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Kindness Brings Blessings but Bad Deeds Lead to Disaster

March 10, 2025 |   By a Minghui correspondent in China

(Minghui.org) There is an old Chinese saying, “Good is rewarded with good, and evil meets evil.” There are countless examples of this, from history books, to literature, to events in modern society.

My friend, a Falun Dafa practitioner, once met a woman who was in her 90s. Despite her age, the woman had a clear mind, lustrous black hair, and walked with agility. The woman said she was blessed with good health because of her good deeds. As an Ob/Gyn doctor, she saved about 1,000 babies that would have been aborted due to the Chinese Communist Party’s (CCP) forced abortion policy (also known as the One-child policy).

Another neighbor’s story was quite different. She also worked as an Ob/Gyn, but she closely followed the CCP’s policy and forced many women to have abortions. Because of her work, many infants died before they were born. Although she did not know the exact number, the cause-effect relationship is real. Currently in her 70s, this woman is bedridden, blind, and unable to take care of herself. Her life is miserable.

Some may say this woman was just doing her job, but many infants lost their lives because of it. The CCP does not bear the consequences, and now this woman is paying the karmic debt for what she did.

My friends and I witnessed the miraculous benefits of Falun Dafa on mind and body. After the CCP began to suppress the practice in 1999, the regime made up countless lies to defame Falun Dafa. One example is the staged Self-Immolation incident at Tiananmen Square, which was shown to be a hoax. Despite these adversities, Falun Dafa practitioners persist in their faith and tirelessly tell people the facts of Dafa as well as debunk the slander from the CCP. It is not uncommon for people who know the truth about Falun Dafa and protect Dafa practitioners to experience blessings. Below are several such stories.

Shu’s Story

Shu’s son’s grades were average when he attended high school. After earning an associate degree in the 1980s, he worked for a bank and later became a branch director. Because he wasn’t willing to step aside and give his position to the mayor’s son-in-law, he was accused of gambling and was fired. He became depressed and did not leave his home a month. He did not change his clothes or shave; although he was only 30 he looked like an old man. He later entered the construction business to make a living, but it was difficult for him.

Falun Dafa was introduced to the public in 1992, and Shu began practicing in 1997. The illnesses that bothered her for decades were gone and she became very healthy. Seeing her positive changes, her children encouraged her to continue practicing Dafa.

When the CCP began persecuting Falun Dafa in 1999, Shu joined other practitioners to tell people what Falun Dafa really is. After she was detained by the authorities, her son went to the Domestic Security Division and the police to seek her release. The son gave Shu’s husband a car, so he could take her wherever she needed to go to tell people about Dafa and the persecution. He also treated other practitioners well.

His good deeds were rewarded—his construction company flourished and is now worth about 100 million yuan. Shu’s other children are also successful and wealthy.

Zhou’s Story

Zhou’s son and daughter-in-law own an electronics store and their business is doing very well. Her daughter owns three high-end clothing stores and Zhou’s granddaughters have decent jobs.

But things were not always smooth. Because she practiced Falun Dafa, Zhou was sentenced to five years in prison. Despite the pressure, her children supported her. Her older granddaughter attended a medical university while the younger one went to college.

Many young people have difficulty finding jobs. A stranger told Zhou’s older granddaughter that the pediatric department of a hospital was short of staff. When she was hired, the neighbors had difficulty believing she landed a job in the renowned hospital without bribery.

When the younger granddaughter graduated, she was hired as a high school teacher. The education department requires a letter from the local police station for a new hires, which the police refused to write because Zhou practices Falun Dafa. The young woman told the principal, “My grandmother’s health is good because she practices Falun Dafa. I cannot force her to stop practicing because I want a job. If you insist on this letter, I will have to give up this job.”

The principal said there was no need to worry and the school would take care of it. Zhou’s granddaughter got the job and everything went well.

