Master Li's Recent Articles
Feb. 3, 2025Critical Times Reveal One’s Spiritual State
Dec. 2, 2024Our Practice and the Term “Religion”
Oct. 1, 2024Why This World Is a Realm of Unknowing
June 7, 2024A Wake-Up Call
June 5, 2024The Ordeals Our Spiritual Discipline Faces
Dec. 10, 2023To the Dafa Disciples Attending the Fa Conference in Taiwan
Sept. 16, 2023Treat Master’s Family Members Properly
Sept. 2, 2023Cultivation in Dafa Is Serious
Sept. 1, 2023Stay Far Away From Peril
Aug. 27, 2023European Fa Conference
July 24, 2023To the Italy Fa Conference
May 13, 2023To the India Fa Conference
April 18, 2023Why Save Sentient Beings
April 5, 2023Hong Yin VI
April 5, 2023Hong Yin (VI)
Jan. 21, 2023How Humankind Came To Be
Sept. 12, 2022Greetings to the European Fa Conference
March 6, 2022To the Czecho-Slovak Fa Conference
Dec. 19, 2021To the 2021 Dafa Conference in Taiwan
Nov. 20, 2021Wake Up
Sept. 1, 2021A Strong and Urgent Warning
July 19, 2021To the Fa Conference in Germany
Dec. 5, 2020Greetings to the Taiwan Fa Conference
Nov. 9, 2020On the General Election
July 8, 2020Another Stern Warning
May 30, 2020Hong Yin (V)
March 20, 2020Stay Rational
Nov. 25, 2019Congratulatory Letter
Oct. 14, 2019Dafa Disciples Are Fulfilling Their Missions
Sept. 16, 2019Greetings to the South America Fa Conference
Sept. 2, 2019Greetings to the Dafa Disciples Attending the Fa Conference of Europe
Aug. 26, 2019Fei Tian College Lecture on Classical Chinese Dance
Aug. 6, 2019To the Fa Conference in France
July 22, 2019To the Canada Fa Conference
June 2, 2019Fa Teaching at the 2019 New York Fa Conference
Nov. 30, 2018To the Practitioners of Vietnam
Nov. 26, 2018To the Experience-Sharing Conference in Taiwan
Nov. 1, 20182018 NTD and Epoch Times Fa Conference
Oct. 15, 2018To the 2018 Asia Fa Conference
Sept. 30, 2018To the Fa Conference of Europe
July 3, 2018Teaching the Fa in Washington D.C. in 2018
April 24, 2018On Falun Dafa’s Classification in the Ordinary World
Oct. 1, 2017A Congratulatory Letter to the European Fa Conference in Paris
Sept. 3, 2017To the Fa Conference in Japan
Aug. 26, 2017To the Fa Conference in France
June 3, 2017Fa Teaching at the New York Fa Conference on the Twenty-Fifth Anniversary of Dafa’s Introduction to the Public
April 27, 2017Re-creation
Nov. 30, 2016A Congratulatory Letter to the Fa Conference of Argentina
Nov. 28, 2016A Congratulatory Letter to the Fa Conference of Taiwan
Nov. 6, 2016A Congratulatory Letter to the Fa Conference of Europe
Oct. 12, 2016A Greeting to the South America Fa Conference
Aug. 19, 2016On the Responses to the Piece About Assistant Souls*
July 31, 2016A Reminder
June 1, 2016Fa Teaching at the 2016 New York Fa Conference
Oct. 25, 2015Fa Teaching at the 2015 West Coast Fa Conference
Aug. 7, 2015Tian Guo Marching Band
May 31, 2015Fa Teaching Given at the 2015 New York Fa Conference
May 25, 2015On Dafa
Nov. 3, 2014Fa Teaching Given at the 2014 San Francisco Fa Conference
July 17, 2014Still So Arrogant and Reckless?
May 31, 2014Fa Teaching on World Falun Dafa Day
Feb. 16, 2014The Red Demon is Incinerated While Adamantine Ones are Tempered
Feb. 14, 2014Righteous Thoughts
Oct. 31, 2013Fa Teaching at the 2013 Western U.S. Fa Conference
June 9, 2013Fa Teaching at the 2013 Greater New York Fa Conference
Nov. 19, 2012Congratulations to the Taiwan Fa Conference
Nov. 10, 2012Stay Clearheaded
July 24, 20122012 International Fa Conference at the U.S. Capital
May 29, 201220th Anniversary Fa Teaching
May 5, 2012To Choose
Feb. 6, 2012The Ultimate Objective of Clarifying the Truth
Jan. 10, 2012On the Issue of Collecting Funds
Dec. 10, 2011Watch Out for Breeding Demons in One's Own Mind
Sept. 15, 2011What is a Dafa Disciple
July 30, 2011Dafa Disciples Must Study the Fa - Fa Teaching Given at the 2011 Washington DC Metro Area Fa Conference
June 11, 2011What Does it Mean to “Help Master Rectify the Fa”?
