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Believing We Have Enough Power to Rectify the Human Realm

March 12, 2025 |   By a Falun Dafa practitioner in China

(Minghui.org) When discussing the issue of sending forth righteous thoughts with some practitioners, I asked them if they had ever regarded themselves as an incomparably noble divine being with enough power and mighty virtue to eliminate evil on a large scale.

Many practitioners said they did know that the Minghui Editorial clearly tells us, “And as you send out the righteous thoughts, imagine that you are like a god as tall as heaven and incomparably noble, with an enormous body.” (“Sending Forth Righteous Thoughts”)

Master taught us the Fa on sending forth righteous thoughts. As Falun Dafa practitioners, we must do it. However, some practitioners think that we are just cultivators in the human world and don’t possess such great abilities.

Master taught us,

“Some students’ xinxing and level of realm have improved slowly; they remain at the perceptual stage in their understanding of me and Dafa, always being grateful towards me for the changes in their bodies and for the manifestation of supernormal abilities—that is an ordinary human mindset. If you do not want to change your human state and rationally rise to a true understanding of Dafa, you will miss the opportunity. If you do not change the human logic that you, as an ordinary human, have formed deep in your bones over thousands of years, you will be unable to break away from this superficial human shell and reach Consummation.” (“Cautionary Advice,” Essentials For Further Advancement)

“What’s important for cultivators is righteous thoughts. When you have strong righteous thoughts, you are able to withstand anything and do anything. That’s because you are a cultivator: someone who is on a divine path and who is not controlled by the factors of ordinary people or low-level principles.” (Teachings at the Conference in Los Angeles)

To send forth righteous thoughts well, we must put ourselves in a proper relationship with Dafa and sentient beings.

When Master said that Dafa disciples are assisting him in Fa-rectification, he was in fact encouraging disciples to make diligent progress. It is not us assisting Master, but Master helping us rectify the great firmament. It is the process of Dafa disciples awakening and establishing their mighty virtue. When we hold righteous thoughts instead of human thoughts and concepts, the Fa will take effect.

So what sentient beings are we trying to save? We need to save not only the lives in this world but also the lives in even higher dimensions. In an article published on Minghui.org on January 21, 2024, titled “No Mistakes” - What a UK Practitioner Saw During a Shen Yun Performance (Part 2), it was mentioned that “During the last song, out of the bodies of the audience came great kings and queens of old, with crowns and great robes, sitting on their thrones with golden halos over their heads.”

If we can properly balance the relationships between Dafa, other Dafa disciples, and sentient beings, we can understand the essence of things and know the purpose of our coming to the world. That is, we should not be disturbed by the chaos of this world, nor be confused by the lives existing in other dimensions. We should also not recognize any arrangements of the old forces but follow the path arranged by Master.

Genuine practitioners all know that we are here to assimilate to Dafa, and we are beings of very high levels who have come to this world to obtain the Fa. As long as we put ourselves in the right position, we will be extremely powerful in clearing out evil beings. In other words, as long as we assimilate to the Fa, we’ll be able to use the Fa-rectification formula when we sent righteous thoughts to resolve problems, not only for beings in other dimensions, but also for beings in this world. This is compassion for all beings. On the contrary, if we carry human attachments and degenerate thoughts, we’ll be unable to eliminate the evil.

As Dafa disciples in the Fa-rectification period, we cannot be swayed by the situation in the human world, nor can we rely on any person, country or group to help us. When we do well, the situation in the world will change for the better. When we receive help from influential individuals or any country or organization, they are, in fact, positioning themselves in Fa-rectification and choosing their future. Nonetheless, their righteous choice is a result of Dafa disciples having eliminated the evil in other dimensions and affecting positive changes in our environment.