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Blessed by Supporting Falun Dafa, People in China Respectfully Wish Master Li a Happy Mid-Autumn Festival

Sept. 17, 2024

(Minghui.org) Falun Dafa’s spreading is a blessing to all beings, and those who have a kind heart will be blessed. On the occasion of the 2024 Mid-Autumn Festival, the people of China are sending their greetings to wish Master Li Hongzhi a happy holiday!

Someone from the Xicheng District in Beijing, said, “Our entire family knows that Master Li saved my husband’s life. Master Li asked for nothing in return, and we have never met him in person. Falun Gong is truly wonderful! To sum it up in one sentence: Falun Dafa is good, Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance is good! Greetings, Master Li Hongzhi!”

Someone in Jianping County, Chaoyang City, Liaoning Province, said, “We are family members of a Dafa practitioner, and we have benefited so much from Dafa. In the past, I suffered from high blood pressure, cerebral thrombosis, and clogged blood vessels. I was dependent on medication, was often breathless, needed frequent infusions, and had a short temper.

“The Dafa practitioner often read Dafa books to me, did the exercises with me, and encouraged me to repeat, ‘Falun Dafa is good, Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance is good.’ Now, I am full of energy and vibrant, and my health has greatly improved!”

A family member of a Dafa practitioner in Deyang, Sichuan Province, wrote to say how their entire family has benefited from their parents practicing, especially during the COVID-19 pandemic, they all remained well.

Repeating “Falun Dafa Is Good, Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance Is Good,” Gout Disappeared

An elderly man and his granddaughter in Leiyang City, Hunan Province, respectfully wish Master a happy Mid-Autumn Festival!

“I am 87 years old and live in a remote mountain village in Leiyang City, Hunan Province. My wife is a veteran Falun Dafa practitioner. Although I can’t read or write and am unable to study the Fa, I firmly believe that Falun Dafa is good and that Master Li is here to bring us salvation.

“I often repeat, ‘Falun Dafa is good, Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance is good,’ and I have been blessed as a result. My health is excellent, even better than my daughter’s. Whenever I face difficulties, I turn to Master for help.

“This August, I suddenly had gout in my right hand and foot, and the pain lasted the entire night. Unable to sleep, I chanted ‘Falun Dafa is good, Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance is good’ throughout the night. The next day, the swelling in my hand and foot had diminished.

“Thank you, Master, for protecting me! On this Mid-Autumn Festival, I want to express my deepest gratitude to Master: ‘Happy Mid-Autumn Festival, Master! You have worked hard! Words cannot fully express my gratitude for your grace!’”

Children Witness Miracles Their Parents Experienced and Are Grateful to Master Li

The family of Dafa practitioners in Deyang, Sichuan Province, respectfully wish Master Happy Mid-Autumn Festival!

“Our parents have both practiced Dafa for over 20 years, and we have witnessed Dafa’s miracles firsthand. Bathed in Dafa’s Buddha light, my sibling and I have benefited greatly.

“We are in good physical and mental health and rarely fall ill. Especially during the three-year lockdown due to the COVID-19 pandemic, we remained safe and well.

“Our parents, both in their 80s, are healthy and independent. Our family enjoys harmony and happiness.

“On this occasion of Mid-Autumn Festival, we are grateful to Master Li for bringing us happiness and prosperity! We would like to respectfully wish Master Li a happy Mid-Autumn Festival!”

The Entire Family of a Dafa Practitioner in Dalian, Liaoning Province, Respectfully Wishes Master Liang a Happy Mid-Autumn Festival!

“Our entire family is under Master’s protection, bathed in Buddha’s light, and everything is going well. Our two sons, one who works for a Japanese company and the other for a U.S. company, are both well-compensated. Our two granddaughters are attending outstanding high schools. All our children support Dafa and are benefiting from its blessings.

“My husband has advanced prostate cancer. He believes in Dafa and chants ‘Falun Dafa is good, Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance is good’ every day and regularly listens to and watches Master’s lectures. He supports me in clarifying the facts to others.

“Our family hosts a Fa study group, and he treats ever practitioner who attends with kindness. When I need money to make Dafa materials, he never tobjecs when I use our savings. He also encourages our neighbors, friends, and relatives to quit the CCP and its affiliated organizations. He sees through the evil nature of the CCP, understands that it harms people, and no longer falls for its lies.

