(Minghui.org) There are five practitioners in my family. As we try to fulfill our vows and participate in various Dafa projects, we tell our friends and acquaintances, as well as everyone we meet along the way, about our practice and persecution. Often ordinary people take the truth to heart immediately, and sometimes I see tears in their eyes.
This has not been the case with my relatives. Three of our family members who practiced Falun Dafa passed away, and this impacted our relatives’ positive attitudes toward Dafa. We tried to explain that Falun Dafa is a divine path, and the requirements for practitioners are very high. We explained that one of our deceased relatives came to Dafa to get rid of an incurable disease but could not let go of her fear, or stop thinking about her illness. Two others practiced to be close to their wives who practiced, but passed away like ordinary people, etc. But they didn’t listen to us.
We sent articles to the relatives about the existence of the divine and other realms, since many of them don’t believe in the Creator, but it was to no avail. We then decided to use a magic tool - sending forth righteous thoughts. We sent righteous thoughts to help one person, or for a certain small family of relatives, to eliminate the negative factors that causes them to think badly of Falun Dafa.
I woke up a few nights ago, and could not sleep. When this happens, I start reading the book Zhuan Falun. While reading, strong thoughts appeared, as if someone was urging me to seriously consider whether we are sending righteous thoughts for our relatives in the right way, wanting to help only certain relatives.
In the morning I heard that Master had published a new article, “Critical Times Reveal One’s Spiritual State.” Upon reading it, I immediately found the lines written as if they were for me! It was so wonderful.
“You are in effect doing the evil’s bidding when you allow any selfish motives or thoughts to seep into your mind while doing things at critical times.” (“Critical Times Reveal One’s Spiritual State”)
It became clear that even in such holy work our selfishness and kindred feelings were manifested. For example, some of us sent righteous thoughts to help our sister, others for the family of a favorite niece, etc. We were clearing their spaces of the negative substances that were blocking them from believing in Falun Dafa. We were not acting like true practitioners, we were only destroying the evil, negative influences that prevented them from believing in Dafa in the spaces of the relatives we loved more. Could this help them or save them?
Master taught us:
“The beings that have come to this world, [including those that] couldn’t become human beings and became animals or plants—all of them are waiting for Dafa disciples to save them. If you don’t do well, it’s not just a matter of you yourselves not doing well—the beings that you have vowed to save will lose their chance. Your responsibility is great. The future is waiting for you, and numerous beings in the cosmos are waiting for you.” (“Fa Teaching Given at the 2014 San Francisco Fa Conference,” in Collected Fa Teachings, Vol. XIII)
Having realized everything from the point of view of the Fa, we understood that we cannot forget about the living beings for whom we are responsible. This group, of course, includes all our relatives and friends.
We decided to send righteous thoughts, as before at certain times, separately from the main four global times. No doubt this is only a small part of what I was able to realize from Master’s new article. But once again I clearly realized how important it was to measure everything we do with the Fa, including what we think about and how we send righteous thoughts.
Master, thank you for constantly caring for us, and for showing great mercy to all living beings!
This is my understanding at my current level.