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A Selfless Act

July 26, 2024 |   By a Falun Dafa practitioner in Hebei Province, China

(Minghui.org) I am 72 years old and have been cultivating in Falun Dafa for over twenty years. I would like to share a recent experience.

Last May I purchased a house. While cleaning the house I found random piles of loose change. Then while cleaning out a large closet I found a bulging envelope full of hundred-yuan bills. Knowing that the money must belong to the previous owner, I put the loose change into the same envelope and planned to return it to them as soon as possible.

Falun Dafa teaches Dafa cultivators to follow “Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance,” and to take a lighter view of worldly fame and gains. What does not belong to us, we should not take!

Master Li, the founder of Falun Dafa told us,

“If your life does not have something to begin with and you obtain what should belong to another person in society, you will owe that person a debt.” (Lecture Two, Zhuan Falun)

The agent who sold the house to us sent me the previous owner’s phone number. I called her to come pick up the money. She said she didn't have time that day. I called her multiple times the following week, but she always had an excuse why she could not pick up the money.

I found this odd, but it finally dawned on me that she must think I am a scammer. They simply could not believe they had left so much money behind in the house, and even if it’s true, they wouldn’t expect it to be returned to them.

In today’s China, under the Chinese Communist Party’s rule, the moral standards are sliding down. People will stop at nothing for money, and some could even turn against their own families. Who would not have kept the money? That explained why they dared not believe there could still be such good people in today's society!

I later found out that the previous owner had retired from a hospital. In order to convince her to believe me, I went to the hospital and spoke to some of her former co-workers, explaining the situation and asking them to convey the message to her. After my multiple attempts, she finally believed me and came to our house with her son to retrieve their money.

I told them that I am a Falun Dafa practitioner, and I clarified the truth to them. They seemed to have doubts about what I said. Knowing that they often went abroad, I added, “Please take the opportunity to learn the truth about Falun Dafa overseas.”

Although they still seemed to be confused, I believe that through this incident, their hearts have been touched. At the very least, by interacting with me, they have seen what kind of people Dafa practitioners are. I hope that in the future, they will come to better understand the truth and receive blessings.