“We know that our great benevolent Master has extended my husband’s life and borne significant karma on his behalf. With deep emotion, our entire family is profoundly grateful to Master for his salvation. Thank you, Master. We bow deeply in gratitude to you!”

The Entire Family of a Dafa Practitioner in Chongqing Respectfully Wishes Our Great Benevolent Master a Happy Mid-Autumn Festival!

“Master, Happy Mid-Autumn Festival!

“Greetings Master! Because I believe Falun Dafa is good! Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance is good! By supporting my family member to practice Falun Dafa, our entire family is blessed!

“I have been married for over 10 years and had no children. On New Year’s Eve the year before last, I sincerely asked Master for a child. Not long after, my wish was fulfilled, and we welcomed a beautiful baby. Now, at 10 months old, the baby is healthy and adorable, and our family is filled with joy! We are forever grateful to Master for this blessing!”

Respectfully submitted by the entire family of a Dafa practitioner in ChongqingSeptember 2024

A Young Dafa Practitioner in Beijing’s Shijingshan District Respectfully Wishes Master a Happy Mid-Autumn Festival!

“Greetings, Master! I am 12 years old. Since I was little, I have never needed medicine for a cold or fever, and I recover very quickly. I frequently chant, ‘Falun Dafa is good’ and study the Fa with my grandmother whenever I have time. I miss you and hope Master will return to China soon. Thank you, Master.”

A Dafa Practitioner’s Family of Five in the Hongta District of Yuxi City, Yunnan Province, Respectfully Wishes Master a Happy Mid-Autumn Festival!

“Master, we deeply appreciate your blessings! Under your compassionate protection, my mother, who suffered from a cerebral infarction, has regained the ability to walk. Our family is profoundly grateful for your compassion and salvation. We wish you a joyous Mid-Autumn Festival!”

Respectfully submitted by A Dafa practitioner’s family of five in the Hongta District of Yuxi City, Yunnan Province

Master Gave My Husband a Second Life, and Our Family Is Grateful to Master Li

“Residents of the Xicheng District in Beijing respectfully wish Master Li a happy Mid-Autumn Festival!

“At this Mid-Autumn Festival, our family misses Master Li the most. Master Li gave my family’s mainstay a second life, and we are grateful beyond words. Our entire family knows that Master Li saved my husband’s life. Master Li asked for nothing in return, and we have never met him in person. Falun Gong is truly wonderful!

“To sum it up, ‘Falun Dafa is good, Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance is good!’ Greetings, Master Li Hongzhi!”

Respectfully submitted by Residents of Xicheng District, Beijing

A Dafa Practitioner’s Family Treasures Dafa, and Dafa Blesses Them in Return

“Four members of a Dafa practitioner’s family in Jianping County, Chaoyang City, Liaoning Province, respectfully wish Master Li a happy Mid-Autumn Festival!

“We are family members of a Dafa practitioner, and we have benefited greatly from Dafa. In the past, I suffered from high blood pressure, cerebral thrombosis, and clogged blood vessels. I was dependent on medication, was often breathless, required frequent infusions, and had a short temper.

The Dafa practitioner frequently read Dafa books to me, did the exercises with me, and encouraged me to repeat, ‘Falun Dafa is good, Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance is good.’ Now, I feel full of energy and vibrant, and my health has greatly improved!

“All that I am today is due to the blessings of Dafa. Without the salvation of Falun Dafa, I would not be here. Thank you, Master Li, and I wish you a happy Mid-Autumn Festival!”

Respectfully submitted by four members of a Dafa practitioner’s family in Jianping County, Chaoyang City, Liaoning Province

Family’s Understanding of the Truth of Dafa Keeps Them Safe During the Pandemic

A family of Dafa practitioners and their relatives in Nanning, Guangxi Autonomous Region, respectfully wish Master Li a happy Mid-Autumn Festival!

“Over the years, our entire family has benefited greatly from Dafa, and many of our relatives have come to understand the truth.

“During the pandemic, our entire family remained safe. Although our parents had fever symptoms of fever, they recovered quickly after listening to Master’s teachings—they sweated but their temperatures returned to normal after listening to the first lecture—without needing medication. Our parents are now in good health. Thank you, Master!

“We will continue to improve in truth-clarification so that more people in the world can understand the truth and be saved!”

