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Master Has Protected Me Throughout the Years

Sept. 8, 2024 |   By a Falun Dafa practitioner in China

(Minghui.org) I have been practicing Falun Dafa since March 1996. My celestial eye has not been open, and I don’t know how much or how bad the karma is that I created throughout my past lives, but my experience makes me feel that I had a lot. Without Master’s care over these years, I would not have been able to make it to where I am today. Without Master’s protection, I’m sure I would have died more than once.

I would like to share a few examples of Master’s care.

I had many health problems before I began to practice Falun Dafa and often took sick leave at work. I contracted tuberculosis and hepatitis B at the same time. The treatment for these two diseases are counteractive, so treating the tuberculosis would make the hepatitis B worse, and vise versa. I went to major hospitals for help, but the doctors told me there was nothing they could really do for me, and I should not waste my money. They were obviously suggesting that I should just wait to die, but I was only 38 years old.

When I was unable to find a door to heaven nor a crack to hell, I found Dafa.

A month after I started practicing Falun Dafa, all my ailments were gone, and my whole body felt comfortable. This surprised me greatly. I thanked Master for giving me a second life. I cannot describe my gratitude to Master. I can only say from the bottom of my heart that I will follow Master and cultivate all the way to the end.

Obtaining the Fa Was Difficult

I practiced Falun Dafa diligently after my illnesses were gone. However, my ex-husband tried hard to prevent me from practicing. He was a policeman and an out-and-out atheist. I patiently explained to him, “All my illnesses, especially those deemed terminal, were cured without spending a penny. Isn’t that amazing? Dafa is an extraordinary science.” However, he just wouldn’t listen and often punched and kicked me. He smashed Master’s picture, stepped on it, and burned it. He tore up 17 pages of Zhuan Falun. To prevent him from creating more karma for himself, I studied the Fa and did the exercises in secret. He had another woman on the side and only came home every couple of weeks. He claimed he was away on business.

On June 9, 1997, he had not been home for nine days. He came back at 11 p.m. and saw that, in the whole village, only our house had the lights on. He concluded that I was studying the Fa. He said, “It’s late—why aren’t you asleep? What are you doing?” I calmed down and told myself that, from now on, I would stop learning Dafa secretly and face him openly. So I stopped hiding and told him the truth. He became angry, like a mad man. He jumped up and said, “Tell me that you won’t study or practice [Dafa] from now on. If you don’t, I will cut off your arm, and then we’ll see if you can practice.” With that, he went to get a knife.

Master put the Fa into my mind: “With Master and the Way by my side, what is there to fear?” (“Lecture Given at the Conference in Sydney”) I suddenly felt doubly confident. Master was right next to me. I really had nothing to fear.

I threw my left arm out, turned my head, and said, “Go ahead, chop it off!” He really slashed hard with the vegetable knife. The first two cuts were side by side on my left upper arm. I didn’t feel the sharpness of the blade. It was a dull blow, like by a fist. There was no pain. I thought, “Oh, this is not a cut, but a slap with a knife, just to scare me.”

When I turned my head to look, he was slashing down the third time. I gasped, but Master immediately corrected my fear, and I thought, “If you chop it off, it means I have paid off what I owed you!” The third and fourth cuts landed next to the first two.

After that, he was out of breath. He threw the knife on the counter and pinched where he had cut me. There was no blood, and the skin was not even broken. He was very angry and cursed: “Is this something evil? I don’t believe it. I didn’t bring my gun home today. We should see if a bullet can go through you!” He went to another room to sleep as he cursed.

I looked at my arm and saw that it was intact. Tears ran down my face until dawn. Master had endured all this for me. I knelt down and was infinitely grateful. I kept saying, “Master, thank you.”

Master Protected Me in Three Car Accidents

The first accident was just after I learned Falun Dafa. I was getting ready to cross the street on my bicycle. I looked both ways and did not see any traffic, but as I reached the middle of the road, a large truck came out of nowhere and crushed my front wheel. The driver must have just noticed me and slammed on his brakes. I just stood there and saw the front end of his truck lift up.

I was shocked. The driver was also frightened. He got out and wanted to hit me. I kept apologizing for causing trouble and told him I was really sorry. Fortunately, we were both fine. I knew in my heart that Master had helped me repay a life-threatening debt this way.

The second accident occurred when I was out clarifying the truth with Minghui calendars on an electric bike. When I reached a fork in the road, a big car came straight at me and knocked me down. The bike ended up several meters away. My head hurt, and I was nauseous and felt like I was going to faint. But I had no fear. I knew that Master was by my side.

The driver was frightened and asked if I was okay. He tried to insist that I go to the hospital, but I told him I was fine, that there was no need to worry since I practiced Falun Dafa. He helped me sit on the curb. I told him about Dafa and suggested he recite, “Falun Dafa is good, Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance is good” to avoid disaster and stay safe. He even quit the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) and its youth organizations.

More and more people started to gather around. Some were indignant, and one said, “See how you knocked this old lady down. You need to do something to show your appreciation to her for not causing you trouble or making you take her to the hospital.” He took out a stack of 100-yuan notes and gave it to me. I thanked him but would not take it no matter what.

I knew it was the other person’s fault, but the deeper problem lay with me. I had settled a karmic debt I owed. I felt sorry for him from the bottom of my heart for making him so frightened.

