We are Falun Dafa practitioners in Delaware, legal citizens of the U.S. When we read the Xinhua News Agency's story, "Harold Godwin, Mayor of Newark, Delaware canceled the Falun Dafa Day in Newark," which was published on Duowei Net on Sep. 29, we felt astonished and appalled. We contacted the Mayor's Office and they replied, "we know nothing about it." We will contact the Mayor himself and clarify the truth in person.
Falun Dafa is a legal cultivation organization registered by the U.S. Government. As American citizens, our freedom of cultivating Falun Dafa is protected by the U.S. Constitution. It is so pitiful that a tiny minority of people in the Chinese Government use their power to not only brutally persecute Falun Dafa practitioners in their own country, but also slander Falun Dafa practitioners in America. We are overwhelmed with indignation for their behaviors.
As American citizens in this country, we have experienced a great improvement in our body and mind since we fortunately practice Falun Dafa. We benefit greatly from practicing Falun Dafa; and we are very grateful to the founder of Falun Dafa, Mr. Li, Hongzhi. In order to help more American people benefit from Falun Dafa, practitioners in Newark held many free lectures and free teaching classes with the help of libraries, bookstores, and community centers in Newark. Currently, more and more Newark people are beginning to understand and practice Falun Dafa. In order to report the true experiences of Newark Falun Dafa practitioners to the Mayor, Falun Gong representatives visited the Mayor's Office, presented Falun Dafa books to the Mayor, and introduced our cultivation experiences. The Mayor gladly proclaimed Sep. 9, 2000 as "Falun Dafa Day in the City of Newark."
All of our Falun Dafa activities are open. We disapprove any inaccurate remarks from any country or government on our normal communications with the Mayor, whom we selected. We will make the truth public as soon as possible and report the entire incident to the President, the Senate, the Congress and the State Department of the United States, and pursue legal actions if necessary.
Falun Dafa Practitioners from Delaware.
October 5, 2000
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Category: Perspectives