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Breaking Through the Appearance of Sickness Karma

July 8, 2024 |   By a Falun Dafa practitioner in China

(Minghui.org) I used to have a vague understanding of the Fa and didn’t know how to look within. My loopholes were taken advantage of by the old forces. I was imprisoned and tortured by the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) authorities a few years ago, which made my left leg and back lose sensation. My family bailed me out for medical treatment. My husband had to carry me upstairs and downstairs because I couldn’t walk. I told Master in my mind, “Master, I shouldn’t be carried. I want to walk by myself.” I tried to climb the stairs slowly, one step at a time. Gradually, I was able to walk just like a normal person.

One day, my leg and my back had the same problem again. I discussed this issue with fellow practitioners and identified my human notions, including frustrations, complaints, attachment to sentimentality, and so on. My leg and back returned to that of a regular individual as soon as I found my attachments.

I was walking on the street one day, when my back and my left leg suddenly became stiff. I couldn’t move even one step forward. I stood there and sent forth righteous thoughts, “I absolutely don’t recognize the old force’ persecution and interference regardless of my attachments. Master, please reinforce my righteous thoughts!” I locked down the evil factors in other dimensions and sent forth my strongest righteous thoughts, “Let the evil and old forces be destroyed!” Instantly, my leg and my back returned to that of a normal person.

I had a dream one night, in which I saw two rows of planting racks with many beans in my home. I was curious how these beans could grown in my home? After waking up, I realized that Master was hinting to me that I had an internal fighting mentality because the words “bean” and “fighting” are homophones in Chinese.

I had complaints against my husband and was fighting him for years. My attachments had been well hidden. My husband works for the government. He had written reports singing praises of the CCP. I opposed to what he did. I even had a dream one night, in which a leader of the CCP bragged to me, “Your husband listens to me, not to you!”

I discussed the issue with a fellow practitioners. She advised me, “It’s part of your husband’s job to write reports. You may look within for your attachment to him, which has probably triggered your fighting mentality and complaints.” After I eliminated my attachments, my husband became more receptive when I clarified the facts about Falun Dafa to him. He said he would never write such reports again.

I had a terrible headache one day. My son told me, “Let’s go see a doctor if it’s that bad.” I said “no.” I looked within and found my fundamental attachment to selfishness. My headache disappered right away. My son and my husband were amazed by the power of Falun Dafa. Both of them said that Falun Dafa was great!

I have realized that any tribulation was a false appearance, and the key is to improve my xinxing. As soon as I look within correctly, everything changes immediately. I have to guard my thoughts and eliminate my human notions in the limited time left for our cultivation in the Fa-rectification period. I must seize the time to do the three things well, and save more sentient beings.