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Nanchang City, Jiangxi Province: Multiple Falun Gong Practitioners Arrested in Two Days

Sept. 20, 2024 |   By a Minghui correspondent in Jiangxi Province, China

(Minghui.org) Police departments in three districts (Xihu, Qingshanhu, and Qingyunpu) of Nanchang City, Jiangxi Province, arrested multiple Falun Gong practitioners in their jurisdictions on August 21-22, 2024. 

The police held the practitioners at a local brainwashing center in Qingyunpu District for one week before transferring them to the Nanchang City Lockup.

According to insiders, the police monitored the targeted practitioners for months before making the arrests. Liu Zhibin, former vice chair of the Nanchang City 610 Office, was in charge of the brainwashing center. Back in April 2024, he showed a video of Ms. Fu Jinfeng, who is serving seven years for practicing Falun Gong, recounting how she was force-fed urine and feces, hung up, deprived of sleep, and subjected to other forms of torture in prison. Liu intended to use the video to intimidate the practitioners held in the brainwashing center in April 2024.

One Still Detained

Ms. Liu Yongying, 61, is still detained at the time of writing. She was arrested on the night of August 21, 2024. Her son, who does not practice Falun Gong, was also seized. According to an insider, the police targeted Ms. Liu after their surveillance cameras recorded people visiting her from time to time. 

Ms. Liu was a senior lecturer at Jiangxi Civil Administration School in Nanchang City. Before her latest persecution, she served two labor camp terms for a total of five years and a two-year prison term. After she was released from prison in 2020, her husband told her that the authorities had forced her school to fire her in May 2018, only one month after her arrest. She was also deprived of her right to pension payments after she reached retirement age in September 2018.

Three Released

Ms. Fu Daofan, 80, was released on bail days after her arrest in August 2024. She previously served two forced labor terms.

Ms. Peng Xiaolan, around 60, and Ms. Zhu Yunlin were both released on September 12, 2024. They were also repeatedly targeted for their faith in the past.

Ms. Peng, a retired librarian at Nanchang Normal University, was given two years of forced labor in 2007 and arrested again in July 2019. 

Ms. Zhu’s husband Mr. Shi Lagen, also a Falun Gong practitioner, was arrested on March 7, 2007, and sentenced to seven years in August 2008. Ms. Zhu was arrested on May 6, 2008, for seeking justice for her husband. She was given one and a half years of forced labor on June 25 of that year. The police threatened to send the couple’s then three-year-old son to an orphanage.

Other Practitioners’ Current Status Unknown

Ms. Yu Cuihua, a 74-year-old retiree of the Jiangling Automobile Group, was also arrested in August 2024, but it is unclear whether she is still detained at the time of writing.

Ms. Yu served two forced labor terms totaling 5.5 years and two prison terms totaling 9.5 years prior to her latest persecution. 

In addition to the above-mentioned practitioners, some other locals were also arrested in August 2024 for practicing Falun Gong. Their names and current case status remain to be investigated.

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