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Breaking Through the Old Forces and Saving Sentient Beings

Sept. 23, 2024 |   By a Falun Dafa practitioner in Northeast China

(Minghui.org) When I first started practicing Falun Dafa in 1997, I went to the exercise site and sat in the lotus position to meditate (both legs crossed, one over the other). As soon as I closed my eyes, I felt I was lifted up off the ground. I was so startled that I immediately opened my eyes. Right away, Dafa seemed very special. 

But my wife initially tried to interfere and wouldn’t allow me to practice. While persisting in following Dafa’s teachings, I soon quit smoking and drinking, and treated my wife even better than before. Every day I took my son and mother to watch Master’s lecture videos. After I returned home, I took care of a lot of the household chores. In about six months, my wife also began to practice Falun Dafa. My stepfather also joined us to do the exercises. Our family cultivated according to Dafa’s principles of Truthfulness, Compassion and Forbearance, as mentioned in Zhuan Falun, to be kind and be tolerant toward each other. As a result, our family was in great harmony.

When our relatives and friends noticed the transformations in us, they commented, “Falun Dafa is truly wonderful!”

Breaking Through the Old Force Factors

On July 20, 1999, former Chinese Communist Party (CCP) leader Jiang Zemin and his gang began to persecute Falun Dafa. They slandered and defamed Dafa in every major media. Therefore, practitioners began to clarify the truth to people. After the Nine Commentaries on the Communist Party was published, we made a special focus of providing it and other truth-clarification materials to every household. Later on, we went household by household to talk to people and help them quit the CCP and its affiliates.

I often traveled with fellow practitioners to nearby villages and also to villages where there were no practitioners. When we went to villages that were quite far away, we first learned where the homes of the CCP secretaries were and visited their homes last, so as not to affect our overall truth-clarification work. The secretaries were all Party members, and the evil factors behind them would interfere with our saving of sentient beings. Even though we were sometimes kicked out of their homes, most of their family members were still receptive to the truth about Dafa.

There was a very large village, where people said the CCP secretary there was overbearing. I wanted to go to his home to talk to him about quitting the Party. So I sent forth righteous thoughts and asked Master to strengthen me. After 8:00 p.m. I went there. He asked me, in surprise, what I was doing there. I replied, “Hello, I do have a reason to come visit you. You don’t have time during the day, and I can’t see you then either, so I had to come in the evening. What I am going to tell you tonight will be very good for you and your family’s future. You can’t get upset if you decide not to accept it. If it wasn’t something so important for your entire family, I would not take this risk. I came here to tell you to quit the Party.”

His wife came out at that time. He said to her, “This guy said he wants to help me quit the Party. What a joke!”

His wife asked me, “How can you get involved in politics?! I believe in Buddhism, but the Party allows me to believe in it.”

I continued, “You’re right. It is good to believe in Buddhism, which also pursues kindness. But I asked your husband to quit the Party, so that you both can enjoy your life after he retires. You Buddhists believe that good will be rewarded and evil will be punished, right? The CCP has been killing people and dividing land since its establishment. How many good people died during the Cultural Revolution? Ordinary people can’t do anything about its evil deeds, but gods and Buddhas will definitely settle accounts with it.

“When gods and Buddhas want to destroy the CCP, all Party members will be considered part of it. How can your family not be implicated? Your husband made an oath when he joined the Party to fight all his life for communism. In fact, I joined the Party to support my family, earn more money, and live a better life than others. This is all true, but when gods and Buddhas want to destroy the CCP, the Party’s members will take the blame for it. Is it worth it? If we sincerely quit the Party, from the bottom of our hearts, gods and Buddhas will instantly dissolve that oath. Then, when gods and Buddhas destroy the Party, you will not be implicated, and the disasters brought upon the Party will have nothing to do with you. You can still be an official, if it’s meant to be. Gods and Buddhas look at people’s hearts!”

The secretary looked at his wife and said, “What this guy said makes sense. Anyway, I’m old, I’ll just quit it! The CCP couldn’t be more corrupt. But you have to keep it a secret for me!”