Respectfully submitted by a family of Dafa practitioners and their relatives in Nanning, Guangxi Autonomous Region

A Couple in the Shapingba District of Chongqing Respectfully Wishes Dafa Master a Happy Mid-Autumn Festival!

Happy Mid-Autumn Festival to Master Li! We know that Falun Dafa is truly wonderful! After being married for ten years but unable to conceive, we frequently chanted, ‘Falun Dafa is good!’ and became pregnant. We are certain that this blessing came from Master. We are deeply grateful and will remain devoted supporters of Falun Dafa forever!

Respectfully submitted by a couple in the Shapingba District of Chongqing

“With One Person Practicing, the Whole Family Benefits.” My In-Laws in Their 90s Are in Good Health

A Dafa practitioner in a village in Dehui County, Jilin Province, respectfully wishes Master a happy Mid-Autumn Festival!

“I respectfully wish Master a happy Mid-Autumn Festival!

“Master, I am deeply grateful for everything you have done for me! Since I began practicing Dafa, my whole family has benefited. Even though my family members do not practice Dafa themselves, they have all been bathing in Dafa’s Buddha light. Master has given us so much, from physical protection to overseeing our daily lives; every aspect is imbued with Master’s compassion and efforts.

“My parents-in-law are both 94 years old but remain in good health. Two years ago, my mother-in-law was involved in a car accident, but she emerged safe and sound. It was Master who gave her a second life.

“My entire family and I bow deeply to our great and benevolent Master and proclaim, ‘Falun Dafa is good!’ We are profoundly grateful for Master’s mercy and salvation. I am determined to be more diligent in repaying Master for his immense kindness.”

Respectfully submitted by a Dafa practitioner in a village in Dehui County, Jilin ProvinceSeptember 4, 2024

A Dafa Practitioner and His Family in Pengzhou City, Sichuan Province, Respectfully Wish Master Li a Happy Mid-Autumn Festival!

“My daughter experienced obstructed labor during childbirth, and Master saved both her and the baby. The child is now eight years old, and both mother and child wish Master a happy Mid-Autumn Festival! We are deeply grateful to Master!”

Respectfully submitted by a Dafa practitioner and his family in Pengzhou City, Sichuan Province

Four People in Chongqing City Who Understand the Truth Wish Master Li a Happy Mid-Autumn Festival!

“We respectfully wish Master Li a happy Mid-Autumn Festival! We sincerely chant the auspicious phrases every day and have experienced improved health as a result. We are deeply grateful for Master’s salvation. Thank you, Master, for saving our lives!”

Respectfully submitted by four people in Chongqing City who understand the truthSeptember 4, 2024

An Elderly Dafa Practitioner in Changchun, Jilin Province, Respectfully Wishes Master a Happy Mid-Autumn Festival!

“Happy Mid-Autumn Festival to Master!

“I am 79 years old. I had to be resuscitated multiple times in the intensive care unit. That year, after listening to my sister and understanding that “Falun Dafa is good,” I was able to breathe normally and have been practicing Dafa ever since.

“My husband also sincerely chants, ‘Falun Dafa is good, Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance is good.’ At 81, his health is excellent, and he continues to work in the fields, bringing a level of happiness and peace to our family that we have never experienced before. I am forever grateful to Master for saving my life.”

Respectfully submitted by an elderly Dafa practitioner in Changchun, Jilin Province

A Dafa Practitioner in Tianjin Respectfully Wishes Our Great Benevolent Master a Happy Mid-Autumn Festival!

“Master, thank you for saving my life! I am deeply grateful to you.”

Respectfully submitted by a Dafa practitioner in Tianjin City

Thank You, Master, for Bringing Me Back from the Brink of Death

A Dafa practitioner in Changchun, Jilin Province, respectfully wishes Master a happy Mid-Autumn Festival! “Thank you, Master, for saving my life!

“I am deeply grateful to Master for saving me from the brink of death. At 79 years old, I vividly recall that, many years ago when I was critically ill, my sister placed a ‘Falun Dafa is good’ amulet on me, and I was able to breathe better right away. Since then, I have firmly believed in and practiced Falun Dafa.

“Falun Dafa has not only saved my life, but also brought happiness to my family. I no longer require constant care from my family; I can do some farm work and even cook for my wife from time to time. Everyone acknowledges that Falun Dafa saved my life. I am forever grateful to Master.”

