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Netherlands: People Thank Practitioners During Events in Two Cities to Expose the Persecution

Sept. 19, 2024 |   By Falun Dafa practitioners in the Netherlands

(Minghui.org) Falun Dafa practitioners in the Netherlands held activities in Haarlem and Hoofddorp in the province of North Holland on August 31 and September 7, 2024, to tell people about the Chinese Communist Party’s (CCP) persecution. Many residents are now aware of the facts and support practitioners’ efforts to expose the persecution.

Practitioners display information, hand out flyers, and collect signatures in Haarlem’s city center on August 31.

Practitioners demonstrate the exercises and display information in Hoofddorp on September 7.

Practitioners tell passers-by about the persecution.

People sign the petition to stop the persecution.

A woman from Arabia used a translation software on her phone to learn why the event was held and signed the petition.

A Dutch woman was moved to tears as she looked at the display board which showed how the CCP tortures practitioners.

“This Information Is Very Important”

Practitioners set up display boards on August 31, in the commercial area of Haarlem’s city center. One showed how Falun Dafa is practiced worldwide and the other showed how the CCP brutally persecutes practitioners. Practitioners also handed out flyers and collected signatures on a petition calling to end the CCP’s forced organ harvesting.

Two women looked at the board which showed the torture suffered by practitioners in China. One of them asked a practitioner, “Is this true? It’s unbelievable!” She said that the persecution gave her chills. She asked the practitioner if she knew anyone that had been persecuted. The practitioner said her family member was forced to sit on a small stool for ten months in jail for refusing to give up Falun Dafa. This family member went into shock twice and almost died. Another practitioner that she knew was persecuted to death less than two months after being thrown in jail. She was only 56 years old.

The practitioner told the women that the persecution of Falun Dafa practitioners has gone on for 25 years, but due to the CCP’s information censorship, the persecution cases revealed on the display board were only the tip of the iceberg. Both women signed the petition without hesitation and kept thanking the practitioner. One said, “This information is very important. Thank you for doing this. Thank you for letting us know about this!”

Ruben and Thijm are teenage boys. They came over directly to sign the petition to stop the persecution. They said that they were glad to be able to help Chinese people who are being persecuted.

Three Dutch young women came to the petition table. Two of them had already signed the petition and brought their friend to sign. All three of them smiled at the practitioner and thanked the practitioner who gave them the information.

A cyclist signed the petition and then took photos of the information on the display board. He said he would help spread this information.

“I Have to Let My Daughter Know What Is Right”

On September 7, practitioners displayed information on a street in Hoofddorp, passed out brochures to passers-by, collected signatures on a petition to oppose the forced organ harvesting, and demonstrated the Falun Dafa exercises. These activities drew the attention of passers-by to stop and learn more.

A man told a practitioner that activities informing the public about the persecution should be supported and should be held in all provinces in the Netherlands.

Two tourists from Poland signed the petition. Afterwards, they asked for the Polish Falun Dafa website so they could learn more.

When a lady from the Philippines asked how her signature could help, a practitioner showed her the Doctors Against Forced Organ Harvesting (DAFOH)’s petition statement to the Group of Seven (G7). She immediately signed the petition.

A father came to the petition table with his young daughter. After he signed the petition, he explained to his daughter what he was doing and told her that in China, many people that practice Falun Dafa are persecuted through torture and lost their freedom or even lives, and he was signing to oppose this persecution. His daughter understood and also signed the petition.

A practitioner thanked this father for educating his child to support the Chinese people whom they do not know and are so far away. He said, “This is very important. I have to let my daughter know what’s right, let her know what’s happening in China, and let her sign the petition as well.”

A grandmother who was shopping with her two granddaughters stopped by the display board. After she read the information, she signed the petition and told her two granddaughters about the signature collection. Both girls also signed the petition.