31 May 2000
Dear (name withheld),
Thank you for your letter of 16 May enclosing one from Dr. (name withheld), Director of the Falun Gong (UK) Association, about the treatment of Falun Gong adherents in China.
We have deep concerns about the treatment of Falun Gong adherents by the Chinese authorities since July 1999, when the Group was banned. We raise these with the Chinese Government direct at every suitable opportunity, including during the dialogue process itself. During the most recent round of talks in Beijing on 16-18 February, we called on the Chinese authorities to respect the rights of all individuals, including Falun Gong adherents, in line with the international Covenant on Civil and Political Rights which China signed in October 1998, but has yet to ratify. Falun Gong was also discussed when I met Chinese Foreign Minister, Tang Jiaxuan, and when the Prime Minister met Chinese President Jiang Zemin, during the State Visit in October 1999.
In addition to the bilateral effort we have supported action in the EU to highlight our concern about the treatment of Falun Gong adherents. An EU Demarche was delivered in Beijing on 14 January, expressing concern at the harassment and excessive sentencing of Falun Gong adherents, democracy activists and religious practitioners in China during 1999. This was followed up during the most recent round of the EU/China human rights dialogue in Lisbon on 26 February.
The Chinese authorities can be in no doubt about our serious concerns on this issue or our determination to press for greater respect for the human rights of the individuals concerned.
Yours sincerely
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Category: Voices of Support Worldwide