Respectfully submitted by an elderly practitioner in Changchun, Jilin Province

A Dafa Practitioner from Dehui Village, Changchun City, Jilin Province, Respectfully Wishes Master a Happy Mid-Autumn Festival!

“I am deeply grateful for Master’s compassion and salvation. Master has guided me every step of the way to this day. Both of my children have been in car accidents, but thankfully, they are safe and sound. My children and I are profoundly grateful to Master for saving our lives.

“The best way I can show my gratitude is by being diligent, doing the three tasks well, cultivating myself well, fulfilling my prehistoric vows, and following Master home.”

The Family of a Dafa Practitioner in Beijing’s Shunyi District Respectfully Wishes Our Great Benevolent Master a Happy Mid-Autumn Festival!

“A Dafa practitioner from the Shunyi District in Beijing, along with her son, daughter, daughter-in-law, and granddaughters—all six of us—respectfully wish our great and benevolent Master a happy Mid-Autumn Festival! We have all greatly benefited from Dafa. Thanks to Master’s protection, we enjoy good health, steady lives, and have intelligent and thriving children. Thank you, Master!”

Respectfully submitted by the entire family of a Dafa practitioner in the Shunyi District, Beijing

An Elderly Dafa Practitioner in Jinshan City, Heilongjiang Province, Respectfully Wishes Our Great and Benevolent Master a Happy Mid-Autumn Festival!

I was fortunate to begin practicing Falun Dafa in the spring of 1998, and within a short period of time, Master purified my body, and all my diseases were cured without treatment. I am grateful for Master’s merciful salvation! I want to cultivate myself well and save more predestined people in the precious time that Master has extended to all living beings!”

Respectfully submitted by an elderly Dafa practitioner in Jinshan City, Heilongjiang Province

People in Chongqing Who Understand the Truth Respectfully Wish Master Li a Happy Mid-Autumn Festival!

“We firmly support Falun Gong and have all withdrawn from the CCP and its affiliated organizations. We sincerely chant, ‘Falun Dafa is good, Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance is good’ on a regular basis and share the benefits we have received with others. Residents of Chongqing bow respectfully to Master Li!”

A Person Who Understand the Truth in Beian City, Heilongjiang Province, Respectfully Wishes Master Li a Happy Mid-Autumn Festival!

“I am deeply grateful for Master’s protection, which has allowed me and my family to greatly benefit from Dafa and witness the truth that repeating, ‘Falun Dafa is good, Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance is good’ brings blessings. I will continue to support Dafa and assist fellow practitioners.”

Family Members of a Dafa Practitioner in Fengrun, Tangshan, Hebei Province, Respectfully Wish Master Li a Happy Mid-Autumn Festival!

“Greetings, Master Li! You have worked hard! Happy Mid-Autumn Festival to Master Li!

“Master Li, you have done everything possible to ensure the safety of the world, and we, as the family of a Dafa practitioner, are direct beneficiaries and witnesses to this. During the global pandemic, your blessings allowed us to avoid calamity, and our entire family remained safe and sound. Words alone cannot express our gratitude. Thank you, Master Li, for your compassionate protection!”

Respectfully submitted by family members of a Dafa practitioner in Fengrun, Tangshan, Hebei Province

A Person Who Understand the Truth in Laizhou City, Shandong Province, Respectfully Wishes Master Li a Happy Mid-Autumn Festival!

“I wish Master Li a happy Mid-Autumn Festival! Although I am a family member of a Dafa practitioner and have not yet begun practicing myself, I firmly believe that ‘with one person practicing, the whole family benefits.’ I want to express my heartfelt thanks to Master Li for your compassion and salvation!”

Respectfully submitted by a person who understands the truth in Laizhou City, Shandong Province

September 10, 2024

Family Members of a Dafa Practitioner in Fengrun, Tangshan, Hebei Province, Respectfully Wish Dafa Master a Happy Mid-Autumn Festival!

“Greetings, Master Li! We deeply appreciate your hard work and salvation. We are profoundly grateful for Master’s transmitting this highly virtuous Dafa to humankind and for Master’s Buddha’s grace that has saved countless beings. We hope that more families will be blessed and protected by the Master of Falun Dafa as we have been.”

Respectfully submitted by family members of a Dafa practitioner in Fengrun, Tangshan, Hebei Province