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The Extraordinary Impact of a Simple Elderly Woman

Sept. 23, 2024 |   By a Falun Dafa practitioner in Jiangxi Province, China

(Minghui.org) Aunt Ying (pseudonym) is an eighty-year-old woman who only went to school for a year and is illiterate. She was widowed in her thirties and raised three children alone. She suffered a lot and also fell very ill. When she was in her fifties, Aunt Ying had stomach cancer. Through practicing Falun Dafa (also known as Falun Gong), she not only underwent a dramatic transformation in her health, but has also become a truly noble and selfless person who always considers others. There have been many touching stories that have happened to Aunt Ying, which validate the greatness of Falun Dafa.

1. The Guard in Detention Center Blessed After Quitting the Chinese Communist Party

In 2019, Aunt Ying was arrested by the police for making Falun Dafa truth-clarification materials, and was illegally detained in a detention center. The guard who was in charge of the female cells was very fierce. The first time they met, Aunt Ying told the guard, “I never do the slightest bad thing. Dafa teaches us to be good people and consider others wherever we are.” The guard nodded, her face softened, and she said that the cell she manages often had incidents, and that the detainees gave her headaches. As a result, the guard was often criticized and had her pay and bonus reduced. That was why she was angry every day.

After Aunt Ying arrived, the situation in the cell gradually improved because she was so kind and selfless. She only thought about others and wished everyone well. The kindness of her heart brought her invisible strength. When she rented a house in the past, a neighbor she didn’t know downstairs once told her, “Since you moved upstairs, my pain has been reduced and I feel very comfortable.”

There were all kinds of people in the cell like former government officers and rural women both young and old. Aunt Ying got along with them very well, telling them the truth about Falun Gong. A former Chinese Communist Party (CCP) officer was very good with Aunt Ying and said regretfully, “If I had known you sooner, I wouldn’t have done bad things and wouldn’t have been locked up.” Under Aunt Ying’s influence, the detainees’ hearts changed, relatively speaking; the atmosphere of fighting against each other, and despair and dreariness lessened.

The guard took note and found that Aunt Ying was truly a person who thought about others. Aunt Ying also prevented an accident from happening one day: a person who was locked up in the detention center for the first time slammed herself into the cement wall as soon as she entered; she really wanted to die. Aunt Ying hugged her and advised her, “You should have hope, anything can happen. You have to remember that Falun Dafa is good, and that Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance is good.”

Once, around Chinese New Year, the guard listened to Aunt Ying and learned the truth of Falun Gong and the persecution, “We Dafa cultivators strive to be selfless, avoid wrongdoing, and always think of others. When the people in this cell were playing, I helped them do the laundry. I have been treating them well. Cell No. 1 was originally the most difficult cell to manage, but now it is so easy. If you remember that, ‘Falun Dafa is good, Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance is good,’ and as long as you recite these phrases in your heart, you will receive good fortune. Many people have been blessed because of this mantra. There is also a trend of quitting the CCP and its affiliated organizations. I can help you quit.” The guard agreed to quit.

This guard, who used to be tough with Dafa practitioners and rude to ordinary detainees, has changed. With a smile on her face, she has become kind to others. During Chinese New Year, she sent milk and a variety of snacks to Aunt Ying, who then gave all the food to the inmates in the cell.

The fate of the guard who understood the truth of Dafa also changed. Not only was she never scolded by her superiors again, she even got promoted. The fate of the people who understood the truth in the cell also changed one after another. There was a person named Xiaorong who was originally sentenced to 12 years in prison, but she sincerely recited, “Falun Dafa is good, Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance is good,” every day. Her sentence was unexpectedly reduced by five years. There were also those who had three and four years subtracted from their sentences. The guard told Aunt Ying, “There are a lot of sentence reductions this year. I have never seen so many.”

2. The Family Member of a Persecutor Came to Apologize in Person

One day, the guard brought in a person to meet Aunt Ying. Except for family members, detainees were generally not allowed to be seen by others. Aunt Ying didn’t know this person. It turned out that the visitor knew Aunt Ying’s former colleagues and was very impressed by her.

The woman came to the detention center just to tell Aunt Ying about how her family had suffered retribution because her husband participated in the persecution. Half a year after Aunt Ying was arrested, the woman’s son died; a year after Aunt Ying was arrested, her husband died. This woman was alone and wanted to move to her hometown. Before leaving, she wanted to see Aunt Ying and tell her what happened, saying that the death of her son and husband was the result of karmic retribution, and that she had to apologize to Aunt Ying.

The woman’s husband was the director of the police department, and he was in charge of Aunt Ying’s case. When she learned about it by chance, she hurriedly went to her husband and said, “I know this person, she has suffered a lot, and she is a very good person. Don’t arrest her. Do a good deed and let her go.”

Her husband was furious, “You really try to control everything. How dare you ask for such a thing! Do you think I will I listen to you? Get out!” He drove her out of the office.

Her husband didn’t listen to her. Sure enough, in less than half a year after the the police department sent Aunt Ying to the detention center, her only son suddenly died of illness. More than half a year later, her husband also died. She felt like the sky was falling, and she knew that she had suffered retribution. She complained that her husband did not listen to her advice and persecuted good people, which would not be tolerated by the heavens!

So before she left town, she felt that she had to come to see Aunt Ying and apologize to her. The guard was listening the whole time and was also very moved. After that encounter, she treated Aunt Ying better.

Because of the COVID pandemic, Aunt Ying was illegally detained in the detention center for nearly two years. During this time, Aunt Ying clarified the truth and persuaded more than 60 people to quit the CCP and its affiliated organizations.

3. “I’ve Come Here to Save People”

Aunt Ying was illegally sentenced to three years in prison by the CCP. The guard was very reluctant to send Aunt Ying away, but she was forced to send her to a women’s prison because of the regulations. She told her four colleagues who took Aunt Ying away to take good care of her.

Aunt Ying thought to herself, “I’ve come here to save people.” In prison, Aunt Ying convinced the captain of her team, the political instructor, and some prison guards to quit the CCP. Aunt Ying tried to reach as many people as possible, clarify the truth to them, and convince them to quit the CCP. More than thirty people quit.

During her one-year in prison, Aunt Ying did not write a guarantee statement to renounce her belief or sign anything. She debunked the lies slandering Falun Gong on TV. Aunt Ying cannot read or write, but her faith in Master and her firmness in Falun Dafa have made everyone respect her.