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Dallas, Texas: Falun Dafa Practitioners Express Gratitude to Master Li on Mid-Autumn Festival

Sept. 18, 2024 |   By Minghui correspondent Zenghong from Dallas

(Minghui.org) Falun Dafa practitioners from the Greater Dallas region held a group exercise in Russell Creek Park in the City of Plano on September 15, 2024. They expressed gratitude to Master Li, the founder of Falun Dafa (also known as Falun Gong), and wished him a happy Mid-Autumn Festival (September 17).

Falun Dafa practitioners from the Greater Dallas region wish Master Li a happy Mid-Autumn Festival on September 15, 2024. 

Group practice in the Russell Creek Park in the City of Plano on September 15, 2024

People learn about Falun Gong. 

In the early morning of mid-September in the southern United States, the nice weather drew many nearby residents to do various fitness activities or to gather with family and friends. Falun Gong practitioners dressed in yellow shirts and white pants practiced the five exercises on the lawn next to the pavilion. The scene was peaceful drawing people’s attention.

Donald brought his two children to the playground in the park to enjoy the weekend. He was drawn by the scene of group practice and came to watch. He said that he loved dancing and meditation, but the pressure of life and some things that happened to his family made it difficult for him to maintain inner peace. He said he had never heard of Falun Gong, and he felt an attraction when he saw the practitioners practicing. A practitioner introduced him to Falun Gong and talked about the Chinese Communist Party’s (CCP) persecution in China. He said that he strongly agreed with the principles of Truthfulness, Compassion, and Forbearance. He believed that the human spirit and the human physical body are inseparable, and he has been exploring it himself. He said that the persecution was unreasonable, which also shows the nature of the atheist CCP. He said he was pleased to meet Falun Gong practitioners there. He said he would learn more online after returning.

Gratitude from an Elder Practitioner

Ms. Huang, 96 years old, practices the fifth exercise, sitting meditation. 

Ms. Huang, who participated in the group exercises, is 96 years old this year. When she was 86 years old and in very poor health, she was fortunate to get the book Zhuan Falun. The principles that Master taught in the book made her understand how to view and deal with things she encountered in her daily life. She knew why people should be good, what kind of people are truly good, and how to become a good person and improve the realm of life. Ms. Huang, who has been a Christian for many years, decided to formally practice Falun Dafa at the age of 86.

Ms. Huang said, “After I learned Falun Dafa, my children said that I had changed. My temper has improved and I am in good health. I used to have cramps. The doctor said that I was calcium deficient, so I had to take calcium tablets every day, but I still had cramps. I had thrombocytopenia, so my nose was full of blood in the morning. My gums also bled often. I also had internal hemorrhoids, and my stool was bloody. 

“These diseases are incurable, but after I started practicing Falun Dafa, they were all cured without treatment. Before, my children gave me calcium tablets, deep-sea fish oil, and various vitamin pills every day. After I started practicing Falun Dafa, I stopped taking them. I feel better without them. I had appendicitis and had surgery, and the incision was often painful. I also had injuries in my chest and feet, and they were often painful. Now I don’t feel any pain at all. I am completely healed! I am free of illness and feel lighter.”

Young Practitioner: Dafa Changes My Life

Practitioner Carlos practices the sitting meditation.

Before practicing Falun Gong, Carlos had some understanding of spiritual things, but he could not express in words the importance of spiritual aspects to people. But when he first read the book Zhuan Falun, he could feel the compassionate energy conveyed by every sentence in the book and felt that the principles in the book were very clear and true. He felt like he had found a hidden treasure.

It was one day in 2013. When Carlos was looking for some spiritual content on the Internet, he clicked on a link in the description box below a video and found different e-books, one of which was Zhuan Falun. He said: “Not many people in the country where I lived knew about Dafa. For a long time, I practiced alone, mainly reading Zhuan Falun and Master’s lectures at various Fa conferences. Later, I practiced in other regions and got in touch with other practitioners. I understood the importance of communication and clarifying the truth, which helped me become more diligent in practice. When I first started practicing, I also experienced various interferences, but I was very determined about one thing: Instead of feeling scared, I felt optimistic and happy. Even after a hard day, I would read it and it would make me feel like renewed.”

Carlos said: “Practicing Dafa has helped me get rid of the constant anxiety I have had since childhood. People around me have noticed that I have become calmer and less reactive to negative feedback. After reading the book Zhuan Falun, many of my questions about life and the universe were answered. I understood that to gain true wisdom, I must first choose kindness and be patient. I am happy to say that Dafa has really changed my life.”