Xu’s Story

Xu had many illnesses before she began practicing Falun Dafa in 1998. She was allergic to almost every food except rice and salt. Her husband was very controlling. Xu grew vegetables and peanuts and sold them, but had to give her husband all the money. He even weighed the grapes before she sold them to make sure she didn’t keep any money.

In fact, her family’s financial situation was good. Her husband owned a bristle factory and Xu cooked for the workers—but her husband claimed she did not work and refused to pay her. Her husband built a luxury house and drank and gambled every day. He refused to give Xu money and often beat her. He wasted all the money on drinking, gambling and women. After he spent all his money he was forced to sell the house.

After Xu began practicing Falun Dafa, she followed the principles of Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance. She treated her husband very well. Her health improved, her illnesses were gone and she was able to eat anything. Seeing her positive changes, her husband supports her practice and gradually abandoned his bad behavior.

Xu tells people about Falun Dafa and explains why the CCP slanders Dafa. When she sometimes comes home late, her husband just cooks himself some noodles. He’s also begun doing household chores and grows vegetables. Whenever anyone visits them, he tell them how great Falun Dafa is. He’s now healthy. His high blood pressure improved, his high blood sugar dropped and he no longer needs to take medicine.

Zhen’s Story

After the CCP began to suppress Falun Dafa in 1999, Zhen was detained several times and was imprisoned twice. She was often harassed by the authorities. She worked as a teacher and her school fired her. Because he was afraid he’d be persecuted also, Zhen’s husband stopped practicing Falun Dafa after 1999 and lost millions of yuan in gambling. As a result, she could not help her children pay for school or help out financially when they married.

Despite these difficulties, both of Zhen’s daughters understood what Falun Dafa is and supported her. After graduating from college, her older daughter became a government officer. Her younger daughter was admitted to a renowned university, obtained a Master’s degree and found a decent job. Both daughters and their husbands are good people, and they are well paid. Nowadays, many young couples need their parents’ help to buy an apartment or a car. But Zhen’s daughters and their husbands did not ask her for help. They also gave Zhen and her husband financial assistance so the couple could move to a bigger apartment.

The Consequences of Persecuting Practitioners

Falun Dafa is an upright practice and it has brought practitioners and their supporters countless blessings. I’ve also heard how officials who mistreated practitioners have faced consequences. One was Zhang Shuxiang, the former Security Office Manager at the Mianyang Car Direction Factory in Sichuan Province.

After the CCP began to suppress Falun Dafa in 1999, Zhang confiscated practitioners’ Falun Dafa books and forced them to write statements renouncing the practice. He helped the Domestic Security Division build a database of practitioners, which included their photos and fingerprints. He sent agents to follow practitioners, prohibiting them from leaving the factory’s residential area. Practitioners were harassed at home and their personal property was confiscated.

Zhang held brainwashing sessions during which Falun Dafa and Master Li, the founder of the practice, were slandered. When he traveled to Beijing to arrest practitioners who went there to appeal for Dafa, Zhang made them pay for all his expenses. Many practitioners’ pensions were garnished and he also refused to process their household registrations or issue them ID cards, making daily life very difficult for them.

Although the practitioners who worked in the factory repeatedly told Zhang about the goodness of Dafa, he refused to listen and continued mistreating practitioners. After the state-owned enterprise was turned to a private enterprise in 2005, Zhang became a security officer in the Puming North Road Community, where he continued persecuting practitioners. For example, he told the community gatekeepers to monitor and follow practitioners, and record when they left and re-entered the area.

Zhang was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer in 2010. Practitioners continued explaining to him what Dafa is and asked him to stop taking part in the persecution. He refused to listen, saying he would not because that was his job. After he had an operation, Zhang continued persecuting practitioners. The cancer kept recurring—he was only 52 years old when he died in January 2012.

If the CCP hadn’t initiated the persecution, many people, including Zhang, could have benefited from practicing Falun Dafa. We hope people pay attention, and listen to their conscience instead of following the CCP and persecuting innocent practitioners.