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Romania: “You Are a Group of People That Helps the World Become a Better Place”

Sept. 19, 2024 |   By a Falun Dafa practitioner in Romania

(Minghui.org) “I am really moved, because it is very difficult to meet people who are dedicated to a cause, empathy, and altruism,” said Valeriu, a 64-year-old man in Sinaia, Romania. 

Valeriu was one of many passersby who showed their support for Falun Dafa (also known as Falun Gong) during the weekend of September 7 and 8, 2024. Catching the tail end of Romania’s tourist season, practitioners across the country organized events to introduce Falun Gong to the public and raise awareness about the Chinese Communist Party’s (CCP) persecution of their practice. 

On Saturday, September 7, practitioners organized two events: The first was arranged in the mountain resort town of Sinaia, and the other in the mountain town of Brasov. On Sunday, they set up a booth and banners at the Popular Art Museum in the seaside town of Constanta. Many passersby said they admired Falun Dafa’s moral teachings, which are based on the principles of Truthfulness, Compassion, and Forbearance, and the perseverance of practitioners in China to continue with their faith while under immense pressure from the CCP. 

People learn the Falun Gong exercises during an event in Sinaia on September 7, 2024. 

Introducing Falun Dafa in Sinaia

Distributing fliers in Constanta on September 8, 2024

Falun Dafa information event in Constanta, at the Popular Art Museum, on September 8, 2024

Introducing Falun Dafa in Sinaia

Practitioners introduced Falun Dafa to many passersby, talking to them about the five meditative exercises and the principles of Truthfulness, Compassion, and Forbearance. These values resonated well with many people. 

Valeriu approached the practitioners in Sinaia to learn more and expressed his support and admiration for practitioners who follow these values. He could also sense the kindness of the practitioners when interacting with them. “What you are doing,” he said, “beyond the fact that I congratulate you and you have my deep respect, you are part of a group of people that helps the world’s people become better. So I have the comfort of both dialog and appreciation, because you are not aggressive, you do not seek to impose anything, you do not seek to ask for anything and you just give. These are real gifts that I receive with love and I congratulate you for what you do!” 

Valeriu was impressed by the practitioners’ kind demeanor. 

When he was told that practitioners were being persecuted for following these good values in China, he expressed his heartfelt encouragement and hoped that they continue on their path. “Let [Dafa practitioners] believe in their path, their values and their soul. The soul will never betray them. Let them continue to manifest, regardless of restrictions because they are actually meant to generate power. It is the only form that helps us evolve. The more you are oppressed, the more you are suppressed, the more you are challenged, the stronger and better you will become,” he said. “Don’t give in, and don’t give up.”

In Brasov, Victor Ciubotaru expressed similar sentiments. He is a former martial arts practitioner and was intrigued by the Falun Dafa exercises. He said that the teachings of Falun Dafa are foundational to the existence of a human being. “I believe that Truth, Compassion and Forbearance must be found throughout this entire world, because otherwise we cannot live at a higher level of consciousness. Practicing these activities, of course will bring changes in our consciousness and it would only be an added value for all people to be based on these moral principles.” 

He also said he believes that practicing Falun Dafa “makes us better” and also shared his understanding of how having an elevated state of mind can help a person. 
“The energy of good is an energy that should dominate the whole world, that we should anchor ourselves in our essence as human beings. Violence is everything that leads to contention and hatred. It is nothing but a consciousness that is disaffected from the natural way of the world. We want tolerance, compassion, and love for each other. We want to be better for each other. I think that is what it is all about: kindness, tolerance and support as much as we can do as people for each other. I am very excited by the idea that we Romanians are also interested and want to extend a helping hand to those people persecuted in China for practicing this belief,” said Victor. 

By Persecuting Falun Gong, The CCP Is Actually Persecuting All Humanity

Many other passersby picked up on the injustice of the CCP’s persecution toward innocent citizens and expressed their sympathy for the practitioners in China. 

Marius, 39, a civil servant, said that Falun Dafa practitioners have exactly the attitude of people of Orthodox faith and that, like those of the righteous faiths recorded in history, they will succeed with perseverance. He also drew attention to the fact that by persecuting Falun Gong, the CCP is in fact persecuting all of humanity.

“The CCP is basically persecuting the moral values that are also ours, the democratic values and even the values of the universe, because we are left on earth to live based on these morals,” he said. “If we were controlled all the time, we would basically be robots, people who simply go from point A to point B.”

Marius, a civil servant, and his family in front of the Falun Gong stand

Marius said he sees the efforts of Falun Dafa practitioners as part of the efforts of the world’s righteous communities against oppressive forces in the world.

 “Don’t stop. This is my message. People should not give up their faith. Because it’s basically the righteous struggle against the dark side,” he said. 

Victor Ciubotaru described the situation in China even more strongly. “What is going on in China is clearly a communist order, centered on principles that are based on creating a fantastic pressure on human consciousness. This lifestyle – Falun Dafa – only hinders them in exerting pressure and control over the minds of these people. In this context, what is going on [in China] is not normal at all. Man must be given freedom of movement and freedom of conscience and freedom of thought without restricting this right.”

He called for proactively supporting freedom of conscience and freedom of thought—both of which are threatened by the CCP. “Let them fight on, and the rest of us who have heard should be more involved,” he said. “For more knowledge and even morally, spiritually, to be close to [the practitioners in China], because we are convinced that they are going through a difficult time. They are asking for God’s help!”

Iulia Păun and Gheorghișor Roza signed the petition in Sinaia calling to stop the persecution. 

Falun Dafa Represents the Return to the Truth

For some Romanians, Falun Dafa’s values and the fact that it is practiced so widely around the world is heartening, as they recognize that this is a spiritual way that leads people to improve themselves. 

Andreea and Petruța support the values of Falun Dafa. 

Andreea, a mother of two, is optimistic about the positiveness that Falun Dafa encourages in people’s thinking.” I believe that the world is moving more and more towards truth and people are going to search more and more for the truth that has been hidden from us for thousands of years, unfortunately. I hope that as many people as possible will wake up. In principle we can materialize anything, we just have to want it and be in contact with God. It’s important to think as positively as possible, so that everything can turn into something positive,” she said. 

Iuliana and David find the Falun Dafa principles very good: “If we put them into practice, we will help everyone.” 

Maria Curea (left) resonates with Falun Dafa’s principles of Truthfulness, Compassion, and Forbearance. 

In Sinaia, Diana, a 12-year-old student, learned about Falun Dafa and the moral qualities it promotes. She said that these moral values should be promoted through television shows for children. She took some informational materials to give to her friends so that they too can learn about these values. “The more these values are spread, the more good children will there be,” she said.