[Clearwisdom] Fifty of us were taken to the Huairou Detention Center from the Tiananmen Police Substation because we all enlightened that we should not tell them our names and addresses. Therefore, we were called by serial numbers.
Inside the big cell, there was a big bare wooden platform to be used as a bed for everyone to share. There was not even one piece of fabric on it. Since we didn't have many clothes, we were shivering with cold. It was too cold for us to go to sleep. So we all started to practice (Falun Gong exercises). A few minutes later, the guards came in. One female guard called Tang Yuwen kicked us with her leather boots trying to break our double lotus sitting posture while shouting at us. Later in the evening, we started practicing again. Two male guards came in with an electric baton. They kicked us down and shocked us with the electric baton on our head and body. The baton made a sizzling sound. They kicked a 22-year-old practitioner down to the floor, stepped on her body, shocked her face with the electric baton, while shouting, "What do you want to do? I'll see what you are going to do! Who dares to practice again?" After having done this, they were still not satisfied. So they dragged her outside with bare feet. They forced her face down, feet together, arms twisted behind her back and handcuffed. Then they hung her up by the handcuffs. After 40 minutes, she was released back to the cell with deep marks from the handcuffs on her wrists. However, she behaved very well, and always maintained righteous thoughts, true to Dafa.
Because of the cold weather, we did the sitting meditation before dawn. Soon after we began the guards came in. They kicked everyone in the face. They dragged two practitioners into the restroom and beat them up severley. One practitioner's face was beaten and swollen. Her clothes were muddy all over with excrement and urine.
That night, there were practitioners in other cells doing the exercises. Therefore, they were beaten up and shocked with electric batons on the face. Shouting and moaning mixed together. The guards' leader was named after Fan Jie. When he was on duty, as soon as he found anybody practicing the exercises, he would get there right away and either curse at or beat up the practitioners.
The next day, we were interrogated. A practitioner who didn't tell her name was handcuffed. Her two arms were hung with a 40kg pillar for about 50 minutes. Then the pillar was forced in between her handcuffed arms. The practitioner didn't yield. So they stepped on the handcuff and kicked it up and down. The practitioner still didn't yield. Then they took out Master's picture (his eyes on the picture were burned with cigarettes), put it on the floor and asked her to step on the picture. She thought as this was Master's picture she would not obey their order. They kicked her. In the end, she kneeled down in front of the picture, and used two elbows to protect it. She received numerous punches and kicks for doing that. Later she thought, I'd rather die than yield, and I will protect the Fa with my life. She hit her head on the wall. After a while, she woke up and was taken back to the cell. The torture lasted over 5 hours.
One practitioner began her menstrual cycle and made a request to the female guards for some sanitary napkins. One guard (#095819) shouted, "You didn't tell us your name. Ask XXX (practitioner's name deleted) to take care of you! Help yourself!" Thus, the only thing we could do was tear pieces off our shirts and make use of them.
It's very cold in mid-December in Beijing. With no quilt, it is hard for us to sleep in the cell. All we could do was hold each other's legs and feet to warm each other up. In the frozen midnight, we were woken up by the cold and walked around to stay warm. There were foot-long icicles forming at the windows. We asked the guards for some quilts. They said that it was not their concern. Upon seeing that, even another inmate (who was arrested for other reasons) said to us with sympathy, "They are really heartless!" Day by day, we encouraged each other, endured the torture with joy, and upheld our belief.
In those few days, we were never able to wash our faces, brush our teeth and comb our hair. We didn't even have any toilet paper. In the cell, the local practitioners described the situation here to us: This is a very evil place. Before, when a practitioner was sent in, no matter whether it was summer or winter, he/she would be stripped and drenched with 50-150 basins of ice cold water every day. The guard would listen from outside and count. They normally asked other inmates to do it. Some inmates couldn't even stand watching this so they just poured the water to the wall. Every time the guards or other inmates beat up practitioners, it was bloody. Once, a practitioner who was over 60 years old had his arms injured and bleeding because of the beatings he received. They put the spices from instant noodles into his wounds and covered it with a quilt (Editors Note: the spices are irritating and contain msg a meat tenderizer. In addition the quilt provides heat which creates an environment to cause severe infection on purpose.) If he didn't obey their order, he would be forced to stand in the wind with only shorts on. They also forced fed practitioners and added hot pepper powder and laxatives into the food. So the practitioners had to keep going to the toilet. They tortured practitioners like that.
We had also seen some good policemen who positioned themselves correctly. One policeman respected the Master very much. When he talked, he always said, "what did your Master say" or "your Master didn't tell you to do such things", etc. His respect for Master was shown in his words. He never beat Dafa practitioners and never said bad words. We hope there would be more such policemen, who would seriously position themselves in the process of Fa-rectification and do no more bad things. The heavens' nets are mesh but they never let anything go. Kindness will be rewarded with kindness and evil will always be punished.
A Practitioner in Beijing
[Editor's note: This practitioner went to Tiananmen Square with her daughter on December 7, 2000. She went on hunger strike for 7 days and was released on December 14 because she didn't disclose her name.]
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