I asked Master to help me so I could continue to do what I did every day and tell more people about Dafa. Master fulfilled my wish. Two hours later, I was able to ride my bicycle again. Those present were stunned.

The third accident occurred around 10 p.m. on an autumn night in 2023. I was returning home from the Fa study group. The road was empty with not a single person in sight when a car suddenly sped by from my right. Then it turned around after about 40 meters and drove toward me. It knocked me down.

Three young people got out of the car. The driver was very worried. While I was still laying on the ground enduring the pain, I said to them “You don’t have to worry. I am a Falun Dafa practitioner. I don’t need to go to the hospital, and I won’t ask you for a penny. Falun Dafa requires practitioners to be good and behave in accordance with Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance. Remember, Falun Dafa is a righteous Fa.” The three young people repeated, “Falun Dafa is good, Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance is good.” They also quit the Party.

I realized that even though these were accidents, if I handled them righteously, not only could I let people see Dafa in a positive light, but also pay off my karmic debts as well.

I Overcame a Loss of Consciousness Four Times with Master’s Protection

In late 2014, I was doing the first position of the second exercise “Holding the wheel in front of the head” with other practitioners, when I suddenly lost consciousness and fell down. I heard a practitioner shout, “Help, Master! Save your disciple!” I woke up and had absolutely no strength. I couldn’t even sit up. But I had confidence that Master would take care of me and I would get better!

I thought: “If Master has arranged this for me to eliminate karma, I will accept it. If it is the old forces taking advantage of the loopholes in my cultivation, I will never accept it.” So I sent forth powerful righteous thoughts for more than two hours each time. With Master’s strengthening, I was almost back to normal in a day and was able to go out and clarify the truth.

It happened again three times at home and outside. I fell forward each time, unable to move. I looked inward to see what my attachments were. My body is here to clarify the truth and help Master save people. I thought, “If there are loopholes and attachments in my cultivation, I will correct myself in Dafa. Master does not recognize the arrangements of the old forces, nor do I recognize their persecution.” With Master’s help, I returned to normal within two to three days each time.

Master Creates an Illusion and Protects Me

I was arrested and taken to the provincial capital prison. It was really a hellish place. I was monitored by two inmates who’d been convicted of murder. They were next to me 24 hours a day. I was not allowed to eat, sleep, go to the toilet, or wash normally. I was forced to squat all day long and was beaten at every turn. I had weighed over 140 pounds at home and was down to just over 100 pounds after less than two months inside. I swayed when I walked.

One night Master gave me a hint that this persecution was about to end. When I left to do the labor work the next day, the guard who tortured me took me to a small room and tried to force me to renounce my belief in Dafa. I was beaten and knocked to the ground when I refused.

The guard held an electric baton and asked me, “Do you know what this is?” I ignored her. She shocked me on my head, neck, and back. The pain was indescribable. Reciting the verses for sending righteous thoughts didn’t help, since my mind was not settled. I could only bear the pain second by second.

I knew in my heart that Master had endured much more for me. In comparison, the electric baton was nothing. I thought, “I leave everything up to Master” and a miracle occurred: My body involuntarily straightened up and I fell backward on the floor. Something seemed to be holding up my arms, and my hands were also raised. I was shaking and couldn’t see the shape of my hands. I only saw a milky white matter wrapped around my hands that moved rapidly. My legs kept beating up and down like drums. I felt at ease in my heart, knowing that it was Master who created the illusion.

The guard was so frightened that she dropped the electric baton. She called my name and asked how I was. I thought she was so pitiful and wanted to tell her, “Don’t be afraid, I’m fine.” But I couldn’t speak. From then on, she never tortured me again, except for some punches and kicks.

After a month of this intense persecution, I developed a “dangerous heart disease,” and I lived in pain for the days and months I remained in the prison.

The Old Forces Didn’t Want to Let Me Go

I was arrested and taken to prison for a second time in April 2000. Although my living conditions were much better than the first time, the persecution remained the same.

When the guard asked me if I would renounce my belief, I didn’t answer. She was so angry that she punched me in the face and knocked me down. She then kicked me and screamed, “I just want you to fail completely.”

I was stunned: How could anyone say such a thing? She must have been controlled by evil spirits and become hysterical. If she continued to beat Dafa practitioners like this, what would happen to her in the future? I told her compassionately, “You beat me, but I don’t hate you. What you are doing is not good for you. You must repent to the gods and Buddhas so they will forgive you.” Before I could finish, she hit me so hard I couldn’t move. They had to take me to the hospital for emergency care.

The director of the hospital examined me, said my limbs were cold, and issued a death notice, telling me that I would not respond to treatment. My blood pressure was extremely high, and my heart was so weak that it could not produce a reading on the electrocardiogram.

This didn’t worry me because I knew it was all an illusion. I had Master to help me, and I would not die. I kept asking Master to save me. I could move after half a day and could use the bathroom on my own in a few more hours. I stayed in the hospital overnight. The doctor checked me again and found that my blood pressure and heartbeat were almost normal. The doctor was shocked.

I was alive and well again, and the old forces had failed.

Looking back on my 28 years of cultivation, every event was full of Master’s compassion and protection. I let Master worry so much about me. I can’t express my gratitude enough. I can only work harder and do well the three things that Master wants us to do.