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Do Not Believe Those Who Spread Lies to Disrupt the Fa

Sept. 26, 2024 |   By a Falun Dafa practitioner in China

(Minghui.org) In our area, disruptions are usually caused by those who have enlightened along an evil path, to lead Falun Dafa practitioners who have slacked off in their cultivation astray and prevent them from improving. This is a very serious disruption of the Fa. We recently ran into a practitioner near Harbin City, Heilongjiang Province, who had stopped doing the three things that Master requires of all genuine Dafa cultivators, because she believed some rumors and lies spread by someone who had gone to the dark side. Many practitioners in her area were fooled by those lies. I hope my article will help fellow practitioners to be vigilant, study the Fa, and cultivate more diligently.

A few days ago, another practitioner and I were out talking to people about Falun Dafa and the persecution when we met a woman in her seventies who was running to catch a bus that didn’t wait for her and drove off. She was out of breath, so we invited her to sit on a bench and started to clarify the truth to her.

As soon as we mentioned Falun Dafa, she said that she, too, was a practitioner. We were delighted to meet a fellow practitioner, but when she could hardly catch her breath after running such a short distance, we were concerned for her. We asked how much she read the Dafa teachings and if she did the exercises every day. She replied that she did not read the Dafa books as much as she used to, because someone in her area told her that Master had said in his new lectures that there was no longer any need to study Zhuan Falun. She also said that she’d also heard that practitioners no longer needed to clarify the truth or encourage people to withdraw from the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) and its affiliated organizations.

Realizing that she had been deceived and fallen for those malicious lies, we told her that what that person said was all untrue, and urged her to stop believing those fake lectures and the rumors about Dafa. We reminded her that Master has told us to refer to the Minghui website for genuine information about Falun Dafa and Master’s new lectures, but she replied, “That person also told me that Minghui no longer follows Master's teachings, and that the materials on Minghui, including Master’s lectures, are no longer reliable. Even Master’s disciples close to him are saying the same thing.” She then added that about half of the practitioners she knew believed what that person said because she had once been persecuted by the CCP for practicing Dafa.

Master told us:

“Fa-rectification is already drawing to a close. The old forces want to eliminate a batch of those who haven’t been able to genuinely cultivate or who have been in long-term breach of their contracts and aren’t able to fulfill their historic missions.” (“Cultivation in Dafa Is Serious”)

“On the surface, it looks like the purpose is to disrupt Dafa disciples’ environment, but in reality, the old forces are using them to clean out a group of Dafa disciples, exposing those among disciples who are just mucking around, who in their cultivation cannot pull themselves out of their attachments, who have strayed from the Fa for a long time, and who have become unable to practice cultivation. At this critical juncture, those who follow along are precisely the ones who will be picked out, and the purpose is to eliminate them. This is the real reason behind the old forces using the people who are currently causing trouble.” (“Cultivation in Dafa Is Serious”)

Fa-rectification is in its last phase, and people who don’t understand the truth about Dafa are at risk of being eliminated. Dafa disciples also face the danger of failing in their cultivation or falling down and being eliminated. The person who spread those rumors among practitioners has not only gone to the dark side but is also intentionally interfering with practitioners’ cultivation to destroy them. She is being used by the CCP and the old forces to damage Dafa. Practitioners in the Harbin area must be on their guard and not allow this person to spread such rumors and deceive more people. Those who have already been fooled must quickly distance themselves, see that this person is on a nefarious mission, and become clearheaded.

We must firmly believe in Master and the Fa, and walk on the righteous path that Master has arranged for us. Time is running out! Practitioners who have been misled must wake up quickly. If not, it will be too late!