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Human Notions Can Block Us from Accessing Minghui.org

Sept. 23, 2024 |   By a Falun Dafa practitioner in China

(Minghui.org) I was told that many practitioners in our area have had trouble accessing Minghui.org lately. Some have not been able to visit the website for as long as two weeks, and they feel rather distressed. The following are some of my personal experiences that I wrote about in my diary and hope will help others. 

July 16

Yesterday, my husband said that he would like us to go away for a few days. I thought it would be a good opportunity to clarify the truth to some friends, so that evening, I finished what I needed to do online, read articles on Minghui.org, and packed up my computer. 

This morning, I ran into a practitioner who gave me a list of names of people who want to quit the CCP [Chinese Communist Party] organizations. When I got home, I booted up my computer, thinking that I would upload the names online if I could. However, after I typed out the names, I tried several times but could not access the website to upload the names. I felt a bit discouraged and thought I might add the names after my husband and I returned from our trip. 

Just as I was about to switch off my computer, I thought: No, that thought was wrong. If I think I will send the names only when I can access the website, wouldn’t I give the old forces an excuse to prevent me from doing so? They would block me from accessing the website. I rejected the wrong thought, and said to myself, “I will get onto the website! No one should interfere with me when I am doing something important, and Dafa disciples have the final say.” With this thought, I went online again, opened Freegate [a software program that circumvents the CCP’s firewall], and got onto the website straightway. I quickly opened the page for quitting the CCP organizations and uploaded the names. I also checked the posts I had made in the last few days and found that they were processed and published. Thank you, Master.

July 27

It’s Saturday today, the day of our Fa study group’s regular fortnightly sharing. A practitioner at our truth-clarification materials production site hasn’t been able to access the Minghui website for quite some time to download Minghui Weekly and other truth-clarification booklets. Others have to download the materials for him. A practitioner suggested that we talk about practitioners being unable to access Minghui.org. He also reminded us that Master said, “They have never been able to block the Minghui website!” (Teachings Given on Lantern Festival Day, 2003)

I have seen practitioners quote Master’s words before, but I couldn’t remember which Fa teaching they came from. So, when I read Master’s clear statement today, I was shocked. Master told us this as early as 2003, and yet, I barely remembered it all these years. When I had trouble accessing the Minghui website a few years ago, I did not think of Master’s teaching. How could I forget what Master said? Wouldn’t it mean that I don’t have faith in Master and the Fa? I was really shocked at this realization. I have always said: “Firmly believe in Master! Firmly believe in the Fa!” But I failed to have 100 percent faith in Master and the Fa. 

When I got back home, I thought, “Master said they’ve never been able to block the Minghui website, so I will certainly be able to access the website.” Sure enough, I got through with no trouble. 

July 28

From my own experiences, I understand that we must use our divine powers when necessary and cultivate our hearts to always consider others. 

When I was ready to access the Minghui website in the evening, my first thought was that I was certain I would get through. Accordingly, I must eliminate the evil elements that prevent all practitioners from accessing Minghui.org. After that, I opened the web browser straightaway, and I had strong signals. The power of considering the needs of others can split a mountain.

July 29

Initially, I had trouble accessing Minghui.org, so I held a thought: “Eliminate all the evil elements that block Dafa disciples from accessing Minghui.org.” However, I didn’t keep sending righteous thoughts, as I was doing a few other things on the computer while waiting to get through. I tried a few more times, using different ways, but still failed. Then I thought: Master said, “They’ve never been able to block the Minghui website!” With this thought in mind, almost instantly, I got through. It was truly amazing. I knew that it was because I sent a strong thought: Whatever Master says will definitely work!

I was going to submit the above sharing a few days ago, but I had trouble accessing the Minghui website at that time. Earlier, a practitioner asked me if I could help her post a solemn declaration. “Sure, I access the Minghui website almost every day,” I said to her, with an air of showing off. As a result, I was unable to access Minghui.org for a few days. 

When I realized I had a show-off mentality and let go of it, I could access the website again. 

A few days later, however, I faced the problem again. I knew that there must be something wrong with my xinxing, so I quickly looked within and found that I had developed an attachment to comfort. For the past few days, practitioners sent righteous thoughts to help rescue unlawfully detained practitioners. Yesterday, we heard that there would be a trial, so I sent out a notice to call local practitioners to send righteous thoughts. Later, I was told that the trial was suspended. Not wanting to go through all that extra effort, I didn’t bother to notify the practitioners involved.

I realized that a Dafa cultivator should do well in group activities and should not fear fatigue or being tired. When it concerns the whole group, I must do my best. Furthermore, if practitioners do not need to send righteous thoughts, they can talk with people about Falun Dafa or do other Dafa-related activities as usual. So, early the next day, I went to notify the practitioners who were sending righteous thoughts about the change. When I returned home, I had no trouble accessing the Minghui website. 

Cultivation is truly amazing. When my xinxing improves, things also run smoothly.

I want to remind those practitioners who still have trouble accessing the Minghui website that nothing is accidental. We must completely negate all the old forces’ arrangements, send righteous thoughts more often, look inward in cultivation, keep improving our xinxing, and change our human notions. Breaking through the internet blockade is a part of eliminating interference from the old forces. 

I hope that practitioners who still cannot access the Minghui website look within for attachments, cultivate their xinxing, and improve quickly. Only by letting go of our human notions can we break through the interference from the old forces that block our access to the Minghui website. 

Sometimes, I can access Freegate but not the Minghui website. I go to mhradio.org, and under “Other languages,” I choose “Traditional Chinese” (Zheng Ti), which takes me to the Minghui website. I then read the articles published that day.