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Eliminating My Resentment Towards Family Members

Sept. 18, 2024 |   By a Falun Dafa practitioner in Heilongjiang Province, China

(Minghui.org) I was fortunate to hear about Falun Dafa in 1996. Before I began practicing, I was constantly ill and depended on medication—my days were filled with suffering and pain. But Master Li Hongzhi took on my immense karma, and all my illnesses were gone soon after I began practicing. I haven’t taken a single pill in 28 years. I’m now in my 70s, and full of energy and vitality.

Master said,

“Cultivators, from the appearance, aren’t any different from ordinary people. It’s not as if after taking up cultivation in Dafa you’ll look like a divine being overnight. There’s no change in appearance. The only change as you walk upon this path to divinity is that the way you think about things will be different from how ordinary people do.” (“Fa Teaching Given at the 2015 New York Fa Conference”)

I’d like to tell you about two experiences related to overcoming resentment toward my family.

My Sister-in-law

My husband is the youngest child and has two older sisters and one brother. My brother-in-law’s three children were raised by my mother-in-law. After we married, my parents-in-law lived with us. My sister-in-law worked in a factory, and her three children often had lunch at our house. When she worked overtime, they ate dinner with us.

My mother-in-law had no income, and after my father-in-law retired due to illness, his monthly pension was less than 20 yuan, most of which went toward his medication. Our family survived on the meager monthly income of 80 yuan my husband and I earned.

After my two daughters were born, we became a family of six. In the 1980s, we could barely make ends meet, yet we also needed to support my brother-in-law’s three children. Although I never said anything, I felt it was unfair and I developed resentment.

Just as my eldest daughter started elementary school, my mother-in-law became ill and was bedridden. She had a heart of gold, was very kind, and although she was uneducated, she had the demeanor of a traditional gentlewoman. She never spoke harshly to anyone about anything. I admired her greatly.

After falling ill, her personality changed. She started using foul language and verbally abused people. Most caregivers we hired quit after a day. It was difficult to find someone, and they usually quit after a few days due to her behavior. When we didn’t have a caregiver, I had to take care of her, including cleaning her up after she used the bathroom and washing her soiled clothes. She sometimes smeared feces everywhere. I did all the household chores.

My father-in-law had a bad temper. My husband was busy with work, and I also worked while being chronically ill—I felt exhausted and overwhelmed every day.

Even though her daughter lived next door she ignored her mother. One year in January, a fire broke out in my mother-in-law’s room, destroying the roof. The caregiver, my mother-in-law, and my two daughters had to share our kang bed (traditional bed in the countryside that is heated from underneath). Since our bed could only accommodate four people, my husband and I had to sleep on the floor so my mother-in-law and the others could sleep comfortably. Mid-January is the coldest time of the year in Heilongjiang Province.

My sister-in-law’s oldest daughter saw my husband and I sleeping on the cold floor, so she asked her mother if she could temporarily give up her kang bed, which could accommodate six people. Their children were adults and no longer lived there, and only she and her husband used the large bed. However, my sister-in-law refused, fearing that we would permanently leave my mother-in-law there.

Sleeping on the cold floor was truly miserable. From that moment, the “cold war” between my sister-in-law and I began. We developed an irreconcilable resentment toward each other, which also affected the children.

Resolving Resentment

I heard about Falun Dafa in 1996, and I was moved by the principles of Truthfulness, Compassion, and Forbearance. I thought: whether our family relationships are good or bad, they are due to karmic reasons from our past lives. They are predestined. My unresolved resentment toward my sister-in-law is contrary to the universe’s highest principles of Truthfulness, Compassion, and Forbearance.

If it weren’t for compassionate Master imparting the Fa to me, I would have been lost in the mundane world, and not understood these principles. When they are faced with tribulations, people argue about who’s right and wrong and don’t realize there are underlying causes. Lost in confusion, people don’t know who they are, where they came from, or where they are going. They don’t understand that being human is to return to their original true selves. Living in ignorance is so pitiful, and people unknowingly create more karma.