Sept. 21, 2010Fa Teaching Given at the 2010 New York Fa Conference
Aug. 1, 2010Be More Diligent
June 30, 2010Stirred by Reflection
Dec. 26, 2009To the First Fa Conference in India
Nov. 22, 2009To the European Fa Conference
Nov. 15, 2009Fa Teaching Given at the Epoch Times Meeting
Oct. 31, 2009To the Brazil Fa Conference
Sept. 28, 2009To the Midwestern US Fa Conference
Sept. 6, 2009Fa Teaching Given at the Fa Conference Marking the Tenth Anniversary of the Minghui Website’s Founding
Aug. 20, 2009Fa Teaching Given at the NTDTV Meeting
Aug. 5, 2009Be Vigilant
July 26, 2009Fa Teaching at the 2009 Washington DC International Fa Conference
July 7, 2009Fa Teaching at the 2009 Greater New York International Fa Conference
May 19, 2009Greetings
Nov. 26, 2008Again Wishing a Complete Success to the European Fa Conference
June 22, 2008Fa Teaching at the 2008 New York Conference
April 14, 2008Clarification
Feb. 26, 2008Sifting of the Sand
Feb. 7, 2008Greetings
Dec. 16, 2007Greetings
Nov. 25, 2007To the France Fa Conference
Sept. 24, 2007To the European Fa Conference
Sept. 23, 2007To the Midwest Fa Conference in Minnesota
July 31, 2007Fa Teaching at the U.S. Capital
May 20, 2007To the Canada Fa Conference
May 11, 2007On the Novel The Cosmos's Calamity
April 22, 2007Fa Teaching at the 2007 New York Fa Conference
March 1, 2007Disintegrate Completely All the Meddling Deities in the Three Realms that Have a Hand in Interfering with Fa-Rectification
Feb. 21, 2007Further Remarks on "Politics"
Jan. 1, 2007My Thanks to Sentient Beings Who Have Sent Greetings
Nov. 18, 2006To the Australia Fa Conference
Oct. 25, 2006Thoroughly Dissolve the Evil
Sept. 17, 2006
Aug. 2, 2006Teaching the Fa at the Fa Conference at the U.S. Capital
July 4, 2006Opening the Gate of the World
June 26, 2006To the Chicago Fa Conference
June 16, 2006For the Good of the World
June 10, 2006Teaching the Fa in Canada, 2006
May 28, 2006The Ukraine Fa Conference
May 11, 2006Pass the Deadly Test
April 1, 2006Teachings at the Conference in Los Angeles
March 26, 2006Fa Teaching Given in Manhattan
Feb. 9, 2006Eliminating the Evil
Jan. 1, 2006Congratulatory Message
Dec. 21, 2005Teaching the Fa at the Meeting on Writing Music
Dec. 17, 2005A Reply to the Dafa Disciples of Peru
Dec. 4, 2005Teachings at the 2005 Conference in San Francisco
Dec. 4, 2005To the Israel Fa Conference
Oct. 29, 2005Master's New Article: Mature
Oct. 19, 2005The Red Tide's Wane
Oct. 9, 2005The Closer to the End, the More Diligent You Should Be
Oct. 3, 2005To the Prague Fa Conference
Sept. 26, 2005Walk Straight Your Path
Sept. 18, 2005To all Dafa disciples around the world and in mainland China, a happy Mid-Autumn Festival!
Sept. 2, 2005Shed the Human Mindset
July 22, 2005Study the Fa Well, and Getting Rid of Attachments is Not Hard
July 16, 2005Teaching the Fa in the City of Chicago
June 12, 2005To the European Fa Conference in Stockholm
June 5, 2005Teaching the Fa at the 2005 Canada Fa Conference
May 14, 2005Teaching the Fa at the 2005 Manhattan International Fa Conference
Feb. 19, 2005Teaching the Fa at the Western U.S. International Fa Conference
Feb. 18, 2005Turning the Wheel Towards the Human World
Feb. 9, 2005New Year's Greetings
Jan. 28, 2005We Are Not "Getting Political"
Jan. 17, 2005To the 2005 European Experience Sharing Conference
Dec. 23, 2004Teachings at the 2004 International Conference in New York
Oct. 15, 2004My Version of a "Stick Wake-up"
Sept. 29, 2004Greetings
Sept. 28, 2004Master's Comment on a Student's Article
Sept. 20, 2004In Fa-Rectification Your Thoughts Have to be Righteous, Not Human
Sept. 1, 2004Let Go of Human Attachments and Save the World's People
Aug. 1, 2004Teaching the Fa at the 2004 Washington DC Fa Conference
July 19, 2004On Reading Weathering the Storm 1
June 21, 2004Master's Message to the European Fa Conference Held in Vienna
June 20, 2004To the Fa Conference in Montreal, Canada
June 10, 2004Teaching the Fa at the 2004 Chicago Conference
May 31, 2004Master's Comment on a Student's Article
May 28, 2004Teaching the Fa at the Meeting with Asia-Pacific Students
May 11, 2004Be Clearheaded
May 3, 2004Teaching the Fa on Easter, 2004, at the New York Fa Conference
March 28, 2004Teaching the Fa at the 2004 Western U.S. Fa Conference
March 17, 2004Eliminate the Dark Minions With Righteous Thoughts
Feb. 15, 2004Stop the Evil Acts with Righteous Thoughts
Jan. 26, 2004Teaching the Fa at the 2003 Atlanta Fa Conference
Jan. 25, 2004Master's Fa Taught in the International Teleconference
Dec. 31, 2003Master's New Year's Day 2004 Greeting to Dafa Disciples
Nov. 17, 2003Master's Comment on a Student's Article
Nov. 2, 2003Master's Comment on a Student's Article
Sept. 18, 2003Teaching the Fa at the Discussion on Creating Fine Art
Aug. 30, 2003Master's Comment on a Student's Article
July 30, 2003Teaching the Fa at the 2003 Washington DC Fa Conference
July 8, 2003Teaching the Fa at the 2003 Midwest-U.S. Fa Conference
June 24, 2003Teaching the Fa at the Conference in Vancouver, Canada, in 2003
May 6, 2003Teaching and Explaining the Fa at the Metropolitan New York Fa Conference
March 21, 2003Teachings Given on Lantern Festival Day, 2003
Feb. 17, 2003Master's Comment on a Student's Article
Jan. 31, 2003New Year's Greetings to Dafa Disciples in 2003
Jan. 1, 2003New Year's Greetings from Master
Dec. 8, 2002Teaching the Fa at the 2002 Fa Conference in Philadelphia, U.S.A.
