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A Policeman Respects Master and Helps Other Officers Quit the CCP

Sept. 18, 2024 |   By a Falun Dafa practitioner in China

(Minghui.org) I live alone in a rural village and I began practicing Falun Dafa in 1998. Three days after I began listening to the recordings of Master’s lectures, I realized that the hysteria (anxiety) which some members of my family had, disappeared. A few days later an open wound on my lower abdomen healed. From then on, I was healthy.

In July 1999 the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) launched the persecution of Falun Dafa. The police arrested me and another practitioner. At the police station an officer shocked the other practitioner with electric wires, and she screamed. I felt sorry for the young woman and thought, “Shock me instead.” The officer removed the wires from her and put them on my hands. I felt nothing. The officer reset the power, but I still didn’t feel anything. The officer thought I had a high tolerance to pain, but I knew Master protected me.

The police often came to my home to harass me, and officer Long was one of them. Every time he came, I clarified the truth about the persecution to him. One day in 2014, he came to my house and asked to see more information about Falun Dafa. I gave him a DVD with a movie about a police officer who risked his life to save a practitioner.

After watching the DVD, he returned and wanted to know more about Falun Dafa. I told him, “Jiang Zemin, the former CCP leader who started the persecution, said that he didn’t mind executing police officers, because then he wouldn’t be blamed for the persecution. The CCP always has those who follow its orders and policies, including the police, take the blame.” He seemed shocked. I told him not to blindly follow the CCP’s orders, and that he needed to sever ties with it, “I can help you quit the CCP and its affiliated organizations.” He quickly agreed.

Two years later another policeman arrested me, and told Long to help him ransack my house. Long said, “I’ve arrested her more than once. She has no money or any information about other practitioners. She didn’t do anything illegal. I’m not going to be involved, and you will be responsible if anything goes wrong.”

A village official, who knew the truth about the persecution of Falun Dafa and quit the CCP, came while the officer was ransacking my place. He stopped him from taking the cash under my bed, “She’s an elderly widow and has little money. What’s she going to do if you take all her money?” The official insisted, and the officer left without taking the cash.

While I was in the police station, I clarified the truth to the officers, and one of them agreed to quit the CCP. As they were about to transfer me to a different place, I said that I’d like go home first and pay my respects in front of Master’s photo before I went with them. An officer said that it wasn’t up to me. I told him with confidence that Master would help me. He went away to take care of other things, and came back shortly after. “You’re right. Your Master helped you,” he said. I was released that night.

Two officers and Long took me home that night around 10 p.m. Long asked me to harvest some leek for him. After I came back from the garden, I saw the three of them standing in front of Master’s photo, pressing their palms together in front of their chests, paying tribute to Master.

One day Long showed me his mother’s picture and told me that she was critically ill and was hospitalized. Her doctor said that she could die at any time. I asked him and his family to recite, “Falun Dafa is good, Truthfulness, Compassion, Forbearance is good” near her, and ask her to recite the phrase as well. She survived and lived for three years. Long told me, “What you told me really worked.”

In the last few years, whenever Long visited me at home, he always brought another policeman with him so that I could tell him the truth about Dafa. With his help, I helped five officers quit the CCP.

Early this year a young officer came with Long. The young officer tried to confiscate the Falun Dafa fliers on the couch and take pictures of me. Long stopped him. With his help, I was able to clarify the truth and help the young officer quit the CCP.

Long brought another policeman to my house in May. I told him the CCP committed numerous crimes and caused the death of 80 million in all of its movements. “If you don’t want to be held responsible for these crimes, you should quit the CCP to distance yourself from future calamities,” I said. Long also urged him to quit. The officer agreed, and the two stood in from of Master’s photo and put their palms together to show their respect.

Every winter before the Chinese New Year, many people come to my house and ask for a Falun Dafa calendar. I also give them Falun Dafa fliers and help them quit the CCP.

I’m now 78 years old but I walk fast like a young person and my back is straight. I farm 1.5 acres of land on my own. Thanks to Falun Dafa and Master for giving me good health.