(Minghui.org) Editor’s note: This is part of a series of death cases newly translated by the English site of Minghui.org. These cases have long been published on the Chinese site of Minghui.org but have not been translated until now.
Name: Wang Xiaohui Chinese Name: 王晓慧Gender: Female Age: 47City: YinchuanProvince: NingxiaOccupation:Date of Death: 06/06/20Date of Most Recent Arrest: 4/21/2018Most Recent Place of Detention: Ningxia Women’s Forced Labor Camp
For upholding her faith in Falun Gong, Ms. Wang Xiaohui, of Yinchuan City, Ningxia Hui Autonomous Region, was repeatedly targeted by the authorities since the onset of the persecution in 1999.
Ms. Wang was arrested in late 2000 and held at the Yinchuan City Detention Center. She was forced to work without pay. For helping an inmate who was handcuffed, Ms. Wang was handcuffed behind her back for over 40 minutes. She was later given three years at the Ningxia Women’s Forced Labor Camp and subjected to brutal torture there.
While passing the train station security for a trip to her hometown on April 21, 2018, Ms. Wang was arrested when the officials found Zhuan Falun in her purse. The police raided her home that night and released her when they didn’t find any other Falun Gong-related materials.
The police harassed Ms. Wang again in February 2019. Succumbing to the mental pressure from the persecution, she began to suffer severe bloating and lost her appetite in October 2019. She died on June 6, 2020. She was only 47.
https://www.minghui.org/mh/articles/2021/2/9/ 2020年宁夏法轮功学员遭迫害案例概述-420092.html