I realized that even before I obtained the Fa, Master was already looking after me over my many lifetimes. The hardships, repayment of debts, and elimination of karma were arranged by Master, including my cultivation environment and opportunities. I should take the tribulations my sister-in-law gave me as wonderful things. I should be grateful to her!

I looked within. As a cultivator, I must adhere to the principles of Truthfulness, Compassion, and Forbearance in everything and always consider others first. I cannot view conflicts with human notions. I took the initiative to reconcile with my sister-in-law. During holidays and festivals, I gave her money and bought her treats. All the past unpleasant events disappeared like passing clouds.

The children all know that Falun Dafa changed me. Both of my daughters read Zhuan Falun and Hong Yin, and they supported my cultivation, helped distribute truth clarification materials, and protected my Dafa books. They’ve received blessings from Dafa. My daughters and sons-in-law have well-paying jobs, and each family has a smart and lovely child. My two daughters have the traditional Chinese virtue of filial piety—they respect their parents-in-law, support their husbands, and teach their children. They are guided by the principles of Truthfulness, Compassion, and Forbearance, as they cultivate their xinxing toward kindness.

I am deeply grateful for Master’s compassionate salvation!

Eliminating Resentment Toward My Brother

I am the eldest child in my family with two younger brothers and one younger sister. My father was persecution during the Cultural Revolution and died. Our mother and us children were sent to a remote and impoverished mountain village. We lived in a broken, drafty place, enduring extreme hardship and discrimination.

When my father passed away, my youngest brother was only nine years old. I was an obedient and sensible child, and after my father died, I became the family pillar and supported my mother. I honored my mother, and cared for my brothers and sister. I helped them with their studies, find jobs, get married, and buy houses, all through my effort and sacrifice. When my two daughters got married, I returned the money my brother give them as wedding gifts.

My brother said, “Although I lost my father at a young age, my sister’s care has more than made up for it.”

My eldest daughter ran a rice shop. One year she needed 70,000 yuan to purchase the autumn stock. My savings were just days away from maturing, so I planned to borrow the money from my brother, who just sold his apartment, to tide my daughter over. I was confident, thinking that after all these years of helping him, this was the first time I would ask him for something. I was sure he would agree without hesitation.

I called my brother and explained the situation. To my surprise, as soon as he understood my request, he said, “I don’t have any spare money. I need it to renovate my new apartment.” His tone was quite harsh. My confidence was shattered, and I found what he said hard to accept. Although I said nothing at the time, my heart was churning.

I calmed down after a few days. I practiced Falun Dafa for over 20 years. I asked myself: Why was I moved? Would a deity be moved by human emotions? Aren’t we supposed to cultivate ourselves? If human emotions aren’t eliminated, can we reach a divine state? Isn’t this situation arranged by Master for me to improve my xinxing?

Master said, “Our task is to abide by goodness without complaint” (“Dispelling Your Confusion” Hong Yin IV) I felt relieved. I nearly missed another opportunity to improve. I should thank my brother.

I’m bathed in Dafa’s grace. No words can express my gratitude to Master! Now, I am optimistic, cheerful, healthy, and glowing with vitality. I live a bright and joyful life, and my demeanor testifies to the Fa. My family, relatives, colleagues, classmates, and friends all praise how extraordinary Falun Dafa is and how great Master is!

From my words and actions, my brothers and sister know that Falun Dafa is good. They and their families quit the Chinese Communist Party and its affiliated organizations.

My 30-year-old nephew often says, “Falun Dafa is good, Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance is good,” and has read Zhuan Falun.

My sister once told me over the phone that my nephew’s right hand was slashed by a bad person, severing his blood vessels and tendons, and he was hospitalized. The doctor was about to perform surgery to reconnect them when my nephew kept reciting, “Falun Dafa is good, Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance is good,” in his mind, continuously asking Master to save him. When the doctor removed the bandages, they were amazed to find that the severed blood vessels and tendons were healed. The doctor said that it was truly a miracle!

Falun Dafa saved my entire family! Master lifted me up from hell, purified my body and mind, gave me health and optimism, and taught me how to be a good person. The universal principles of Truthfulness, Compassion, and Forbearance are deeply rooted in my heart.

Thank you compassionate and great Master!