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Eliminating the Attachment to Watching Short Videos

July 8, 2024 |   By a young Dafa disciple in China

(Minghui.org) I am 17 years old. Since starting high school, due to the pandemic, I’ve been attending online classes, needing the internet to communicate with classmates and teachers, as well as for my homework.

My mother agreed for me to use QQ on my iPad (I had uninstalled QQ when I graduated from elementary school), and as a result, I became addicted to watching QQ short videos. [QQ is a Chinese messaging software and web portal]

Compared to be involved in boring study, the tempting short videos were fun to watch and made me happy. Even though I chose to watch them, deep down, I was aware that these videos were filled with sensuality and desires, containing many negative elements. As a cultivator, I knew I shouldn’t watch them, let alone become addicted to them. However, once I started watching, I couldn’t control myself, and one or two hours would pass by in a flash. After watching those short videos, my mind would still be filled with the content I had watched, and it would linger for a long time.

For a period of time, I fell into the vicious cycle of feeling happy while watching videos but then regretting it afterward. I had no time to study the Fa or do the exercises, and my academic performance suffered as a result.

Master gave me hints not to indulge in these videos. For example, on weekends, if I watched short videos, I would break out in acne, but if I refrained from watching them during the week, my skin condition would improve. Once, I couldn’t even remember the password for my iPad. I wanted to change.

On weekends, I would try my best to control myself and not watch those videos. I saw that on weekends when I didn’t watch them, I would feel at ease, and my self-discipline would grow stronger.

However, the desire and attachment to watching videos often disturbed me, and deep down, I still longed to watch them. I would feel like I was addicted to them, and it troubled me. I didn't know how I could quit.

One day, while studying Zhuan Falun, I came across Master’s teachings on quitting smoking. Master said:

“In fact, let me tell you that they do not have correct thoughts to guide themselves, and it will not be easy for them to quit that way. As a cultivator, why don’t you take it as an attachment to be abandoned, and see if you can quit?” (Lecture Seven in Zhuan Falun)

I thought: Was I not just like those who are addicted to smoking? I was addicted to short videos! I should treat it as an attachment and get rid of it, just as Master requires.

Master also said:

“One still needs to relinquish jealousy, the competitive mentality, the attachment of zealotry, the mentality of showing off, and various other attachments; there are numerous human attachments. Only by removing all attachments and desires can one complete one’s cultivation.” (Lecture Seven in Zhuan Falun)

Yes, with so many attachments that we need to eliminate, shouldn’t I quickly rid myself of the attachment to watching short videos and diligently cultivate?

I realized that the reason I was trapped in a vicious cycle and couldn’t break free from the desire to watching videos was that I wasn’t treating the matter seriously. So, every time I sent righteous thoughts, I would clear away the bad thoughts of watching videos. I also kept my iPad at a distance when I didn’t need it, avoiding it whenever possible.

Now, I can strictly control myself. If I can avoid using the iPad, I won’t have the desire to touch it at all. My mood has become less miserable, lighter, and happier, and I have more motivation to study my school work.

Thank you, Master!