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Additional Persecution News from China – September 16, 2024 (7 Reports)

Sept. 23, 2024

(Minghui.org) Today’s news from China includes incidents of persecution that took place in 6 cities or counties in 3 provinces, where at least 11 practitioners were recently persecuted for their belief.

1. [Liaocheng City, Shandong Province] Three Practitioners Tried
2. [Jinan City, Shandong Province] Ms. Song Zonglan and Ms. Zhang Yuexiang Face Prosecution
3. [Suining City, Sichuan Province] Ms. Deng Xiugui and Ms. Du Yingfen Admitted to Prison
4. [Chongqing] Mr. Wang Hong Denied Family Visit in the Prison
5. [Changchun City, Jilin Province] Ms. Wang Zhen Harassed
6. [Changchun City, Jilin Province] Ms. Li Bing Detained for Four Months and Counting
7. [Xintai City, Shandong Province] Ms. Cheng Xinyun Detained for 15 Days

1. [Liaocheng City, Shandong Province] Three Practitioners Tried

Three practitioners, Mr. Guo Shuqun, Ms. Chai Meigai, and Ms. Li Guifen, were tried by the Guan County Court on September 11, 2024. The judge didn’t announce the verdicts at the end of the hearing.

2. [Jinan City, Shandong Province] Ms. Song Zonglan and Ms. Zhang Yuexiang Face Prosecution

Ms. Song Zonglan and Ms. Zhang Yuexiang were harassed at home by officers from the Qixian Police Station on March 7, 2023. The police ransacked the two practitioners’ homes. They confiscated Falun Gong books and informational materials from Ms. Song’s home, and Falun Gong books and paper bills printed with information about Falun Gong from Ms. Zhang’s home. The two practitioners were released on bail for one year.

Staff members from the Changqing Court went to both practitioners’ homes on September 14, 2024 and said they would face trial soon. Living under tremendous mental pressure, both practitioners developed dangerously high blood pressure, with Ms. Song’s reading being 250/130 mmHg and Ms. Zhang’s of 260/170 mmHg.

3. [Suining City, Sichuan Province] Ms. Deng Xiugui and Ms. Du Yingfen Admitted to Prison

Ms. Deng Xiugui, around 70, and Ms. Du Yingfen, were admitted to the Sichuan Province Women’s Prison on August 21, 2024, to serve 14 months and 20 months, respectively. Ms. Deng, who is held in the fifth division, quickly developed a condition in her lower back, likely due to the torture to force her to renounce Falun Gong.

4. [Chongqing] Mr. Wang Hong Denied Family Visit in the Prison

Mr. Wang Hong, 49, from Tongnan District, was sentenced to nine years by the Jiangbei District Court on August 18, 2023. After the Chongqing First Intermediate Court rejected his appeal, the authorities took him to the Yongchuan Prison without notifying his family. He is now held in the tenth division and denied family visit.

5. [Changchun City, Jilin Province] Ms. Wang Zhen Harassed

Ms. Wang Zhen was harassed at home by two officers from the Nanhu Police Station at 9 p.m. on September 14, 2024. The police took some photos of her and then left.

6. [Changchun City, Jilin Province] Ms. Li Bing Detained for Four Months and Counting

Ms. Li Bing was arrested at home by officers from the Nanling Police Station in Nanguan District on May 15, 2024. Her home was ransacked. She was initially given 15 days in the Weizigou Lockup in Erdao District. As she refused to provide information about other practitioners, the police took her to the Weizigou Detention Center and held her there since.

7. [Xintai City, Shandong Province] Ms. Cheng Xinyun Detained for 15 Days

Ms. Cheng Xinyun from Xinwen Sub-district was arrested by officers from the Yuejiazhuang Township Police Station, when talking to people about Falun Gong in Laowa Village, Yuejiazhuang Township on the afternoon of August 14, 2024. Her home was ransacked. The police confiscated several Falun Gong books and a media player. She was released on August 29, 2024 after 15 days of detention.