(Minghui.org) I vividly remember the joy I felt when I began practicing Falun Dafa in 1999—I knew I found a priceless treasure.
I was deeply moved when I read Master’s lecture, “Some Thoughts of Mine,” published on June 2, 1999. I thought, how could we allow such a great Fa and such a compassionate Master to be slandered and persecuted like this? Mankind should respect and thank Master and Falun Dafa.
One month later using the full apparatus of the state, the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) launched the brutal persecution of Falun Dafa.
I wrote a letter to the local government, and clarified the truth about Falun Dafa and the persecution. I was illegally detained. After I was released, I continued to write and send letters to prominent officials.
When I was just about to insert a letter into a mailbox, I thought: “I’ll be persecuted if I mail this letter.” I didn’t realize I should negate the old forces’ persecution. I just wanted to get justice for Dafa and felt I should send the letter. Perhaps because I didn’t deny my first thought that I would be persecuted, the evil found me. When a car full of police came and wanted to take me with them, my human thoughts took the lead. I felt I had no choice but to obey them. I thought: “I’ll be released in four or five days.” I didn’t realize I acknowledged the old force’s arrangement. Step by step, I went along with the persecution and walked into the detention center.
I later understood that as a practitioner, I should let go of my human attachments.
When a policeman began talking about my child who just learned to walk, and my mother who was old and frail, I knew his purpose. I wasn’t moved.
When he mentioned my husband, I thought, If my husband chooses to leave me because I practice Falun Dafa, it might make his life easier.
The fifth day I was detained a policeman took me to a car, and said, “We’ll drive you home.” The night before I dreamed that a gate opened, and a voice said, “Keep going, don’t look back.”
I knew Master protected me.
If a practitioner’s thoughts aren’t aligned with the Fa, they may invite tribulations. My husband drove his motorcycle. I rode on the back and my mobile phone was in my hand. I looked at it and thought, “If I lose my phone, I’ll call 110.”
Before too long my phone was gone. This time I thought of Dafa. Master said,
“If something is yours, you will not lose it.” (Lecture Seven, Zhuan Falun)
I wasn’t upset and knew I’d find my phone—I wondered how it would return. I looked for it whenever I walked around outside, but I soon stopped thinking about it.
One day my relative got a phone call and was told to pick up a lost phone. She was worried and thought someone wanted to extort money from us. When I arrived at the location, a gentleman handed me my phone and walked away. I didn’t even have a chance to say thank you! I knew I should thank Master.
As Falun Dafa practitioners, every person we meet, everything we encounter, and every of our thoughts, should follow what’s needed during Fa rectification.
When practitioners began suing Jiang Zemin, the former CCP leader who started the persecution of Falun Dafa, I filed a lawsuit against him. The police soon harassed me.
“Come with us to the police station,” they demanded.
“No, I won’t,” I replied calmly and firmly.
Although the policemen looked fierce, I wasn’t frightened. My thought of not obeying them was righteous, so they did not force me to go with them. But they took my Zhuan Falun and the MP3 player I used to play the exercise music, along with some other items.
“You can’t take my personal belongings!” I said as I tried to stop them.
“We won’t damage your things,” a policeman said. “You can come to the police station to get them back tomorrow.”
I knew my thought of not allowing them to take my book and MP3 player was righteous, but I wasn’t sure if I could make them to put down the book and the player. I thought I could get them back the next day, and I could use the opportunity to clarify the truth to police.
But I read Zhuan Falun every day and I needed my MP3 player to do the exercises. The following day, I asked another practitioner to send righteous thoughts for me, and I went to the police station. I talked to the director, told him some of my personal experiences after I began practicing and clarified the truth about the persecution.
He said, “Even if Falun Dafa is as good as you say it is, you should stop when the government bans it.”
“If no one tells the truth, then people won’t know what is true,” I replied.
“Then just do the exercises at home. Don’t talk about it,” he said.
“I would disappoint Master, and disappoint myself.”
The director told me that if I wrote a statement that I denounced Dafa I could go home.
“I won’t write it,” I said firmly. “If I did, it would harm you, and me.”
He threatened me and said I’d be detained if I refused.
“What you say doesn’t count,” I said.
“Whose words count if mine don’t? ” he asked.
I didn’t answer him, but thought: “Only what Master says counts!”
A moment later, the director asked why I was still there. I said I wanted my belongings. He called a policeman and told him to give me back my things. They returned my Dafa book and MP3 player.
When I later thought about what happened, I realized if my righteous thoughts were strong at that moment, all my items should have been returned. I initially didn’t have sufficient righteous thoughts. When my thoughts were on the Fa, Master helped me and my Dafa book and MP3 player were returned. When I said I planned to go to the police station to ask for my things, my family members said angrily, “Do you really have to go there and get yourself into trouble?!” They thought if I went to the station the police would arrest me. With Master’s protection, I returned safely and I was able to get my Dafa book.
Master said,
“Dafa practitioners need to always act with integrity, or there will be problems.” (“The Ordeals Our Spiritual Discipline Faces”)
We need to put down self, let go of everything, and do whatever Fa Rectification needs us to do. We should not retreat in the face of evil.
I remembered once when I was returning home after clarifying the truth to people, I heard a voice, “You come with us (to the police station).” My main consciousness was firm and clear: “No, I’m not going with you.”
I realized the police may be nearby. Sure enough, I noticed a police car coming towards me. I ignored it and kept walking.
Master said:
“The Fa-rectification will definitely succeed,” (“Teaching the Fa at the 2004 Western U.S. Fa Conference”)
My personal understanding is that these words tell us how vast, and great Falun Dafa is—complete and perfect.
Our thoughts must be aligned with the Fa—we should follow the righteous path arranged by Master, and negate the old forces’ persecution. Everything around us should follow what Master said: “The Fa-rectification will definitely succeed.”
We should assimilate to the Fa, and strive to break free from our human attachments. We should use righteous thoughts to guide our actions. We should examine every thought and see whether it acknowledges the old forces and their persecution; if yes, we must eliminate the old forces and correct our thoughts—sometimes a single thought impacts lives.
I hope every practitioner will use the compassion we cultivated by practicing Falun Dafa to save more sentient beings, and together we head to a bright future under Master’s blessing.