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Breaking Away From Human Notions

July 30, 2024 |   By a Falun Dafa practitioner in Liaoning Province, China

(Minghui.org) My daughter visited me and stayed at my house one night in May. My son-in-law called her the following morning and said he was taking their son to the hospital because the boy had had a nosebleed all night. I decided to go with her to the hospital.

While we waited, we noticed a blood pressure monitor in the corridor which was free to use for hospital visitors. My daughter measured her blood pressure, so I also measured mine. My readings were alarmingly high, and I immediately regretted doing it.

When I got home, my daughter said to me, “Mom, your blood pressure is too high. You must go to the hospital for a thorough check-up.”

I said, “I am not going to a hospital. I might have been nervous so my blood pressure was high. I’m fine.” She didn’t insist.

My daughter has been practicing Falun Dafa with me since she was young. After she went to college, she no longer had a cultivation environment, and she gradually slacked off in her cultivation. But she believes in Master and Dafa, and knows the merits of Dafa.

In the next few days, I sometimes felt dizzy, and I remembered those numbers on the blood pressure monitor. My heart was disturbed and I started to have wild thoughts. At this time, I remembered Master’s teaching.

Master said,

“What’s important for cultivators is righteous thoughts. When you have strong righteous thoughts, you are able to withstand anything and do anything. That’s because you are a cultivator: someone who is on a divine path and who is not controlled by the factors of ordinary people or low-level principles.” (Teachings at the Conference in Los Angeles)

I calmed down. This must be interference and persecution caused by my human notions. I would not admit the persecution. I rejected it, denied it, and cleared these numbers from my mind. I sent righteous thoughts and searched within to find my attachments. I found that I wanted to enjoy myself, have a better and comfortable life, and I had many other human notions.

Why did I measure my blood pressure? I treated myself as an ordinary person, which was a manifestation of not believing in Master and the Fa. On the surface it seemed a very simple action, but there were so many human notions and attachments hidden behind it.

By remembering the Fa and looking inward, the Fa principles became clearer in my mind and the dizziness disappeared.