Oct. 14, 2002Righteous Thoughts
Sept. 15, 2002The Net is Tightening
Sept. 14, 2002Be Clearheaded
Aug. 22, 2002Hurry Up And Tell Them
Aug. 7, 2002Teaching the Fa at the Washington, D.C. Fa Conference
July 1, 2002Tathagata
June 22, 2002Comments on the Article "Some Ideas From Discussions Among Students Who Have Participated in the Sit-In Appeals in Front of the Chinese Embassies and Consulates"
June 21, 2002A Righteous God
June 16, 2002The Heavens Become Clear Again
June 10, 2002Teaching the Fa at the 2002 Fa Conference in Boston
June 3, 2002The Difficult Path to Godhood
June 2, 2002Righteous Thoughts and Righteous Actions
June 1, 2002Entering the Gate of No-Life
May 20, 2002The Blessings From Dafa
April 28, 2002Dafa is Good
April 14, 2002Teachings From a Tour of North America
March 9, 2002Look at Things with Righteous Thoughts
Feb. 17, 2002Cleaning Out
Feb. 15, 2002The Foretelling
Feb. 14, 2002The Catastrophe
Feb. 14, 2002The Cleansing
Feb. 13, 2002Just a Play
Feb. 12, 2002The Big Stage
Feb. 11, 2002All Dafa disciples around the world, Happy New Year!
Feb. 2, 2002Congratulatory Statement to the New York Fa Conference
Jan. 7, 2002Fa-Lecture at the Conference in Florida, U.S.A.
Dec. 13, 2001Foretelling the Fa's Rectification of the Human World
Oct. 26, 2001The Chill of Autumn's Winds
Oct. 2, 2001To the Second Dafa Conference in Russia
Sept. 24, 2001Path
Sept. 9, 2001Also in a Few Words
Aug. 16, 2001Fa-Rectification Period Dafa Disciples
July 30, 2001Teaching the Fa at the Washington, D.C. International Fa Conference
July 25, 2001On "The Dignity of Dafa"
July 18, 2001The Effect of Righteous Thoughts
July 8, 2001Fa-Rectification and Cultivation
July 6, 2001Deciphering the Last Three Stanzas of the Plum Blossom Poem1
June 25, 2001Dafa is Indestructible
June 17, 2001To All Students at the Nordic Fa Conference
June 15, 2001What Are Supernormal Abilities
June 12, 2001The Two Hand Positions for Sending Forth Righteous Thoughts
June 7, 2001No Politics
June 6, 2001Comment Two
May 22, 2001Teaching the Fa at the 2001 Canada Fa Conference
May 20, 2001The Disciples' Magnificence
April 25, 2001Dafa Disciples' Righteous Thoughts are Powerful
April 10, 2001A Suggestion
March 20, 2001A Message
March 6, 2001Coercion Cannot Change People's Hearts
Feb. 13, 2001Rectifying the Colossal Firmament
Jan. 14, 2001A Congratulatory Message
Jan. 2, 2001Beyond the Limits of Forbearance
Dec. 23, 2000Teaching the Fa at the Great Lakes Fa Conference in North America
Nov. 5, 2000Teaching the Fa at the Western U.S. Fa Conference
Oct. 23, 2000Suffocate the Evil
Oct. 6, 2000Comment One
Aug. 14, 2000Eliminate Your Last Attachment(s)
Aug. 12, 2000Rationality
July 21, 2000An Announcement
July 7, 2000Drive Out Interference
July 5, 2000Using at Will
June 30, 2000In Reference to a Prophecy
June 17, 2000Towards Consummation
May 24, 2000The Knowing Heart
Jan. 19, 2000Master Li quietly watching the world from amidst the mountains after leaving New York following July 20th, 1999