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Chicago: Public Condemns Persecution of Falun Gong During Rally at Chinese Consulate

Sept. 22, 2024 |   By Falun Dafa practitioners in Chicago

(Minghui.org) Practitioners from the Midwestern United States held a rally in front of the Chinese Consulate in Chicago on the afternoon of September 14, 2024. They called for an end to the Chinese Communist Party’s (CCP) 25-year persecution of Falun Dafa (also known as Falun Gong). Earlier that day, practitioners held a march in Chinatown.

Practitioners from Illinois, Kansas, Missouri, Indiana, and Ohio spoke at the rally and also read letters of support issued by multiple officials in light of the 25-year anniversary of practitioners’ protesting the persecution. The peaceful scene of the practitioners’ exercise demonstration and protest also earned the support of many residents and tourists alike.

Practitioners held a rally and did the exercises in front of the Chinese Consulate in Chicago on September 14.

Practitioners speak during the rally.

Millions of Falun Gong practitioners have been illegally arrested, sentenced, tortured, and killed in the persecution. According to the China Tribunal, hundreds of thousands of victims, mainly Falun Gong practitioners, were killed in the CCP’s forced organ harvesting.

Ms. Wang, a practitioner from Ohio, said during her speech that in the past 25 years, as Falun Gong practitioners peacefully protest the persecution, they are earning more and more respect and support from the public.

“During Falun Gong practitioners’ persistent efforts to clarify the truth, an increasing number of people have started to see the CCP’s evilness clearly and are able to distinguish between the CCP and China. As of today, 430 million people have already withdrawn from the CCP and its affiliated organizations,” Ms. Wang said. “From citizens everywhere in the world signing the petition against the persecution, to different countries’ government condemning the CCP’s persecution of human rights, the voice of justice in the entire world rises!”

Ms. Wang from Ohio addressed the rally.

“Our Existence Is a Deterance to the CCP!”

Mr. Xu drove from Indiana to participate in the activities. Although the trip was long, he said he cherished the opportunity. “Even though Chicago is a bit far, every year there is such an opportunity to raise awareness. I just think it’s precious!” he said.

Practitioners have hosted rallies in front of Chicago’s Chinese Consulate every year since the CCP started persecuting Falun Gong in 1999. Mr. Xu said that he has been coming to the consulate since he was young with his parents.

“When I was young, I thought I was here to protest against the persecution. But now, no matter if I’m meditating there or standing here holding a banner, our existence is a deterrence to the CCP,” Mr. Xu said.

During Mr. Xu’s childhood in China, he witnessed his parents being persecuted by the CCP for practicing Falun Gong. “I often tell my coworkers and people I know about my experience. The CCP has done many, many bad things, including destroying traditional Chinese culture and trampling on human rights,” he said. “I just want to remind them to cherish their life in America. They are all now very aware that the CCP is not equal to China!”

Mr. Xu (right) holds a banner during the rally.

Heng Heng from Indiana is a young practitioner. He recently came to the U.S. from China to attend school. When he was little, he suffered family changes due to the persecution. “When I was five, my father was illegally detained by the CCP, for practicing Falun Gong. When I was six, my mother was also imprisoned for practicing Falun Gong. My grandmother then took me to another southern province. Since I was little, I had to rely on myself for many things,” he said.

Even though he had been living in a very unstable environment since he was little, he always keeps Falun Dafa close to his heart and follows its principles of Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance, because Falun Dafa teaches “looking within” and “being a good person.” Heng Heng said, “For example, one time, I saw a mother holding a child and she was having trouble freeing another hand to handle another thing. At the time, I did not immediately realize that I should help her, but another person nearby helped her. I then realized it right away. I thought, ‘Dafa teaches me to be a good person. Why didn’t I do it?’ After that, I started to reflect on how I should become a better person.” He said because he practices Falun Dafa he learned to look within and give himself requirements, and also overcame his addiction to games. Because of cultivation, he has good concentration, and his grades are also very good.

Heng Heng said that although his mother was persecuted again and again for over twenty years in the past, she is still steadfast about cultivating Falun Dafa in China. He has now come to America, which has freedom of belief, and he hopes to have more opportunities to clarify the truth to Chinese people who have been blinded by the CCP’s lies and propaganda, letting people all know that “Falun Dafa is good.”

People Support Practitioners

Jeremy Daniels and Jamal Stedge are from Houston, Texas and Milwaukee, Wisconsin, respectively. They were shocked to learn that Falun Gong practitioners have been subjected to the CCP’s brutal persecution for the past 25 years. They immediately expressed their support for practitioners. Daniels said, “What [Falun Gong practitioners] are doing is great. I very much admire it!”

Jeremy Daniels and Jamal Stedge support practitioners’ efforts.

Chicago resident Sydney Rothman said that Falun Gong practitioners demonstrated admirable effort in their meditation and peaceful protest. She earnestly expressed her support. Not only did she immediately sign the petition, she also said that she truly supports the practice of Falun Dafa and would like to provide more support.

Sydney Rothman said that she truly supports Falun Dafa and would like to provide more support.

Leonardo Delima, a tourist from Brazil, said he is interested in peaceful meditation, music, and various exercise methods. He said, “[Falun Gong] is a great exercise. The movements look beautiful. I really like it. I will definitely learn more about it.”

Leonardo Delima from Brazil was interested in learning the exercises.

McLtale Badie carefully read the information on the display boards and signed the petition right away. He said, “Whether it’s the peaceful meditation exercises or Falun Gong practitioners’ peaceful protest, I appreciate them all! This is truly great!”

McLtale Badie appreciates Falun Gong’s exercises as well as practitioners’ peaceful rally.

Katie Johnson and Jaime Mongragan said they were drawn to Falun Gong’s principles of Truthfulness, Compassion, and Forbearance. They said that the world needed more of Truthfulness, Compassion, and Forbearance, and the principles will help people’s lives to improve.

Katie Johnson and Jaime Mongragan praised Falun Gong’s principles of Truthfulness, Compassion, and Forbearance.