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Two Falun Gong Practitioners Tortured in Zhejiang Province Fourth Prison

Sept. 23, 2024 |   By a Minghui correspondent in Zhejiang Province, China

(Minghui.org) Mr. Hong Chang and Mr. Zhu Zuoxin, both serving time at the Zhejiang Province Fourth Prison for practicing Falun Gong, have been subjected to intensive torture.

Mr. Hong was monitored by two inmates around the clock. He was forced to stand or sit on a small stool for long hours without moving every day. The guards also deprived him of sleep and barred him from meeting with or calling his family. Guard Mo Zuxing and another one surnamed Lyu are in charge of him.

Mr. Zhu was beaten by the inmates for doing Falun Gong exercises. He was deprived of sleep and force-fed. The guards also tortured him in the strict management team.

Both men now weigh about 40 kg (88 lbs).

Mr. Hong, 56, a native of Hangzhou City, Zhejiang Province, took up Falun Gong in April 1998. Since the onset of the persecution in 1999, he served a one-year labor camp term between 2000 and 2001, a four-year prison term between 2001 and 2005, and a three-year prison term between 2009 and 2012. He was arrested again on April 23, 2021 for telling his students about Falun Gong and sentenced to five years with a 50,000-yuan fine in late December 2021.

Mr. Zhu, 57, a native of Jinhua City, Zhejiang Province, served three labor camp terms and three prison terms, totaling 14 years. When he wasn’t incarcerated, he faced close surveillance and frequent harassment by the authorities. His neighbors despised him due to the demonizing propaganda against Falun Gong put out by the communist regime. He was also fired from his workplace. As the police refused to issue him an ID, it was very difficult for him to find a full-time job.

Mr. Zhu’s latest arrest was on February 15, 2022, the Lantern Festival. Thirteen officers from the Jindong District Police Department, Domestic Security Division and 610 Office broke into his home, handcuffed him to the bed and raided his place. His Falun Gong books were confiscated. He was held at the Jinhua City Detention Center and later sentenced to five years.

See the reports below for details of both men’s past persecution.

Reports of Mr. Hong Chang’s Past Persecution:

Court Dismisses Zhejiang Man’s Appeal of Five-year Sentence for Practicing Falun Gong

Zhejiang Man Sentenced for Telling His Go Game Students About Falun Gong

Once Incarcerated for Eight Years, Zhejiang Man Faces Trial Again

Mr. Hong Chang Repeatedly Tortured in Zhejiang Province No. 4 Prison

Reports of Mr. Zhu Zuoxin’s Past Persecution:

Incarcerated for 14 Years and Nearly Losing His Life to Torture, Man Imprisoned Again for His Faith

Zhejiang Man’s Appeal Rejected, Imprisoned for His Faith

Zhejiang Man Tried for Talking to Students About His Faith

Mr. Zhu Zuoxin Hospitalized in Zhejiang No. 4 Prison

Mr. Zhu Zuoxin and Mr. Cao Baoxian Imprisoned and Deprived of Visitation Rights

Persecution of Mr. Zhu Zuoxin from Zhejiang Province

Abuse of Falun Gong Practitioners Detained in Shiliping Forced Labor Camp in Zhejiang Province - Compilation of Information Dating Back to 1999