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71-Year-Old Liaoning Woman Forced to Stand for 5 Days While Serving 2.5 Years in Prison

Sept. 21, 2024 |   By a Minghui correspondent in Liaoning Province, China

(Minghui.org) Ms. Yang Fengying, 71, from Jinzhou City, Liaoning Province, was abused while serving a 2.5-year prison term for practicing Falun Gong, a spiritual discipline that has been persecuted by the Chinese Communist Party since July 1999.

Ms. Yang recounted her suffering after she was released on July 8, 2024. Prior to her latest persecution, she served two back-to-back forced labor terms totaling five years (2000-2005) and an eight-month prison term (November 15, 2019 – July 14, 2020).

Denied Sleep and Made to Stand For Five Days

“I was arrested on January 9, 2022 and sentenced to two and a half years on July 9. I was admitted to Division Two of the Liaoning Province Women’s Prison on April 4, 2023.

“The prison guards asked if I admitted my guilt [in practicing Falun Gong]. When I said no they moved me to Division 12 about two weeks into my prison admission. Inmate Liu Xiaoxue was assigned to monitor me. I held firm to my faith, and she had five other inmates, including Chen Xuefei, Zhou Pengfei, Han Yuling, Lu Yuan, and Xu Lili, torture me.

“The six of them ordered me to stand straight on a brick. I refused to comply and they bent me down at 90 degrees and did not allow me to use the restroom. I wet my pants twice as a result. They later twisted my arms behind my back and lifted them up as high as possible. I was in excruciating pain.

“The inmates also stuffed my mouth with the dirty rag used to clean the floor to prevent me from talking. They did not allow me to sleep. As soon as I dozed off, they pulled my eyelids or brows. They also stuffed toilet paper into my pants which had words slandering the founder of Falun Gong written on it. Another time they wrote slanderous words on my back.

“I was forced to stand for five straight days without any sleep. My legs and feet became swollen and I was mentally exhausted and confused. They then got a seventh person to deceive me. They claimed the new person was also a Falun Gong practitioner. She had a portrait of the founder of Falun Gong on a window ledge and pulled me to kneel in front of it. When I did, she grabbed my hand to press my fingerprints on a piece of paper. I then realized it was a prewritten statement saying I agreed to renounce my faith. I was beyond regretful for having been deceived into fingerprinting the statement.”

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