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Toronto, Canada: Practitioners Hold Events to Highlight 25th Anniversary of Protesting the Persecution

July 26, 2024 |   By Minghui correspondents in Toronto

(Minghui.org) Nearly one thousand Falun Dafa practitioners from various areas of Canada gathered in Toronto for a series of events calling for an end to the Chinese Communist Party’s (CCP) 25-year persecution of the spiritual discipline on July 20, 2024.

Practitioners did the exercises at Queen’s Park that morning. A number of people stopped to watch and learn about Falun Dafa, and some learned the exercises. At noon, practitioners held a rally in front of the Ontario Legislative Building, urging people to pay attention to the persecution and help stop it.

That afternoon practitioners marched from the Ontario Legislative Building through major streets of downtown Toronto. Spectators waved at practitioners, took photos and videos, and accepted the brochures practitioners distributed.

Practitioners meditated in front of the Chinese consulate that night. They held floral wreaths and silently mourned fellow practitioners who have lost lives over the past 25 years for upholding their faith under the CCP’s regime.

Practitioners did the exercises at Queen’s Park.

Practitioners marched in central Toronto.

Practitioners tell people about Falun Dafa. Many people stopped to watch and take photos.

Practitioners held a candlelight vigil in front of the Chinese consulate.

Polish Tourist: “Hope Practitioners Obtain Freedom as Soon as Possible”

Brunr from Poland

Brunr, a tourist from Poland, walked by Queen’s Park in the morning. When practitioners asked if he knew about Falun Dafa, he said, “Yes, I do. A student from China told me about it. He told me that Falun Dafa follows the principles of Truthfulness, Compassion, and Forbearance. I agree with this idea. What I agree with the most is ‘Compassion,’ which is contained in every faith. That is the love and tolerance for people.”

Brunr also said he knows about the various forms of persecution practitioners are suffering under the CCP. “I felt very sad when these were discussed. I think Falun Dafa’s ideas are correct. But under the CCP’s dictatorship, practitioners have no freedom. I hope they obtain freedom as soon as possible,” he said.

German Tourists: “Practitioners in China Are Brave”

Monica and her mother from Germany

Monica and her mother from Germany were visiting Toronto. When they passed by Queen’s Park, they were drawn by the scene of practitioners as they did the exercises, and they read the posters about Falun Dafa. Monica said it was the first time that she and her mother saw practitioners do the exercises, and watching them made them feel calm and peaceful.

When practitioners told them that they follow the principles of Truthfulness, Compassion, and Forbearance, Monica said, “In today’s crowded and busy society, it’s very good that people are following these ideas. If everyone can do things under the guidance of these ideas, society would become more peaceful.”

When they heard that the theme of the events called for an end to the CCP’s 25-year-long persecution of Falun Dafa, Monica said, “I oppose this persecution. I think practitioners in China are brave. If everyone unites, it will definitely form a strong force and get through this tribulation.”

“No Need for the CCP to Persecute Practitioners”

Jonas is also a tourist from Germany. He saw the practitioners’ group exercise and stopped to watch.

When practitioners told him that Falun Dafa teaches people to conduct themselves according to the principles of Truthfulness-Compassion-Tolerance, Jonas nodded and smiled and said, “This is a very good thing, also something that I hope to follow. Truthfulness-Compassion-Tolerance are a kind of peaceful principles, restraining oneself while not hurting others.”

When he learned that the theme of this event was to let more people know about the persecution, and that the persecution has lasted 25 years, he said, “I felt sad hearing this news. There is no need for the CCP to persecute practitioners. I will tell my family and friends about this.”

Dutch Visitors: “Hope Practitioners Gain Freedom Soon”

Hantkk (left), Mark (center), and Martin (right) from the Netherlands

Hantkk, Mark, and Martin are from the Netherlands and saw the practitioners’ rally while visiting Queen’s Park.

After talking with practitioners and learning about Falun Gong and the ongoing persecution, the three of them found it unbelievable that such brutal persecution was still taking place in the world. Hantkk said, “I believe that in mainland China, people hope to have more freedom of thought, but they’re not able to, because there, everything is under the control of the CCP.”

Martin said, “I hope Falun Gong practitioners gain freedom soon.”

Mark said after hearing that Falun Gong is based on the principles of Truthfulness-Compassion-Tolerance, “I think ‘Truthfulness’ is very good, but it’s hard for people to achieve it under the CCP’s rule. ‘Compassion’ and ‘Tolerance’ are also right; we have to treat everyone with tolerance.”

People Praise the March

Jemma (right) and Ellie (left) from England

Jemma and Ellie from England watched the practitioners’ march. Jemma told the practitioners, “At first we were very surprised and didn’t know what happened. After we saw the messages on the banners, we realized that this was a great march – a protest against persecution that’s taking place in China.”

Ellie said, “We learned that the CCP government is persecuting the Falun Gong group. We lacked enough knowledge about this persecution before, because the CCP keeps everything under the table and does not let the outside world know. So it’s very good to be able to see this kind of march, telling the society: people are being persecuted for having different ideologies than the CCP.”

Jemma believed that Chinese practitioners’ being able to freely march in Toronto formed a stark contrast with China. “We’re very glad that these Chinese people can freely live in Canada and not have to worry about being persecuted... I will read the brochure and learn more about it,” she said.

“The Persecution Is Hard to Accept”

Fatih speaks to practitioners during the march

Fatih smiled as he watched the march. He said that it was his first time seeing a march with Chinese characters written on the banners and thought it was refreshing. “People that participated in the parade were very quiet. They didn’t shout slogans and were very respectful of others. They only played music and held banners,” he said.

After hearing practitioners describe Falun Dafa, he said, “Putting Truthfulness-Compassion-Tolerance into practice is a good thing. I think everything that allows people to feel relaxed and physically and mentally benefited is worth a try.”

Regarding the ongoing persecution, Fatih said, “The persecution is hard to accept. Everyone should respect each other’s belief. Governments should allow freedom of belief. Unfortunately, certain governments aren’t that open-minded.” He said that he would let more people know about the persecution of Falun Dafa.

“Meditating With You Was a Kind of Mission”

Katey joined the practitioners’ candle vigil.

Katey drove by the Chinese consulate and saw practitioners in yellow shirts quietly meditating. She asked if she could join them.

She said, “A few months ago, I saw people in yellow shirts doing exercises at a park. I was curious and briefly talked to them. But then I forgot about it. A few weeks later, a friend of mine that’s living in Vietnam said she started practicing Falun Dafa and felt she benefited physically and mentally. She said if I met any practitioners in Canada, I could contact them.” She said when she saw familiar clothing as she was driving by, she felt that it was heaven’s arrangement and predestined relationship.

Upon hearing about the ongoing persecution, she said, “It’s very sad to hear this. Although I’m not practicing, I feel that meditating with you was a kind of mission.”

After the vigil, Katey thanked the practitioners, “Very glad to be able to talk with you. I learned a lot.”