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My Understanding After Talking to People About Falun Dafa

March 15, 2025 |   By Qingxin, a Falun Dafa practitioner in Beijing, China

(Minghui.org) When I rode the bus one evening, an elderly woman carrying a backpack and two bags boarded it. I was sitting on a two-person seat, and the passenger across from me was also sitting on a two-person seat. When the woman looked at the empty seats next to us, I moved to the seat closer to the window so she could sit next to me.

When she realized I was getting off the bus before her, she offered to switch seats with me. I asked her why she was carrying so many things, and she said she had left the bags on the platform when she picked up her grandson from school and had had to return to pick them up.

I was about to get off the bus and wondered if I should clarify the truth to her. Perhaps we had a predestined connection since she chose to sit next to me and we had a casual chat. Since we were surrounded by several passengers I moved closer and said, “There are so many natural and man-made disasters now because people committed many bad deeds. Please remember ‘Falun Dafa is good. Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance is good.’” She nodded in agreement.

It didn’t look like she'd had much education, but I asked if she'd ever joined the Young Pioneers, and she said she had. I then asked her if she'd joined the Youth League, and she said yes. I hesitated briefly and asked if she'd joined the Chinese Communist Party (CCP). To my surprise, she said yes.

I said because the CCP committed countless crimes against humanity, Heaven would eliminate it. I suggested she quit the CCP and its affiliates, and she agreed.

I asked for her last name and told her, “I’ll help you renounce the CCP using the alias Luo Hongfu, and you’ll be blessed.” She agreed with a big smile.

When I got up to get off the bus, she told me, “Thank you! You are a good person, and I wish you peace and health.”

After I got off the bus, I had to transfer to another bus line which was usually crowded. An empty bus came by, but if I took this bus, I would have to get off after one stop and wait for the bus that I was supposed to take.

I got on the bus anyway, and an elderly woman asked the driver to stop the bus so she could get off since it was closer to her final destination. The driver didn’t stop because it wasn’t a scheduled stop.

When the bus stopped at a red light, she wanted to get off and explained it was closer to her grandson’s school.

The driver ignored her. I told her, “The bus can’t make unscheduled stops. The next stop is coming up after we get past this intersection.” I moved closer to the door and she wanted to get off the bus with me. I thought perhaps we had a predestined connection.

She seemed confused after we got off the bus, so I walked with her and told her to wait for the green light to cross the street. I said, “There are so many natural and man-made disasters now because people’s moral values are in decline. Please remember ‘Falun Dafa is good, Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance is good.’” She agreed.

When she told me she'd joined the Young Pioneer, the Youth League, and the CCP, I urged her to withdraw from these organizations. She agreed and used her real name to renounce them.

The two women went through some troubles to learn about Falun Dafa and quit the CCP. The first woman had left her grandson's bags and had had to go back to get them. I was surprised that the second woman, who lived in a big city, didn’t know the bus wouldn’t make unscheduled stops. If she hadn’t made the request, I would have missed the chance to talk to her.

I missed many opportunities to clarify the truth to people because of my worries, fears, and attachments. I tend use my human notions to screen people and choose those who seemed easy to talk to, and I skipped the ones that seemed difficult. I still need to eliminate many attachments. I should take cultivation seriously to keep up with the pace of Fa-rectification.