“Don’t worry,” I replied. “It won’t affect your work at all!” I chatted with them a little longer, then the couple, all smiles, saw me off.

Rescuing My Son

In the winter of 2009, I was notified that my son had been arrested. This news upset my parents. My son is a Dafa practitioner, so he often talked to people at school about quitting the CCP. This arrest happened because he was implicated for working on two practitioners’ computers near the school campus.

Because a practitioner liaised with others in another province, that practitioner had been under surveillance. Four people were arrested and taken to that province, including my son. He was taken to a public security bureau in a certain area of Inner Mongolia and illegally detained. Eight of us went to rescue him, including my mother. He was a young man under 20 years old, so what was the point of arresting him? We all wanted to reason things out with the police and send forth righteous thoughts there at the same time.

Worried and upset, we boarded the train and headed for that city. When the train crossed the border between the two provinces, one practitioner saw a special scene in another dimension. She said that an image of my son appeared, sitting on a plum blossom plate. He was scattering plum blossoms, and greeted us. After viewing this scene, the practitioner talked to my mother and said that this was Master enlightening us to treat my son’s cultivation path correctly, let go of sentimentality, and assimilate to the Fa. My mother understood and was no longer upset.

We found a hotel in the city and stayed in two four-person rooms. Because of the long journey and continuously sending forth righteous thoughts, we were very tired and went to bed early. In the middle of the night, a practitioner woke me up and said that he just had a dream related to rescuing my son, and wanted to share it with me. He said, “I saw your son in my dream. He was sitting there, looking unhappy. You said to him, ‘Everyone came to rescue you, let’s go home.’ Your son replied, ‘What’s the point of taking me back?! What do you think they will do?’”

The practitioner continued: “In the dream, I looked in the direction your son pointed to and saw countless sentient beings kneeling in front of him, unable to get up, waiting to be saved. When I turned around, there was Master sitting on a large shining Falun (Law wheel) above your son’s head. I immediately bowed to Master.” The practitioner added, “This was the first time I had such a great dream. It was also the first time I saw Master in my dreams.”

The next morning, we all kept in mind our mission to save people. We understood that no matter how the evil tries to interfere and persecute us, Master is in charge of us for everything. People from the police department and detention center didn’t allow us to see my son. So we had to stay there for a few days to clarify the truth to them and help many of them quit the CCP. After that, for our safety, we picked different times to travel home.

Many Falun Dafa practitioners were arrested in that city, and the evil was rampant. I decided to use my son’s case to hire a lawyer to talk to public security, the procuratorate, and judicial departments in that area, which would also help to deter the evil.

The lawyer and I stayed there for nearly a month, before suing the police department in that region. A female judge said, “You are suing the police department, which is the same as suing the CCP. How can we try this case?”

The lawyer responded, “Why are you arresting a child who is not even 20 years old and still in school? He did not commit any crime. How can you try him? Release him immediately!” The judge told the lawyer to wait for the notice, as the trial would be held within three months.

After my son returned home, he told me that during those three months, the director of the police department and the case officer also went to the detention center several times to try to get him to withdraw the complaint, but he refused. Finally, they joined forces through the Heilongjiang Provincial Police Department and arrested me, forcing me to not appear in court for the complaint. They forcibly took my son to a labor camp and detained him for a year.

Illegally Detained

In the spring of 2012, another practitioner and I went out of town to pick up some items. A female practitioner’s husband was driving us in his car. Unbeknownst to us, the police department in another province had tapped our phone and had been monitoring us. We arrived at the pickup location, loaded the car, and were soon intercepted by the police at the border of the two provinces. The three of us were held in the detention center. 

More than 20 inmates were in my cell, including thieves and murderers. I clarified the truth to them based on their own situations and helped them quit the CCP.

Because I chatted with the inmates every day, a deputy chief of the detention center came to talk to me. He said, “We are just a department that detains people. We hope you won’t cause trouble inside, and bring us trouble.”

I replied, “People who practice Falun Dafa hold themselves to Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance. I told the cellmates that they should change their ways and stop doing bad things. People should live up to the expectations of their parents, of heaven, and of their own conscience. Is it wrong to tell them this?” He agreed it wasn’t wrong, but pleaded that I mustn’t talk about quitting the CCP.

