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Master’s Guidance on Taking Fa Study Seriously and Not Slacking in Cultivation

July 8, 2024 |   By Jing Ru, a Falun Dafa practitioner in China

(Minghui.org) I was transcribing Zhuan Falun one morning, when I felt thirsty. I got up and drank some water, then found some dried jujubes in the drawer and ate a few. I continued to transcribe for a while, but then felt tired and sleepy, so I took a nap.

During my nap, I had a vivid dream. I saw Master sitting at a big desk with a book in his hand, reading carefully. I was standing at the other end of the table, having snacks and holding a drink in my hand, and I accidentally dropped the golden Dafa book on the floor with the cover facing down. I was shocked and distressed, and for fear that Master would criticize me, I quickly knelt down and carefully picked up the book.

I quietly looked at Master and found that Master was still reading carefully. He did not look up, as if nothing had happened. I suddenly heard a small loudspeaker on the windowsill playing a song, which was very loud and amusing. I thought, “This is not right. Won’t it interfere with Master’s reading?”

I looked at Master again, but it seemed that Master had not heard anything and was not affected in any way, as if things around him did not exist, and he was still reading seriously.

When I woke up, I was shocked because Master had taught me how to study the Fa seriously. I have been practicing for 18 years, but sometimes I still struggle to study the Fa with full focus. I realized I wasn’t focused enough and often sought comfort instead.

I once challenged myself to do nothing but study the Fa seriously for two hours. I resisted the urge to have snacks or drinks. When I succeeded, I heard a golden bell from another dimension, and I understood that Master was encouraging me to be diligent.

I realized that I am a Dafa disciple, that I came to earth to shoulder and fulfill the great mission of saving people, and that I should not pursue a comfortable life like ordinary people. As practitioners we should follow Master's words: 

“Let joy be found in hardship.” (“Tempering the Will,” Hong Yin)

From then on, I usually didn’t sleep during the day. When I was really tired, I would take a nap at my desk. Once, when I was relaxing again, I dreamed that I was driving an electric car very fast, but just before reaching my destination, the car's battery went flat, and I had to find a place to charge it. I decided not to slack off in my cultivation. I studied the Fa seriously and often saw the Fa manifest.

My husband once criticized me and my mother’s family, which left me feeling unbalanced and prompted me to try to reason with him. But when I spoke up, he slammed the table and shouted, and then escalated into using harsher words. His behavior deeply upset me, and I felt resentful. My mother’s family had taken care of him and shown kindness to him, so I couldn’t understand what he was saying and felt the urge to confront him.

I then reminded myself, “No, I am a practitioner who follows the principles of Truthfulness, Compassion, and Forbearance, and nothing happens by chance. I must follow Master’s teachings, improve my character, and look within. No matter how hurt or wronged I feel, I must not blame him. There must be something within myself that needs improvement.”

I calmed down and looked inward. I realized I harbored a strong ego and wanted to validate myself. I lacked humility and often carried a competitive and resentful mindset. Recognizing these human notions, I knew I had to eliminate them as soon as possible.

I said to my husband, “It’s my fault. I shouldn’t have argued with you. How long will I carry these worldly attachments? I will eliminate them as soon as possible.”

By admitting my mistake and ceasing to argue, my husband’s hostile demeanor abruptly softened. He looked touched and remained silent. From then on, such conflicts became rare.

I am deeply grateful for Master’s compassionate guidance. Let us all remind each other to never slack off on our cultivation journey.