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Bremen, Germany: People Interested in Falun Dafa at the InVita Health Expo

Sept. 17, 2024 |   By a Falun Dafa practitioner in Germany

(Minghui.org) Titled “If You Rest, You Rust!” InVita 2024 was held in Bremen September 4 and 5 to provide inspiration, information, and entertainment to those looking to live active lives as they age. This year, the organizers once again invited Falun Dafa practitioners to participate and demonstrate the exercises on the main stage.

Practitioners demonstrated the Falun Dafa exercises during the Bremen InVita Health Expo September 4 and 5.

A practitioner tells the audience at the Bremen InVita Health Expo about Falun Dafa.

In their “Experience the Power of Falun Dafa: Physical and Mental Health and Harmony” presentation, practitioners demonstrated the five peaceful exercises as the host explained the movements in detail. The host also talked about Falun Dafa’s principles of Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance and how they improve practitioners’ bodies and minds.

The exhibition is part of the HanseLife shopping and experience exhibition. HanseLife is held in Bremen in late summer every year and attracts many older people and their families. This year, about 80 exhibitors participated. Falun Dafa practitioners have been invited to participate in the exhibition for the past six years.

Although there is a fee to book a booth, every year the organizers have reserved a free booth for Falun Dafa practitioners. They also invite practitioners to demonstrate the exercises on stage. It is evident that Falun Dafa has had a positive impact on this yearly event.

People Interested in Practicing Falun Dafa

After the demonstration, many people went to the practitioners’ booth to ask where they could learn how to practice Falun Dafa. When two ladies expressed their desire to learn the exercises, practitioners gave them a detailed introduction and demonstrated the movements. Another lady followed suit and also learned the movements.

The director of a nursing facility was also interested in Falun Dafa. She exchanged contact information with practitioners and planned to organize the employees to learn the exercises.

Several nurses who take care of the mentally disabled also came to the Falun Dafa booth. After practitioners explained that Falun Dafa can improve people’s physical and mental health, one woman was very interested in learning it. The other nurses wanted to visit other booths, but she decided to stay and learn the exercises. The practitioners suggested that they could take some materials and arrange a time to learn the exercises together. They exchanged contact information.