I continued, “Deputy chief, you probably had some contact with Dafa practitioners, and perhaps someone has talked to you about quitting the Party. Even though you didn’t quit, I’m sure you understand why they asked you to quit. Now, there is an upsurge in the tide of quitting the CCP. Who doesn’t know about the crimes the CCP has committed throughout history? Who is willing to take the blame for it? China has had different dynasties. No dynasty escaped the process of rise and fall. The CCP’s corruption dictates that it will be destroyed. Thus, to ensure one’s safety, one has to quit the Party...”

Right then, the deputy chief stopped me from talking. He nodded his head and said in a friendly tone, “You can go back to your cell.”

During those two weeks, more than two dozen cellmates quit the CCP and repeated the words “Falun Dafa is wonderful!” from deep down in their hearts.

On the 15th day of our detention, several officers from the police department came to the detention center very early that morning, picked us up, and took us directly to the labor camp. I later learned that during the two weeks of our detention, some practitioners went to that police department every day to demand our release. Practitioners also clarified the truth to the police officers and the families of those who handled our cases, which made the evil factors behind them unable to continue. Thus, they hastily sent us to a forced labor camp.

At the labor camp, the three of us were held in different teams. The rule at the labor camp was for guards to select two practitioners to “transform” every day. I managed to talk to the other practitioners in secret. Every day, whatever two practitioners were selected took the initiative to talk to the guards about quitting the Party, instead of the guards trying to “transform” them. There were quite some battles in the process, including some with the collaborators.

I sent forth righteous thoughts to dismantle the evil factors interfering with the sentient beings to be saved. I recited “On Dafa” a few dozen times every day.

A team leader and the chief of the labor camp talked to me. The chief said, “Your talking to the guards about quitting the Party has had quite an impact on us. Can you just do nothing and simply wait until your term is up and go home?”

I replied, “Chief, when every guard knows that persecuting Dafa is wrong, then I will stop talking to them about it.”

The chief immediately responded, “In all these years, we have dealt with so many of you [practitioners]. We know you are all great people. However, you shouldn’t confront the CCP head-to-head!”

I said to the chief, “It’s because the Party is bad. The CCP is at odds with Dafa, with its people, and traditional Chinese culture. I’m sure that in the future, none of the Party members’ children will be allowed to be officials, as they’ve all benefited from their parents’ corruption.”

The three of us were released as soon as our terms were up. The labor camp system was also dismantled. After we came home, we studied the Fa more intensively and quickly immersed ourselves into the Fa-rectification process.

Clarifying the Truth During the Pandemic

Fellow practitioners and I distributed truth-clarification brochures on how to escape the pandemic to every village during COVID-19 in 2020. We asked our relatives and friends to sincerely recite, “Falun Dafa is wonderful! Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance is wonderful!” which they did. I was very pleased to see people awakening. Thinking back on the process of assisting Master in Fa-rectification, I believe that our efforts were effective!

I remember having to take the nucleic acid test in the spring of 2021. After the test, a few people hung around and chatted. One of them said, “The people in our village are nice, so none of them tested positive!”

I leaned over and echoed what he said, “Yes, the people in our village are nice!”

One of them said something that I wasn’t expecting, “The people in our village were blessed by Falun Dafa.”

Another person said, “Falun Dafa is truly great! What’s mentioned in their materials is all true.”

Someone added, “Whenever I have time I recite, ‘Falun Dafa is wonderful!’” I truly felt people awakening.

In the village I lived in, no one passed away due to COVID-19. A few seniors and others who were ill got through the pandemic.

With the progress of Fa-rectification, Master published “How Humankind Came To Be.” I understood that this is the Fa that Master is teaching to sentient beings within the Three Realms. We should quickly have people read it, encouraging them to be aware of and feel grateful for Master’s immense compassion as soon as possible. Those who survived the three-year pandemic also made it through by their own choices between good and evil.

During this short period of Fa-rectification transitioning into the Fa rectifying the human world, people who have been saved, and I, once again feel grateful for Master’s compassionate salvation and his saving grace!