chinese people can once again practice Truthfulness, Compassion, and Forbearance and meditate and do the exercises freely in parks.”

He said that the CCP not only persecutes Falun Dafa in China but has also been extending its reach into different countries. “As Westerners, we pay close attention to the CCP’s infiltration. The Royal Canadian Mounted Police have been openly investigating the CCP’s interference activities in Quebec. This shows that more and more Westerners are seeing the CCP clearly and refusing to put up with its infiltration,” he said.

Felix-Antoine said that practitioners would not stop opposing the persecution as long as it continued. “We will keep going until the day the persecution stops,” he said.

Because the Place d’Armes is a tourist attraction, people from around the world visit the site. The visitors expressed support for the practitioners after learning about the persecution.

French Tourists: “Peaceful and Soothing”

French tourists Otto Riganello (first left), his wife (second from right), and their children

Otto Riganello’s family from France noticed the practitioners’ event. After listening to practitioners explain that Falun Dafa is being persecuted and practitioners are exposing these human rights violations, the family expressed their support.

Mr. Riganello said, “I learned that Falun Dafa is a practice that teaches people to return to their true nature and was once practiced by many people in China. The communist party banned it in 1999 and has now persecuted practitioners for 25 years. The communist party does not allow people to have different thoughts, even for something like this that benefits the body and mind.

“We come from a free country. For us, this kind of persecution is unimaginable. Especially because there’s no violence in Falun Dafa and people simply want to pursue a healthy body and mind.

“Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance are values that belong to everybody. I don’t think anyone that has the qualities of tolerance, kindness, and sincerity would harm anyone or any regime. I completely agree with them. Stop the persecution!” he said.

His wife added, “I think this form of protest is inspiring, beautiful, peaceful, and soothing. This is a protest but it’s not aggressive or forceful. It’s very peaceful and stayed that way.”

Business Manager: “They Are Very Brave”

Marc commends practitioners’ efforts.

Marc, a business manager in Montreal, said after seeing the practitioners’ activities, “I’m very glad to see these kinds of activities. They are promoting the great principles of Truthfulness, Compassion, and Forbearance while resisting the current regime that is far from democracy and does not advocate for any freedom, religion, or any religious values. I congratulate and thank them.”

He said that he’s seen practitioners’ activities before, and their way of peacefully opposing the persecution left a deep impression on him. “To me, Falun Gong’s activities are always connected with being peaceful. I’m happy that they’re able to express themselves unhindered in Canada. This is a normal society,” he said.

“We all know that the CCP uses trade to coerce countries. They [practitioners] are very brave,” Marc said.

Students Support Practitioners

Middle school students from Luxembourg express support for practitioner Cong Xinmiao, who called on people to help rescue her imprisoned mother.

Upon hearing about the illegal imprisonment of 78-year-old practitioner Cong Lanying, a group of middle school students from Luxembourg were very surprised. A student named Saint Trent said, “This really shows they have no respect, putting an elderly lady in jail. She only wanted to be a good person and have a healthy body. I think it’s horrible ... Calling for the persecution to end is correct. It’s best to put this information on social media so everyone knows.”

Another student Sami Maslek said, “This is insane, jailing people that meditate. To me, what should be jailed is the communist party. I think China should change and have the communist party step down and have some good people to rule the nation.”

Tourist from Kuwait: “The Chinese Government Must Stop the Persecution”

Sanjay, a tourist from Kuwait

Sanjay, a tourist from Kuwait, said that he was familiar with Falun Dafa and the principles of Truthfulness, Compassion, Forbearance. “I like Falun Dafa’s songs and music. I often play the music on YouTube. They’re very peaceful, traditional, and beautiful,” he said.

“I very much appreciate the protest activities they’re hosting. I condemn the Chinese government for suppressing the Falun Dafa group and its brutalities during the Tiananmen Massacre [in 1989]. The Chinese government must stop this persecution. China should allow such peaceful groups like Falun Dafa.”