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Australia: Falun Dafa Practitioners in Melbourne Wish Master a Happy Mid-Autumn Festival

Sept. 18, 2024 |   By a Minghui reporter in Melbourne, Australia

(Minghui.org) Falun Dafa practitioners held an event in Dandenong Square in Melbourne to celebrate the Mid-Autumn Festival with the community on September 15, 2024. They gave performances and conveyed the beauty of Falun Dafa to the public. Local people and politicians welcomed them. 

Several Falun Dafa practitioners shared their amazing stories of practicing Falun Dafa and expressed their gratitude to Master Li. They wish Master a Happy Mid-Autumn Festival. 

Falun Dafa practitioners in Melbourne wish Master a Happy Mid-Autumn Festival.

Young Falun Dafa practitioners in Melbourne Wish Master a Happy Mid-Autumn Festival.

A Couple Thank Master

Zhang Zhaifei and his wife Ye Chaofeng thank Master for protecting them on their cultivation path.

The couple Zhang Zhaifei and Ye Chaofeng came from Guangdong Province, China. They have practiced Falun Dafa for nearly 20 years. Zhang immigrated to Hong Kong to escape the Chinese Communist Party’s (CCP’s) persecution in China when he was young. He came to Australia in December 1989. Ye suffered from stomach and kidney problems and headaches. She saw doctors for many years but her illnesses did not improve. She started to practice Falun Dafa in September 2004 after she read the Epoch Times newspaper and found Falun Dafa practitioners via the Epoch Times.Her son suffered from skin disease and was weak and started to practice Falun Dafa with her. 

They both became healthy after they practiced Falun Dafa, and they no longer needed any medication. 

Zhang was surprised by the amazing results. Out of curiosity, he opened the book Zhuan Falun one day. “This is not an ordinary qigong book. This is a book for cultivation, a ladder to Heaven,” he said. “I decided to practice Falun Dafa as soon as I read the book.” That was in July 2005.

As a chef, he used to kill animals. He stopped killing them after he practiced Falun Dafa. He also quit gambling. At work he had to stand for more than 10 hours a day and he developed a serious occupational disease. All his illnesses disappeared after he practiced Falun Dafa. 

Ye Chaofeng wishes Master a Happy Mid-Autumn Festival. 

The couple are now in their sixties. They are energetic and healthy. Ye is a cleaner. Her clients can hardly guess her age because she still works quickly and walks briskly. 

Zhang expressed his thanks to Master for protecting his whole family. They feel like that they were reborn. 

PhD Student: Found Answers to Life

Quynh Nga thanks Master for answering her questions about life. 

Quynh Nga is a PhD student from Vietnam. When she was young, she always wondered what the future would be and what the meaning of life was. Luckily she found the answers. 

Last year, a friend told her about Falun Dafa and she started practicing. Her health improved. She no longer has back pain even after working long hours. Her menstrual pain disappeared. She feels clear-headed and can work efficiently. More importantly, Falun Dafa has provided the answers to her questions about life. 

“Why was I born into this world? How should I live? When I was searching, Falun Dafa gave me the answers,” she said happily. 

She said she gained new understandings every time she read Zhuan Falun, and she said this book teaches her how to be a good person, and how to assimilate to the universal characteristics of Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance. She became sincere, compassionate and patient. She realizes conflicts are opportunities to improve, instead of looking outward for solutions. 

She said, “Zhuan Falun guides me and reaffirms what I truly believe, and gives me courage in difficult times.”

As a PhD student, she is busy with her work. “As a practitioner, I try to comply with the principles of Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance under any circumstances. I try to balance my time between work, study, reading the Fa and practicing the exercises.

“When I looked within while I was in difficulties, I found what caused the problem. My xinxing had improved and I never felt so calm and happy. I want to tell more people learn Falun Dafa and benefit from it because every human being is precious.”

She would like to send her greetings and express her deepest gratitude to Master. “I wish Master a Happy Mid-Autumn Festival! Thank you Master for providing answers to my questions about life! Thank you Master for protecting me and guiding me. I grow spiritually every day and become a better person. Thank you Master!”

Thank You Master for Enlightening Us

Tracy Fan obtained a Masters degree in Australia, and works in cancer research. She started practicing Falun Dafa with her grandmother when she was six years old. Her grandmother recovered from all her illnesses after she practiced Falun Dafa, and no longer needed to see doctors or take medication. She left China after the persecution started, and Tracy lost her cultivation environment. 

She started practicing Falun Dafa again after she moved to Australia. She recovered from blurry eyesight, stomachaches and insomnia. She guides her children with the principles of Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance and they live harmoniously. 

Tracy Fan and her children wish Master a Happy Mid-Autumn Festival.

She said, “Everyone in my family practices Falun Dafa. My children study the Fa and attend Falun Dafa activities with us. They are kind and are happy to help others at school. Being kind is very important.”

Her daughter started to learn the flute last year. This year she had an opportunity to sit for an exam for a famous art school in Melbourne, and she passed the initial test. 

She became sick three weeks before the second interview and had a high fever. The day of the interview, she coughed a lot and didn’t play the flute well so she failed the test. 

Tracy said, “Master gave hints to my daughter while she was in tribulation and reinforced her righteous thoughts. She urged me to study the Fa and practice the exercises more with her. I let go of my attachment to the interview result, calmed down and sorted out what we should do and how we could do it righteously. I sent an email to the school and asked for another opportunity for an interview. The school agreed to give her another interview after my daughter recovered.”

Her daughter passed the test and was accepted by the school. “Thank you Master for giving the opportunity for my daughter to study at that school. Although she has a long way to go before she applies for Shen Yun, we are very encouraged. We thank Master for looking after the little disciples. We realize that cultivation is serious and every thought and action matter.

“We’d like to express our gratitude to Master for his compassion and salvation. We wish Master a Happy Mid-Autumn Festival!”