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Cancer Patient: Falun Dafa Renewed My Life

July 9, 2024 |   By a Falun Dafa practitioner in China

(Minghui.org) I began practicing Falun Dafa in 1996 when I was in the depths of despair. Although I’ve never met Master, I truly feel that he is always by my side.

A Desperate Situation

I injured my leg at work when I was 36 and I had trouble walking. A co-worker suggested I go for a massage, but the pain was excruciating. I screamed so loud that the staff was terrified. My friend took me to a hospital, and I was diagnosed with bone cancer. I begged the doctor to help me, but he told me there was nothing he could do as this illness was incurable.

I received a pain injection, but it was useless. I screamed all night. My co-worker made a lot of phone calls, and I was finally admitted to a hospital. After a lot of back-and-forth negotiation, I signed the document to take full responsibility for the negative consequences of surgery, and then they operated on me.

I had a cardiac arrest while on the operating table, and they resuscitated me. After surgery, I was bound in a cast from the soles of my feet to my chest, and I was bedridden for two years.

One week after I was sent home, the steel implant in my leg broke and left a piece inside the bone marrow. I had to undergo surgery again; the pain and suffering were beyond words, but I was alive; I eventually relearned how to sit, stand, and walk with crutches.

Our monthly salaries could barely support our family—most of the money was spent on my medicine.

My health deteriorated because of the large amount of drugs I consumed. I could barely walk, and I could not keep food down. I began losing my eyesight, and all the organs in my body were failing. I had either diarrhea or constipation; I had a fast heartbeat, my eyes were dry and painful, and I felt dizzy. In May of 1996, my husband had a stroke after carrying the heavy burden for so long. We lost all hope in life.

Falun Dafa Renewed My Life

They knew that I was dying, so my relatives and friends came to visit me and say goodbye. I was terrified and felt helpless. One of my daughter’s classmates, Qing, told my daughter not to cry and said she had a way to help me. I thought she was just trying to comfort my daughter. She’s so young and not a medical student. What could she do?

Qing came to see me and brought me a book: Zhuan Falun, the main book of Falun Dafa’s teachings. At the time my eyes hurt and I was almost blind. I didn't understand what this book had to do with my illness, so I didn’t read it.

A few days later Qing came to teach me the exercises, and I suddenly felt something spinning in my lower abdomen. It was obvious, and I heard a “swish” sound. Qing called a few people and they physically carried me to a group Fa study site. After a few days, I could sit on my own, turn my body sideways and get up, and walk. My heartbeat returned to normal, and I had no problem speaking.

One month later, my glasses fell and broke. Without the glasses, I realized that I could see things better than before, and my vision gradually improved. I stopped wearing glasses.

I earnestly read the teachings, and I also hand-copied them. When the persecution began in July 1999 I started memorizing Zhuan Falun, thinking that I would keep it in my mind, so no one could take it from me.

I was drowsy for several days, and had severe pain in my head and eyes for three days. I endured it believing that it was the only way out. On the fourth day my sister helped me to do the exercises, and I felt very comfortable. The pain stopped and my vision fully recovered. My legs stopped hurting as well. I threw away the crutches and walked effortlessly.

Master purified my body and soul and extended my life. Over the last twenty years, I’ve witnessed many wonders, which have entirely changed my outlook on life and the world. I bid farewell to illness and medicine forever and am no longer intrigued by atheism, materialism, or the theory of evolution.

I now live a happy and harmonious life. Many relatives and friends saw how much I changed and have positive opinions about Falun Dafa. I appreciate Master’s compassion and grace. Indeed Falun Dafa is good, Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance is good.